Judul Game : ETERNAL GRACE Code Project : EG Hak Cipta : Jasson Prestiliano Genre Game : Action Role Playing Game Tools : RPG Maker XP v1.02a Ditulis oleh : jasprelao, Mei 2009 Tagline: Not those who could, but would... URL: http://www.eternal-grace.com/
This is my first RMXP project that I develop with my friends. I want to make it original, from the visual art, music and of course the story.
Enthrea, a suffering planet, disasters are continuing to occur because the pillars of the planet are already fragile.This fragility is caused by the greediness of its residents who are always exploiting the natural resources in Enthrea without doing any preservation.
The people who has been chosen to save the world by the elders of the planet has established a large organization called ZEFON (ZEbadian FOrtifier Nature). ZEFON has a noble purpose to provide energy to keep the planet's pillars from the destruction with an instrument called the ZEFON reactor. This reactor was being watched by several chosen people who called ZEFON ELITIA. They were located in every continent in Enthrea. But after several years of calm, these disasters begin to occur more frequently than before and the planet was become more vulnerable.
Millia, an agent of the organization named SOFRA (Soldiers Organization For Recovery Attemption) was given the task to gather the survivors to start REPRO (Recovery Project). Millia is always tries to find the potential people who want to follow the REPRO, unfortunately a lot of great people in Enthrea refused to follow her.
Finally, in her desperation, Millia was no longer looking for great people to follow the REPRO, she's just trying to find those who voluntarily want to follow it and find some people that want to do it although they have many weaknesses. These people have unique characteristics that made Millia trust them very much. But then they have absolutely no idea for what they should do except several instructions from the Great leader of SOFRA that Millia even hasn't known by herself. These instructions were always sent in weird manners.
Razh Avandrey:
Age: 20 Gender: Male Race: Human Origin: Unknown Field Skill: Slash (Cut Woods/Bush)
A mercenary who is always serious and always tries to finish his job without thinking about the risks. Many people want to hire him, and the others want to eliminate him. He has bad attitudes and has serious illness related to his memory. Razh met Millia when that girl needed some helps and then she invited Razh to join REPRO.
Razh is good at melee combat. He has powerful and fast combination attacks, however his weakness is lack of endurance.
Millia Melody:
Age: 17 Gender: Female Race: Human Origin: Dive Village Field Skill: Shoot (Shoot Remote Objects)
Millia is a special agent of SOFRA (Soldiers Organization ForRecovery Attemption) that has a duty to search and make potential people join REPRO (REcovery PROject). She is cheerful and sociable, optimistic and always tries to solve the problems well. She's willing to recover her beloved planet by inviting people to join REPRO, although she doesn't have any idea how REPRO works.
Millia's specialty is ranged combat but her ammunition is limited. She is also good at healing and recovery mights.
She is a kindhearted girl that always tries to help people from miseries and disasters that occur almost every time in Enthrea. But she also has a mysterious side that even her closest friends don't know. Her kindness often leads her into problems, however, she always considers every people as a kind and nice one. When Millia asked her to join REPRO, she confirmed it quickly, because she expected that she could help many more people.
Renavia is very good at elemental mights and area attacks. But her physical power and endurance are pretty weak.
Sieghart Theolius:
Age: 19 Gender: Male Race: Human Origin: Megiddo City Field Skill: ***** (Break Lock)
A mysterious sweet talker man that will do anything to get what he wants. He's good at seducing beautiful women. Sieghart has a special charisma to attract the attention of many people. When he was asked to join REPRO by Millia, without further question he followed her because he wanted to seduce Millia whom he considered as the cutest girl.
Sieghart always attacks with his twin blades with very fast movement and has several enhancement mights. However, his vitality is his weakness.
Age: 12 Gender: Male Race: Selza Origin: Selza Valley Field Skill: Surf (Pass Through Water)
A Selza tribesman that very timid and have no strong convictions. He always hides at the time of his tribe was attacked by their enemies. He likes water very much. Once, Philo made a fatal mistake in his tribe that caused the whole of tribe people were perished. And the only one that survived was him. When he met Millia, he was told that there was a female Selza still surviving. This made Philo's spirit rise again and he tried to fight fear and guilt to rebuild his tribe by joining REPRO.
Philo has a unique counter attack type of combat, he only could attack after he was attacked. He has great endurance but rather slow at movement.
Kara Devananda:
Age: unknown Gender: Female Race: Human Origin: Unknown Field Skill: Jump (Reach High Land)
A girl that is very good at martial arts and assassination but on the other side she could be very rigid and weak. She loves cute things and people. At the moment she met Millia, she felt something different about this girl and then she decided to protect Millia with all her soul and strength even though sometimes she doesn't want to admit it.
Kara is good at medium range combat and spreading type of attacks, but her attack power is quite weak.
Title Screen:
In Game Battle:
Eternal Grace Menu System:
In Game Dialogue:
Key Features
Key Features:
-XAS Battle System -On Field Switch Player -MOG script -Hexacard Mini Games -Simpathy System -Fancy CMS -Original Music, Sprites, CG Artworks
Update: Opening Scene dah jadi... Ini ada beberapa screenshot (masih bisa berubah seiring perkembangan):
@delphinus: Makasih cc delphinus... Ditunggu yach karya2nya...
@tammora: Tilesetnya sebenernya ga bener2 dari scratch mbuatnya, tapi dari beberapa tileset yang dah ada diedit2 dikit, maklum saya kurang ahli soal pixel art hehehe...
@agung n shikami: Makasih kk2, dukung kami yach...
Terakhir diubah oleh jasprelao tanggal 2009-10-13, 18:00, total 2 kali diubah
Posts : 166 Thanked : 0Engine : RMVX Skill : Intermediate Type : Artist
Oke deh om!! Untuk screen, kerenlah!! Tapi kalau namaku jadiin Sakhi Lingkan K. (soalnya males ngasih nama lengkap ke orang2, plus ejaan Sakhinya salah )
Posts : 166 Thanked : 0Engine : RMVX Skill : Intermediate Type : Artist
Yang kenal aku?!! O_O........ Siapa ya.......? Kalau facebook, nggak punya. Kalau forum lain, paling cuma kasih nama Lingkannya aja =.=' Wah, jangan2 bibiku nih... >_> (fb-nya ponlilichan kalo nggak salah)
hmm...proyek besar kak jas dkk nih...ak da baca sekilas si waktu itu storyline nya..sempet dijadiin bahan tugas jg lagi..^^ sekarang tgl tgu kehadirannya aja...SEMANGKA!!!! saya baru mau mulai belajar...bisa kah saya seperti anda nanti??^_~
Update screenshot untuk main menu dan change character menu (dah diimplementasi... RGSSnya gile bener, ngerjain bareng om wovie via ym, salut buat om wovie...)
Eternal Grace's Main Menu
Eternal Grace's Change Character
Update dari kk2 kru EG yang lain ditunggu yach... Mohon feedback dan komentarnya...
@Om Jas Masih inget khan saya sebagai apa di EG...( kalo lupa, saya ini jadi testernya ) Jadi gak sabar nih tangan mo maenin gamenya.... Semangat !!! Lebih cpat lebih baik....
berdasarkan hasil Rapat pada hari Rabu, 11 November 2009, pukul 18.30-19.30 didapatkan hasil sebagai berikut:
Perkenalan Anggota baru: Advisor: Lazcht Background n Enemy Designer: diki135 Sprite Artist: Flareia
1. Jasprelao : Main menu dan switch sudah diimplementasi dan berjalan dengan baik, sebentar lagi mau utak-atik event, menunggu sprite dari om craive dan cc Delphinus 2. Wovie : stamina system sudah 50% akan dilanjut sampai selesai 3. Craive : Slashing animation untuk sprite Razh jadi, beberapa sprite lain sedang dalam progress 4. Lazcht : Title screen terbaru sedang dalam progress, kemungkinan ada font yang diganti, om Laz siap membimbing diki135 dan Flareia 5. Clea : dalam 2 minggu akan ada lagu baru 6. Delphinus : sudah membuat outdoor map untuk Offelian, tingal diupload, masih melanjutkan map untuk Offelian 7. Flareia : sudah membuat model sprite untuk beberapa NPC penting, tapi belum bergerak, akan diusahakan beberapa karakter yang muncul pertama untuk bisa bergerak 8. DIki135: BG main menu, menu button, siluet untuk skill menu dah jadi, tinggal dipolish sesuai arahan dari om Laz 9. Cruxblack: Story yang sudah dipolish dah sampai Chapter 2 Scene 2, cari waktu untuk lanjut
Demikian progress report ini, semoga bisa dipergunakan sebagaimana mestinya, Salam, Kru Eternal Grace
Semangat semuanya, Keep up the awesome works... Thanks...
Belum ada demonya kk Rei, kami perkirakan awal tahun 2010 dah bisa ada demo (sekitar Februari/Maret gitu) soalnya semua sistem kalau bisa sudah bisa diimplementasikan (maklum koordinasi berbagai macam anggota dari berbagai macam kota tidaklah mudah hehehe, tapi saya salut sama semua kru yang mau berjuang bersama2 demi terwujudnya Eternal Grace )