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 Tentang Party Sytem

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Tentang Party Sytem Empty2013-11-16, 21:11
PostTentang Party Sytem

Level 5
Posts : 11
Thanked : 0
Engine : RMVX Ace
Skill : Intermediate
Type : Event Designer

Tentang Party Sytem Vide
saya mau nanya saya memakai Yanfly party system (yang ada change, revert, remove) itu. command ini kan tersedia di menu command dan mau saya hilangkan lewat script, scriptnya gimana ya ? dan formasi ini hanya bisa diakses lewat NPC dan gimana cara buat eventnya?
Tentang Party Sytem Empty2013-11-16, 21:21
PostRe: Tentang Party Sytem
♫ RMID Rebel ♫
♫ RMID Rebel ♫

Posts : 4935
Thanked : 63

Tentang Party Sytem Vide
*Pindah ke RGSS3 Support*
Quote :
# ▼ Instructions
# =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
# To install this script, open up your script editor and copy/paste this script
# to an open slot below ▼ Materials/素材 but above ▼ Main. Remember to save.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Script Calls - These commands are used with script calls.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# *IMPORTANT* These script calls require the new party menu to be enabled to
# use them. Otherwise, nothing will happen.
# lock_actor(x)
# unlock_actor(x)
# This will lock actor x in its current position in the party if the actor is
# in the current party. The actor is unable to switch position and must remain
# in that position until the lock is removed. Use the unlock script call to
# remove the locked status. This script requires the actor to have joined and
# in the current party before the script call will work.
# require_actor(x)
# unrequire_actor(x)
# This will cause the party to require actor x in order to continue. If the
# actor isn't in the current party but is in the reserve party, the party menu
# will open up and prompt the player to add the required actor into the party
# before being able to continue. This script call will not function unless the
# specific actor has joined the party, whether it is in the current or reserve.
# call_party_menu
# This will open up the party menu. This script call requires for the party
# menu to be enabled to use.
Buat akses party via NPC, tinggal tulis aja script call
Trus, set aja ENABLE_MENU ke false

Setelah wa baca ulang, ternyata bukan.
Coba make script w yg ini buat ilangin command
Tentang Party Sytem Empty2013-11-16, 21:53
PostRe: Tentang Party Sytem

Level 5
Posts : 11
Thanked : 0
Engine : RMVX Ace
Skill : Intermediate
Type : Event Designer

Tentang Party Sytem Vide
oh ia ini yang saya maksud terimakasih ya :)
Tentang Party Sytem Empty2013-11-17, 06:55
PostRe: Tentang Party Sytem
♫ RMID Rebel ♫
♫ RMID Rebel ♫

Posts : 4935
Thanked : 63

Tentang Party Sytem Vide
Solved berarti ya? Pamit lock dlu
Tentang Party Sytem Empty
PostRe: Tentang Party Sytem
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Tentang Party Sytem Vide

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