Map Resolution Glitch Fix
Versi: v1.0
Tipe: Patch
PengenalanSingkat aja, ini memperbaiki keanehan map yang menongolkan bagian atas mapnya dibawah mapnya kalo tinggi resolusi game janggal dari pembagian 32.
FiturPlug and play lah.
ScreenshotsSebelum di fix. Resolusi gamenya 640x360.
Maknyus, ini yang beres.
DemoGak perlu.
Scripts - Code:
# Map Scroll Glitch Fix v1.0 by wltr3565 (RMVX ACE only)
# In widescreen resolution (640x360) the bottom of the map shows up some upmost
# part of the map. This one fixes this.
# But it's only for 640x360 for now, so if there's need for fixing in many
# aspects, let me know. It's rare for an RM game to have a different resolution
# other from either 544x416 or 640x480.
# Just paste this above main, and as above as possible above other custom
# scripts.
class Game_Map
def scroll_down(distance)
if loop_vertical?
@display_y += distance
@display_y %= @map.height
@parallax_y += distance if @parallax_loop_y
last_y = @display_y
@display_y = [@display_y + distance, height - screen_tile_y, height - screen_tile_y - (Graphics.height % 32 * 1.0 / 32)].min
@parallax_y += @display_y - last_y
def set_display_pos(x, y)
x = [0, [x, width - screen_tile_x].min].max unless loop_horizontal?
y = [0, [y, height - screen_tile_y].min].max unless loop_vertical?
@display_x = (x + width) % width
@display_y = (y + height) % height
@display_y = (y + height) % height - (Graphics.height % 32 * 1.0 / 32) if @display_y >= @map.height - 12
@parallax_x = x
@parallax_y = y
Terms of UseCredit aku, wltr3565, atau kagak, terserah. Tapi kumohon gamenya jadi ya