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 [E:D! Chara Review] Nella Shadowind

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[E:D! Chara Review] Nella Shadowind Empty2014-02-13, 09:00
Post[E:D! Chara Review] Nella Shadowind
Salto Master
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[E:D! Chara Review] Nella Shadowind Vide
Sementara, ane bikin versi English dulu, soale ane abisin 2 jam nyambi kerjaan juga bikinnye :hammer:
masi draft btw, kalo mo revisi atawa apa monggo :>
dan tentu saja. this is open forum; u bisa ngasi opini sendiri via post reply :ngacay2:

well, ini review ane buat karakter support gila di E:D!, [E:D! Chara Review] Nella Shadowind 0JAPFSC:tf:

[E:D! Chara Review] Nella Shadowind 0JAPFSCNella Shadowind
Skynesian Mage
Girl with wings but can't fly for a long time. But she is one of the best healer outta there.


Harnessing restorative and alternation spells on her sheath, Nella initially takes the role as supportive Intelligence-type Companion. Fear no darkness as she brings the Light of Skynesia, she provides healing, booster and protection against magic. When the time goes wrong and the darkness become stronger, she could summon the barrage of Magic Missiles to cleanse the area. Her signature move, Flight, is a handy tool to keep her away from harms while doing her role in the party. Healing Light is two-in-one restoration and bad states remover, while Metabolic Boost bolster an ally's stats, making Nella suits the supportive role in combat. Her Radiant Revival could pick an ally up if her ally get knocked down in combat. Not to mention that she has a nuke spell--Magic Missile Rain, an expensive spell with worthy comebacks that comes in handy when the turn gets worse. Her ultimate spell, Almashield, is actually her primary support tool that provides attack nullifier, protecting whoever inside the shell of Alma. For the Skynesian that known for their arts of magic that involves Light as their source of power, Nella is a noteworthy girl to be added in party list.

Short Overview

Nella's speciality lies in her restorative spells, and intended to be supportive Companion. That's her speciality from Alumnea Trilogy story, compliments the rest of party who mostly play as offensive fighters. At first glance, her attack seems will deliver loads of damage but it isn't true; Nella lacks of attack damage even if her attack animation is somewhat astounding for most of players. In Epochs roster, Nella is one of the valuable Companion who is available in early stages for her abilities and potentials because there are no other supportive character as good as her. Her high INT stands for her spells that mostly eat lots of MP each cast.
For experienced players or those willing to pick a Companion who can heal allies, Nella proofs her prowess in her role well by providing instant heal and recovery, boosting buff, even reviving a downed ally in some cases. Also, Nella is known for her ability to make enemies' attack to be harmless literally by providing Almashield. Of course, it can be upgraded into more nasty form that makes enemies' effort even more meaningless.
There are only a few who can substitute Nella, such as [E:D! Chara Review] Nella Shadowind 8ToRZxO Ryuna and [E:D! Chara Review] Nella Shadowind ToJdstE Ashen. [E:D! Chara Review] Nella Shadowind QzElJ0E Thuriri also can substitute Nella by her Healing Wave and Pharmacology, but still all of the healers mentioned can't support allies as good as this girl with wings.
Lacks of endurance makes her one of the fragile Companions, but with correct guide and equipments, you'll find Nella as the table-turner of all dangers encountered in the Dungeon.

Pros and Cons

+ High starting INT points and INT growths. The highest available
+ Has decent AGI points and AGI growth
+ Has cheap, spammable healing spell and cheap debuff remover
+ Bundled with supportive spells and appreciated Clearmind Aura
+ Can revive downed ally
+ Can evade most of incoming attacks
+ Has the best ulti that can affect all allies

- Low base attack damage
- Zero armor rating in early levels
- No nuking ability
- Her Flight drains MP fast if she doesn't equipped well
- Low STR and STR gain
- Starting with 0 Resistance


The descendant of Almalakh--the Skynesian demigod who has awakened hundred years after the ascension of her homeland, Nella, is a pure-hearted maiden and does care about the rise of dark forces. As the bringer of Light as most of Skynesians, Nella wields a magic missile that never misses its target and harnesses Light spells, often seen to backup her allies with restorative and supportive spells. Nobody can reach her when flying, and when time is getting worse she can summon a barrage of magic missiles to the area, sweeps away the land along with her prey. Although she is not in her real homeland, she lends her power to aid those powerless against the dark forces.


Role: Supportive
Primary stat: Intelligence
Epoch description:
Nella Shadowind, descendant of the Almalakh, the bringer of Light. Has restorative and supportive spells on her sheath.
- Almaring (Ranged, Light)
- Almaring+ (Ranged, Light)
- Almalakh Ring (Ranged, Light)
HP: 38          
MP:  9
STR: 5 [+1.2]    
INT: 12 [+3.2] 
AGI: 8 [+1.8]
Damage: 11 - 13
Armor: 0,14
Resistance: 0


"Flies to avoid melee attacks, but still can be taken down by ranged attacks or spells. Drains mana every turn till Nella landed by herself, attacked or out of mana."
[Innate Skill]
Puts Nella into Flight state, making her able to dodge most of incoming attacks
>> Dodges all of incoming melee attacks
>> Drains 3 + 10% of her MAXMP per tick
>> Nella still can be attacked by ranged attacks and Spear Sketelons and spells
>> If Nella's being hit or her MP is below 5, Nella will land onto ground
>> Can be cancelled by Aldheimian Headband's Dispel

Her tool to play her supportive role better. Proofs its use in most of battles that makes Nella able to dodge harms easily, totally covers her lack of endurance. Nella still can be harmed by ranged attacks, Spear Sketelons and spells, so think back if you want to put her into the air for its MP drain effect is huge and she'll need as many MP as she can take to cast her spells.

Healing Light
"Casts a soothing light, healing an ally."
Cost: 4/6/8/10/12
Cooldown: 1
Heals 15/23/31/39/47 HP to an ally when casted
>> This skill is an Instant-Cast ability
>> Also eliminates bad states and certain buffs
>> Can be used outside battle to heal an ally for the same amount per level

Primary tool of support that Nella can offer. Heals an ally for slight amount in early levels, and perhaps its healing amount in higher level is inferior compared to Ashen's Meshub. Its side effect of removing bad states can be an alternative of Clover Potion No.9, but cheaper. Since Nella has excessive amount of MP, it's a good thing to max out this spell. Still, its high cost in higher level can be a nuisance for Nella without proper equipments...

Metabolic Boost
"Accelerates an ally's metabolism, boosting regeneration rate and power. Lasts 3 turns."
Cost: 12/11/10/9/8
Cooldown: 3
Empowers Nella or her ally, granting additional armor, damage and HP regen for 3 turns
>> Grants 6/12/18/24/30 damage bonus
>> Grants 5 armor bonus, 10 resistance bonus and 5 HP regen bonus in all levels
>> Can be cancelled by Aldheimian Headband's Dispel

Another of supportive spell on Nella's sheath. In first level, the damage bonus isn't significant and its manacost is four times of her Healing Light. If compared with Healing Light in level 1, it grants roughly the sama healing rate even more because the HP regen is calculated per tick. Armor and resistance bonus is good boost in early stage even till late stages for its usefulness and more in higher level

Magic Missile Rain
"Summons barrage of magic missiles to area, dealing huge damage to all enemies within."
Cost: 12
Cooldown: 6
Deals 20/40/60/80/100 damage to all enemies in area
>> Damage type is Magical, Ranged and Light

Her nuke spell and her only offensive spell available. Deals slight damage in early level and growing better as the spell level raises. Its cooldown is mediocre and has high cost for Area of Effect spell even in higher level, so it might be a good thing to not relying to this spell too often. Effective against Sketelons and Ghosts, of course.

Radiant Revival
"Nella invokes a brief light from the sky, brings back a downed ally and heals in moderate to high amount."
Cost: 8
Cooldown: 8/7/6/5/4
Revives downed ally and heals high amount of health simultaneously
>> Picks an ally up and heals 50%(100%) of target's HP
>> Only works to downed ally, and ineffective if there is no downed ally
>> Can't be used to heal standing ally

The only reviving spell available in the game. Has same effect as Tonic or more if timed well. Perhaps it's less useful in early levels because you will rely to Tonic or Mass Resurrection scrolls for picking allies up in battle. It's recommended to take this spell after maxing out other of her supportive spells and a level of Almashield. A level of this spell is more than enough since the spell will reduce its cooldown as the level raises

"Clearmind Aura: fortifies allies' magic resistance. Grants additional magic resistance to herself."
[Passive Skill]
Clearmind Aura: Grants 3%/6%/9%/12%/15% additional magic resistance to all party.
>> Effect is doubled to Nella herself

Passive supportive tool that grants additional resistance against magics for all allies. In early level its effect isn't significant for all allies and Nella herself, but in higher level its effect can be compared with Magic Muffler for all. Nella's resistance against magic comes from this ability, so it's a good thing to take this perk a level in early game for protection against Shamans or Ghosts

"Casts protective spell that nullifies attacks. Lasts 2 turns."
Cost: 20/17/14
Cooldown: 7
Invokes an Almashield onto an ally, protects ally from all incoming attacks for 2 turns
>> Nullifies all incoming damage, physically or magically. Lasts 2 turns
>> Can be cancelled by Aldheimian Headband's Dispel
--> Master Staff Upgrade: Invokes Almashield to all allies when casted

One of the best ulti available, for its effect is definitely will turn the tide of battle. The bubble will protect an ally from all incoming damages, thus preventing chance to be defeated in the slightest moment. Viewed from its manacost and cooldown, this spell isn't intended to be spammable spell, but it's worthy indeed.
With Master Staff, this spell shines more because with the same manacost Nella could cast Almashield to all allies and makes everyone invulnerable to damages. Useful in dangerous times like facing bosses or tough Minions.


  • Nella's major problem is her excessive use of mana.
    Try to give her regeneration equipments like Bolster then upgrade it into Spellguard. Its Spellshield effect makes Nella more resilient against magic attacks
    Kharas also a good pick and makes Nella's capability to cast spells better by reducing most of her spells's cooldown. Her spells besides of Healing Light have relatively long cooldown
    Special mention to Stone of Magic, it'll boost her HP and MP significantly, and makes Nella has one more supporting ability to heal her allies... when she falls down
    Aldheimian Headband will make her has another supportive ability--Dispel--that can turn the tide of battle by removing debuffs and silences all allies and enemies, especially when facing spellcasters. You'll need Fighter-type Companions to make this combo works and this will disable her to cast spells afterwards, however
  • Another problem of her, low durability.
    As supportive character, Grace Amulet is the best choice since stat boost and Grace ability from the trinket expands her healing ability. It also will boost allies' HP regeneration rate significantly
    Magus Pendant is an alternative for Nella. Replenish ability will aid Fighter-type Companions who need additional source of MP, also Teacher Aura helps allies and Nella herself by boosting armor rating
    Vsio's Guard is her armor of choice. It'll boost overall performance of her
    Berserker's Raiment is also a good alternative to make Nella stands longer in combat
  • Master Staff is a must. Stat boosts from the scepter are superb and the Improve effect makes her Almashield into Mass Almashield--a thing that you'll fall in love with
  • Take Wizard or Mandragora Rune as Rune of choice, or Warrior Rune to pump her STR and her HP up
  • Rejected Equips:
    Sigils aren't good items for Nella, for her role in combat is mainly as supportive Companion and her main job is to abuse her spells as many as she can
    Equips that grants evasion rate bonus such as Evasion Talisman or Assassin's Cloak make no use for her. She has total evasion mechanism
    Lifesteal equipments such as Berserker's Mask, Vampiric Cloak and Helm of Madness make no use for Nella, too. She attacks only once and her attack damage is not that big so the lifesteal effect won't be effective on her hands
    Orbs effect won't be triggered well by Nella. Leave it to another else
    Also with Runes that alters Nella's stat into AGI-type. Boosting AGI won't help Nella a lot
    Stratus Ring and Warlock Garb is situational. But with her lack of endurance, Stunted Magic effect probably will kill her before she can fill her MP. Of course, Return Damage armors like Banded Mail and Blademail has the same case with Stunted Magic effect
    Forget Dragon Heart trinkets. They won't make Nella be a damage dealer and it'll never be happened
    Nella can't use Memento Gauntlets to unleash their full potents. Leave it to Fighter-type Companions instead


Battle Start quotes
- "O Alma, give me strength..."
- "I will do my best..."
- "If it must be done..."

Victory quote
- "Glad this is already over..."
- "You can't beat the power of Almalakh. Sorry."
- "I wonder if I can be one of Almalakh Snipers..."
- "So, where is the Darkness?"
- "That's the last one. It's all over."
- "I'm not afraid of darkness. I have my own light."

Level up quote
- "The light is shining upon me. More powers to grasp, more responsibility awaits."
- "I hope I can aid you all better from now on."

In-map quote when player doesn't take Nella in party
- "This place is strange, yet it feels like home. Also, people here were astonished by me; I mean, these wings on their sight are
resemble an angel's wings... Well, at least people here don't want to hunt me for golds or such."
- "If you meet Andy, tell him to go back to town immediately. I'm kinda... lonely..."
- "These aren't decorations; these are functional wings. I can fly, but not for a long time. I hope Andy knows how to go to Skynesia without forcing me to fly with my own power."

Other Notes

  • Nella Shadowind was designed by TheoAllen, author of Alumnea Trilogy
  • Her age is 15
    Nope. 315. She is one of demi-god descendants. She must be older than people
  • She is the only Companion who has wings. Wings!
  • Cited in the book, she can't reach Skynesia for some reasons. Of course, she can't fly for a long time.
  • Has relation with Andy, and perhaps, got a crush on him. Since he is the one who save her life...
  • She has three form, initially takes the normal Skynesian form, then there are Almalakh Form and Old Design form
    Nella in the Old Design has no wings
  • Radiant Revival is her new spell that included since E:D!1.0 RC1. Its name came from NachtEinhorn's suggestion
  • In E:D!1.0, Nella has high base damage and Magic Missile Rain deals lots of damage. That time, Almalakh Sniper is her another name thanks to her ability to dish out an enemy in single shot
    Also, her normal attack was Three-Level attack type that deals normal, twice of normal and thrice of normal damage with 0/5/10 manacost per shot. Changed into single-type attack type and her attack damage lowered in E:D!1.1 as one of Total Rebalance major changes, enforces her role as supportive Companion
  • Her Almashield in E:D!0.9 was an Innate Skill. Swapped with Flight because Almashield is too damn imba for 0 MP spell
  • Nella is the only Companion who can pick an ally up. The other one only makes an ally to stay alive even if his/her HP drops to 0
[E:D! Chara Review] Nella Shadowind Empty2014-02-15, 09:02
PostRe: [E:D! Chara Review] Nella Shadowind
♫ RMID Rebel ♫
♫ RMID Rebel ♫

Posts : 4935
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[E:D! Chara Review] Nella Shadowind Vide
Quote :
Her age is 15
Nope. 315. She is one of demi-god descendants. She must be older than people
Gw prefer gini sih "Nope, for some reasons, Her age can be considered as 315 :lol2: and yes, Nella may be older than your great grandmother" :kabur:

[E:D! Chara Review] Nella Shadowind

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