Kuro Fake Loading
Tipe: Misc
PengenalanThanks to certain someone here that I end up making these...
Simpel nya ini cuman nampilin picture, bar, dan teks untuk beberapa saat... udah itu aja...
- Prolong your gameplay with this!
- Careful! Too much use will turn your game annoying.
- Natural "freeze" while loading.
- It's an event. Be creative.
How to use
- Copas to your common event for easy access.
- Modify the opening, configuration, wait delay, and ending to your heart content. I leave comment there to help.
RequirementDunno... skrip palet yang di call event ku lebar karena VXA ku dah berbayar. Jadi gak tau yah bagi pengguna VXA non-bayar bisa copas apa nggak...
CreditsIt shall goes to me, Kuro Creator.