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 [ASK]setting victor engine-animated battle

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[ASK]setting victor engine-animated battle Empty2012-11-11, 14:38
Post[ASK]setting victor engine-animated battle

Level 5
Posts : 5
Thanked : 0
Engine : RMVX Ace
Skill : Beginner
Type : Mapper

[ASK]setting victor engine-animated battle Vide
agan2 scripter yg pro pro disini. saya punya kendala nih mengenai script yg dari si victor sant tentang "animated battle"

scriptnya kaya gini

dan ini user manualnya untuk setting, meski ada user manual tetep aja ane bingung :(

yg tau cara settingnya saya akan sangat berterima kasih sekali :D
[ASK]setting victor engine-animated battle Empty2012-11-11, 14:42
PostRe: [ASK]setting victor engine-animated battle

Level 5
Posts : 971
Thanked : 5
Engine : RMVX Ace
Skill : Intermediate
Type : Developer

[ASK]setting victor engine-animated battle Vide
Well saya mengetahuinya :hmm:
Dan bisa anda jelaskan dibagian mana yang anda bingung? :lol:
Aku gak bisa mengetahuinya dibagian mana anda bingungnya kalau gak ada penjelasan yang jelas :3
[ASK]setting victor engine-animated battle Empty2012-11-11, 15:06
PostRe: [ASK]setting victor engine-animated battle

Level 5
Posts : 5
Thanked : 0
Engine : RMVX Ace
Skill : Beginner
Type : Mapper

[ASK]setting victor engine-animated battle Vide
saya bingung di bagian graphic pada monster

contoh saya membuat battle melawan 1 slime.
slime yg saya gunakan memakai graphic slime dari sini

dan saya mengubah skrip bagian atasnya saja, seperti ini

Quote :
# ** Victor Engine
# Setting module for the Victor Engine

module Victor_Engine
# * Initialize Variables
VE_ACTION_SETTINGS = {} # Don't remove or change
# * Animated battler sufix
# When using sprites, add this to the animated sprite sheet of the battler,
# that way you can keep the original battler a single sprite and make
# easier to setup their position on the troop
VE_SPRITE_SUFIX = "[anim]"
# * Intro fade
# When true, there will be a small fade effect on the battlers during
# the battle start (like RMXP default battle)
# * Default sprite settings
# This is the settings for all battler graphics that doesn't have
# their own custom setting
# Basic Settings
# name: value,
frames: 3, # Number of frames
rows: 4, # Number of rows
mirror: false, # Mirror battler when facing right
invert: false, # Invert the battler graphic
mode: :charset, # Graphic style (:sprite or :chasert)
action: :charset, # Action settings

# Main Poses
# name: row,
idle: 1, # Idle pose
guard: 2, # Guard pose
evade: 2, # Evade pose
danger: 3, # Low HP pose
hurt: 4, # Damage pose
attack: 5, # Physical attack pose
use: 6, # No type use pose
item: 6, # Item use pose
skill: 7, # Skill use pose
magic: 8, # Magic use pose
advance: 9, # Advance pose
retreat: 10, # Retreat pose
escape: 10, # Escape pose
victory: 11, # Victory pose
intro: 12, # Battle start pose
dead: 13, # Incapacited pose
ready: nil, # Ready pose
itemcast: nil, # Item cast pose
skillcast: nil, # Skill cast pose
magiccast: nil, # Magic cast pose
command: nil, # Command pose
input: nil, # Input pose
cancel: nil, # Cancel pose
# You can add other pose names and call them within the action settings
# use only lowcase letters
} # Don't remove
# * Custom sprite settings
# Theses settings are set individually based on the battler graphic
# filename (even if using the charset mode, the setting will be based
# on the battler name, so it's suggested to use the same name for
# the battler and charset graphic when using charset mode)
# Any value from the default setting can be used, if a value is not set
# it's automatically uses the value from basic setting
# 'Filename' => {settings},
# 'Sample 1' => {frames: 4, rows: 14, mirror: true, mode: :sprite,
# action: nil},
# 'Sample 2' => {frames: 3, rows: 4, mirror: true, invert: false,
# mode: :charset, action: :charset},
# 'Sample 3' => {frames: 3, rows: 4, mirror: false, invert: false,
# mode: :charset, action: :kaduki},
'Scorpion' => {frames: 4, rows: 14, mirror: true, mode: :sprite,
action: nil},
'Warrior_m' => {frames: 4, rows: 14, mirror: false, mode: :sprite,
action: :default},
'Actor1' => {frames: 3, rows: 4, mirror: false, invert: false,
mode: :charset, action: :charset},
'$Actor4' => {frames: 3, rows: 4, mirror: true, invert: false,
mode: :charset, action: :kaduki},
'Slime' => {frames: 19, rows: 20, mirror: true, invert: false,
mode: :sprite, action: nil},
'$Imp' => {frames: 3, rows: 4, mirror: false, invert: false,
mode: :charset, action: :charset},
'Wizard_f' => {frames: 3, rows: 4, mirror: false, invert: false,
mode: :charset, action: :charset},
'Hero_m' => {frames: 4, rows: 14, mirror: false, mode: :sprite,
action: :default},
'Thief_m' => {frames: 3, rows: 4, mirror: true, invert: false,
mode: :charset, action: :kaduki},

dan hasilnya malah seperti ini

kira2 bagaimana itu?
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[ASK]setting victor engine-animated battle Vide

[ASK]setting victor engine-animated battle

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