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 Our founder has said. Now, this is our chance!

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Wariskan akun founder?
Ya, biar bisa diurus yang lain juga kalo ada apa-apa
Our founder has said. Now, this is our chance! Bar1194%Our founder has said. Now, this is our chance! Bar11
 94% [ 33 ]
Tidak, biar dnas yg ngurus. Soal e enak
Our founder has said. Now, this is our chance! Bar116%Our founder has said. Now, this is our chance! Bar11
 6% [ 2 ]
Total Suara : 35
Poll closed

Our founder has said. Now, this is our chance! Empty2013-07-24, 23:50
PostOur founder has said. Now, this is our chance!
♫ RMID Rebel ♫
♫ RMID Rebel ♫

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Our founder has said. Now, this is our chance! Vide
Our founder has said. Now, this is our chance! Rmid02
Seperti yang udah kalian ketahui. Akhir2 ini founder kita emang jarang keliatan. Dan juga karena masalah situs yang kemaren disuspend mendadak.

Nah, karena founder kita dalam rangka mo nebus dosa, katanya dia mo nurutin permintaan. Tapi gw kasi peringatan aja. Jangan kelewat kalo nuntut :v

Kalo gw sih sederhana aja. Akun founder diwariskan ama elder2 sini biar bisa pada ngurus forum. Jadi, biar dnas ngga kena hujat lagi diluar, dan sama2 bahagia.

Jadi gimana ntar nasib forum kita?
Our founder has said. Now, this is our chance! Empty2013-07-25, 15:41
PostRe: Our founder has said. Now, this is our chance!
Salto Master
Hancip RMID

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Our founder has said. Now, this is our chance! Vide
oke. count me in. :megusta:
Our founder has said. Now, this is our chance! Empty2013-07-25, 18:48
PostRe: Our founder has said. Now, this is our chance!

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Our founder has said. Now, this is our chance! Vide
count me in too :megusta:
Our founder has said. Now, this is our chance! Empty2013-07-27, 08:00
PostRe: Our founder has said. Now, this is our chance!
Jihad Bagas 
Jihad Bagas

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Our founder has said. Now, this is our chance! Vide
@Theo-sama: Mungkin diwarisi aja deh. Kan, kasihan kalau forum ini dihapus.
Lagian kan atas perintahnya Dnas, Jadi enak kalau terjadi apa-apa.
Our founder has said. Now, this is our chance! Empty2013-07-27, 11:25
PostRe: Our founder has said. Now, this is our chance!

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Our founder has said. Now, this is our chance! Vide
yang lebih baiknya aja ;), kemaren sempet bingung sih mau mulai lagi RPG maker tiba2 situs kacau. mungkin bagi orang2 kaya saya yang pengen mulai lagi tp gak ada wadah yang oke trus mau di forum international kurang bs ngikutin karena topic nya lebih berhubngan dengan new material n script :shocked:. jadinya bingung gak ada arah XD.
Our founder has said. Now, this is our chance! Empty2013-07-27, 20:45
PostRe: Our founder has said. Now, this is our chance!

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Our founder has said. Now, this is our chance! Vide
Pilihan nomer dua kayaknya sengaja dibikin kata2 kayak gitu biar nggak ada yg milih ya? :tf:
Our founder has said. Now, this is our chance! Empty2013-07-29, 10:18
PostRe: Our founder has said. Now, this is our chance!

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Our founder has said. Now, this is our chance! Vide
ane mau jadi calon juga dong :kabur:

@Om Kurukurukuru ~ dafuq. wkwkwk . Kayak e iye, sengaja nih si the mungkin :imean:
Our founder has said. Now, this is our chance! Empty2013-07-29, 18:42
PostRe: Our founder has said. Now, this is our chance!

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Our founder has said. Now, this is our chance! Vide
Kalo saya bilang sih boleh-boleh aja para sesepuh yang mewarisi akun founder. Soalnya, memang akhir-akhir ini saya jarang banget melihat om dnasman di sekitar sini. Saya juga sempet bingung waktu tiba-tiba forum disuspend.Tapi, menurut saya harus ada kriteria tertentu bagi para sesepuh yang ingin mewarisi akunnya. Inget deh, "With Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility".
Our founder has said. Now, this is our chance! Empty2013-07-29, 18:52
PostRe: Our founder has said. Now, this is our chance!

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Our founder has said. Now, this is our chance! Vide
mungkin di share aja akunnya ke orang2 yang dipercaya untuk diurus forumnya, klo dipikir2 ga tega juga sih harus lepas forum yang udah dibikin dengan penuh kerja keras dan keringat blm lagi biaya yg dihabiskan dari awal bikin forum sampe sekarang pastilah tidak sedikit.
Our founder has said. Now, this is our chance! Empty2013-07-31, 01:42
PostRe: Our founder has said. Now, this is our chance!

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Our founder has said. Now, this is our chance! Vide
warisin akunnya, warisin akunnya :RMID::RMID: :RMID: :RMID: :RMID: :RMID: :RMID: :RMID: :RMID: :RMID:  
ane 100% percaya ama elder2 disini sejak pertama kali ane gabung, dan ga salah untuk ngewarisinnya, toh kan niat untuk warisin kan baik, daripada forumnya terlantar

VOTE 1, WARISIN :agree: :agree: :agree: :banana: :banana: :banana:
Our founder has said. Now, this is our chance! Empty2013-08-12, 06:56
PostRe: Our founder has said. Now, this is our chance!

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Our founder has said. Now, this is our chance! Vide
sebenernya sih aku gak mau ikutan vote,tapi inikan untuk forum
ingatlah,wariskan akun founder kepada Om Aegis :ngacay2:
Our founder has said. Now, this is our chance! Empty2013-08-12, 10:51
PostRe: Our founder has said. Now, this is our chance!
Putra Heart 
Putra Heart

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Our founder has said. Now, this is our chance! Vide
Lebih baik di wariskan ke orang yang bisa dipercaya untuk meneruskan forum ini, kita adakan polling dan semua bisa mencalonkan. Jangan sampai forums ini di hilangkan karena forums ini sangat mendukung dan membantu dengan memberikan ilmu dari cara pembuatan game dan lain-lain. Amat disayangkan jika forums ini di hapus.
Atau kita buat kesepakatan kalau forums ini akan diwariskan hanya sementara, misalnya kalau yang punya forums ini kembali lagi kita bisa mengembalikan forumsnya ini.
Saya mendukung semua pilihan dan saran terbaik untuk memajukan dan meneruskan forums ini.
Our founder has said. Now, this is our chance! Empty2013-08-12, 21:17
PostRe: Our founder has said. Now, this is our chance!
♚ Leader of Ameron™ ♚

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Our founder has said. Now, this is our chance! Vide
Terserah aja...
Yang penting member bahagia.

Biar gak tersiksa lagi sama janji-janji manis founder yang lama.
Bikinlah list Capres RMIDnya udah 90% lebih yang milih : iya XD.

Cuman aku maunya RMID akan lebih aktif kalau Presiden yang baru ini. Dia bakal bikin RMID jauh lebih baik dari sebelumnya.

Itu aja harapan gw di forum nih.

NB : Forum ini kalau begini terus lama-kelamaan jadi kelihatan Kosong. Gak kayak dulu lagi.

Vote, vote and vote...
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Our founder has said. Now, this is our chance! Vide

Our founder has said. Now, this is our chance!

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