coba di cek dulu itu iconsetnya udah ditaruh di folder yang bener belum
kalo ga salah dia posisinya di Graphics/System/IconSet.png,
sedikit koreksi dari om ashm, ukuran tiap icon 24 x 24,
ukuran melintangnya 16 icon ke bawahnya bebas mau berapa,
icon nomer 64 sampe 95 udah khusus buat buff dan debuff.
ini syarat dan ketentuan buat resources iconset yang ada di helpfile:
- Quote :
- Icons (Graphics/System/IconSet.png)
A file containing icon images for displaying next to skill and item names.
Arrange icons (each a 24 × 24 image) in rows of sixteen and include as many rows as necessary.
Note that the icons used for indicating parameter buff and debuff states are limited to icons numbers 64 to 95.