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 [request inspirasi] folks said

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[request inspirasi] folks said Empty2012-06-21, 19:54
Post[request inspirasi] folks said

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[request inspirasi] folks said Vide
Ane numpang bikin thread gaje lagi.

Jadi gini, ane pernah baca thread sebuah game rm luar.
Salah satu compliment / pujian di reply post nya adalah penduduk kota yg kalo di ajak ngomong, unik.
Seakan2 masing2 punya dialog yg gak biasa.

Nah dalam ojek ashm sekarang, ane lagi bikin environment satu worldmap yg terdiri dari 4 desa, 1 kota. Dan memiliki 8 chapter.

Nah yg ane pengen minta bantuan adalah ane minta ide dialog si para penduduk kota tsb. The hell with penduduk kota yg memberi info ttg kota tsb secara terus2an.
This is sparta not cliche rpg.

Ane jadi ampe mati gaya bikin dialog "******** is very cold town you know". dude, its snowing already. You don't say.

Ane minta bantuan nya ya.

P.S : ada 4 tipe org di game ane.
Town people, kids, hunter, mercenary. Boleh nambah yg laen.
Kalo bisa, kasih 7 dialog lain utk org yg sama.

Contoh : gan, ane bantu dialog bwt hunter.
Chapter 1. Dia ngomongin x.
Chapter 2. Dia ngomongin x selingkuh ke y.
Chapter 8. Dia ngomongin kalo dia dpt misi dari z utk membunuh x. Dan dia galau.

P.P.S : ane gameplay nya satu tempat bulak-balik (quarter).

P.P.S.S : hunter disini bukan memburu monster, tapi menjalankan misi.

:sembah: maap ngerepotin.
[request inspirasi] folks said Empty2012-06-21, 20:24
PostRe: [request inspirasi] folks said

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[request inspirasi] folks said Vide
begini aja
misalnya ada anak2
terus dia ngomong anu om kecil ya, ya iyalah masih level 1
terus leveling satu level, ke si anak lagi
nanti si anak ngomong, wah anu om nambah jadi 2 cm, selamat ya om,
terus dapet item, kalo dah 100 cm dapet Equip dewa :ngacay2:


tiap masuk kota abis misi kasih event aja, event bebas :ngacay2:
jadi penduduk kotanya bisa ngasih respon :ngacay2:
misalnya walikotanya ditinggal istri, terus penduduknya komentar dan caci maki di messagenya :ngacay2:
ini juga bercanda :ngacay2:
[request inspirasi] folks said Empty2012-06-21, 20:49
PostRe: [request inspirasi] folks said

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[request inspirasi] folks said Vide
Kalo mau kayak gituan mending ngecari inspirasi dari WRPG open world seperti Fallout 3 dan Skyrim. WRPG menang di dunia ketimbang JRPG, dalam artian, NPCnya lebih fokus.
[request inspirasi] folks said Empty2012-06-21, 20:55
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[request inspirasi] folks said Vide
pake onditional branch sama switch bukan ny bisa ? CMIIW
[request inspirasi] folks said Empty2012-06-21, 21:06
PostRe: [request inspirasi] folks said

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[request inspirasi] folks said Vide
@aegis : itu juga inspirasi. Nice ketua, ketua emang ebadh :ngacay: lagi donk.
Gak serius juga gak apa, ini cuman npc biasa.
@wltr : ane lum pernah maen. Pernah mau instal skyrim nda kuat laptop. Jam terbang ane rendah.
Makanya mau minta ide, tolong gan. :sembah:
@okumura : bukan cara nya, tapi konten nya.
[request inspirasi] folks said Empty2012-06-21, 21:14
PostRe: [request inspirasi] folks said

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[request inspirasi] folks said Vide
saya bantu buat yang penduduk kotanya ya. . . :D

chapter 1 = sial, kenapa sih gak ada cewek yang mau jalan ama gue. . . apa karna gue terlalu ganteng yak . . . :D

chapter 2 = bro, lu punya kenalan cewek gak ? yang gak kaya gakpapa kok, yang penting cakep. . . :D

chapter 3 = bro, lihat tu cewek yang ada di pojok situ kok cakep banget yak. . . jadi pengen kenalan gue. . . :D

chapter 4 = sial. . . ni cewek kok pendiem banget yak, diajakin kenalan malah diem aja. . . apa jangan" dia bisu . . . ?

chapter 5 = akhirnya bro . . . gue bisa juga ngomong ama dia, ya walaupun cuma sedikit sih . . . tapi, setidaknya gue dah tau nama dia lah . . . :D

chapter 6 = hiks. . . hiks. . . :cry:

chapter 7 = hiks. . . hiks . . . :cry: bro, ternyata tu cewek dah mau nikah besok bro . . . :cry: dan lebih parahnya lagi, gue dijadiin tamu vip nya . . . :cry: sakit banget bro hati gue. . .

chapter 8 = huhh . . . nampaknya gue emang kagak ditakdirin ama cewek cantik deh bro. . . masak dari 12 yang gue taksir, 5 diantaranya mati, 6 gila, dan 1 kawin . . . . :D

garing banget yak . . . =))
[request inspirasi] folks said Empty2012-06-22, 00:36
PostRe: [request inspirasi] folks said

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[request inspirasi] folks said Vide
@ade = sip2, cowo jomblo ya. Tapi ane bingung juga translete ke inggris nya. Gak apa deh nambah inspirasi.

Tengkyu, lagi donk kalo ada.

Btw, Ane butuh banyak. Asusmsi nya 10 orang /kota (indor & outdor)
[request inspirasi] folks said Empty2012-06-22, 09:32
PostRe: [request inspirasi] folks said

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[request inspirasi] folks said Vide
Chapter 1: "Ini desa yang sangat damai ya, aku bahagia bisa tinggal disini."
Chapter: 2: "Ternyata di desa ini dulunya ada pembunuhan, semoga saja semuanya cepat berlalu..."
Chapter 3: "Aku takut, siapa tahu pembunuhnya adalah orang yang aku kenal. Hmm..."
Chapter 4: "Ah, kenapa aku harus memikirkan hal negatif seperti ini terus!!"
Chapter 5: "Ternyata, temanku memasukkan sebuah pisau ke dalam makananku! Sial, aku tidak akan terbunuh!"
Chapter 6: "Seseorang hampir menabrakku ketika menaiki gerobak kuda! Semua orang ingin membunuhku karena aku curiga! Tidak!! Kenapa semuanya harus jadi begini?!"
Chapter 7: "Aku harus mencari sebuah senjata, ya, siapa tahu saja, aku akan dibunuh! Aku harus bersiap!"
Chapter 8: Ada sebuah catatan disini: 'Jikalau kau menemukan catatan ini, maka aku mungkin sudah mati. Aku menyesal sudah curiga terhadap semua orang. Aku harap... aku harap aku bisa terlahir lagi...'.

Gaje banget kan? :ngacay2:
[request inspirasi] folks said Empty2012-06-22, 10:04
PostRe: [request inspirasi] folks said

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[request inspirasi] folks said Vide
Npc Pemabuk
Chapter 1
"Arr.. Ugh.. Gluk.. Gluk.. Fuah.. "
1 more
"Err.. Hiks.. Wh.. Who aree youuu? Urgh.. "
Chapter 2
"Huh? Arr.. I.. I know youu.. Y.. Youu..
Ahh.. I'am forgeet.. Hiks."
Chapter 3
"Urgh.. I can't.. Hold it, th.. This is..
So.. Soo gooddd! "
Chapter 4
"Arr.. Y.. You again? Hiks.. But, who..
Who are you? "
Chapter 5
"... Hiks.. Urgh..
..... "
Chapter 6
"Urgh.. Hiks.. Wh.. Why youu al.. always
come to look me.. Hiks.. Wha.. What are you want from me? Hiks.. "
Chapter 7
"... Seriously.. Hiks.. Please don't kill mee.. I just want.. To happy.. Please.. Please have this.. Hiks.. Forgive me.. Urgh.. "
(Memberi Item)
1 more
"P.. Please.. Don't kill mee.. Hiks.. "
Chapter 8
"Ah.. I remember you.. Hiks.. You..
You is.. Ahhh.. I'am forget.. Hiks. "

[request inspirasi] folks said Empty2012-06-22, 10:32
PostRe: [request inspirasi] folks said

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[request inspirasi] folks said Vide
Tambah lagi ah, Girl With Brother.
Chapter 1: "There is a new man come to this town, he's really timid. But my brother will help him!"
Chapter 2: "My brother tell him a story about a murderer in this town, but it just a fake story. I hope he don't take it seriously..."
Chapter 3: "That man looks really strange today, I hope he's okay."
Chapter 4: "Hmm, that man looks really terrible. I and my brother will cook him a food! Maybe he can cheer up a little with that. Hey, how about if I put a sauce inside it? Hee hee hee!"
Chapter 5: "That, that man yell at my brother, I wonder what's happen to him? My brother says to not worry about him, but still..."
Chapter 6: "Ah, I see that man almost get hit by a carriage, but, the carriage is still far from him, why he jump suddenly?"
Chapter 7: "My brother will try to visit that man in his house, but he still not come back..."
Chapter 8: "Waaaaaaaa!! W-when I go to... h-his house. There... there is this red sticky thing around!! Then, my brother, he... he's covered in it! WAAAA!!!"

Dafuq is wrong with me? :swt:

@Mc: Lebih bagus kalo ntuh NPC terakhirnya bakal insyaf, kan lebih bermoral kalau begitu :lol: .
[request inspirasi] folks said Empty2012-06-22, 11:01
PostRe: [request inspirasi] folks said

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[request inspirasi] folks said Vide
@alan : wah itu berhubungan ya 22 nya. Sip, bisa jadi misi tambahan itu.

Gak masalah gak tobat juga, jgn "good people" semua.

@pherson : nah tukang mabok, ane butuh tuw. Secara tiap kota ada tavern/restoran.

Need more elp.
[request inspirasi] folks said Empty2012-06-22, 11:48
PostRe: [request inspirasi] folks said
Radical Dreamer 
Radical Dreamer

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[request inspirasi] folks said Vide
saya bantu, ;) silahkan perbaiki jika ada kesalahan grammar

Town People

Chapter 1 : Hey dude, are you new here? it's our first time to meet, yeah? my name is town people. Everybody call me "the shining town people" because i'm bald...! *sigh* curse them. but... i like that title anyway.
chapter 2 : Hey Player...! look, i buy this super hair tonic a few days ago... i hope my hair will growing fast and people will stop calling me "the shining town People".
chapter 3 : Aaaagrh...! what happen with my head skin...! it's itchy...! *scratch scratch* but i think the hair tonic is working well... hehehe, i can't wait to see my new looks...
chapter 4 : (rambut menjadi gondrong) Oh my... look my wild hair, its growing to fast and strong... i can't cut them... now they call me "the tarzan town people"... great. what should i do...?
chapter 5 : (kembali botak) Dude! my hair is shed by itself... looks like the effect is gone...! now i have my old title back... but i don't know i should happy or not...
chapter 6 : I hate being bald... *sigh* a bald man is unpopular within women in this town... maybe i should go to the shaolin temple...? the bald man like me is more repected there... but wait, what is shaolin temple anyway?
chapter 7 : Dude! i cancelled my journey to shaolin temple...! yesterday i met a beauty woman who stare me all days, i came to her and ask why she doing that, and you know what? she said "i like bald man, is so cool..." yahoo...! now i be grateful for being bald.
chapter 8 : Wohoo... player! i have a good news, the woman i told you yesterday was asking me for a date...! that's like a dream... you know, i have a lesson... you should accept what you are... everybody has it's own unique...


chapter 1 : This place is kinda boring... i hope they build an amusement park or something.
chapter 2 : Player! yesterday i make a friend with the boy who just moving to this town... he is a good boy, and he seems like me... but, he is kinda strange...
chapter 3 : Player, remember the boy i told you yesterday...? he gave me a flower and asked me "do you like rabbit blood...?" ugh... that's a creepy question... i like rabbit meat, but i don't like its blood...
chapter 4 : He always hiding in his house every morning... and inviting me to play every night... i wonder why? is he afraid with the sun...? or it's his strange habit...?
chapter 5 : Player, you know! yesterday I saw his tooth stretch...! He is really creepy..., but he is good to me... and looks like he don't have any friend around here... so, i will bearing it...
chapter 6 : I really frightening now...! yesterday in the forest i saw him eat a raw chicken and suck its blood...! ugh... i dont want to playing with him AGAIN...! he is a MONSTER...!
chapter 7 : Yesterday morning he came to my house... he just standing in front of my house with sad face... smoke is emit from his body... i don't know what should i do... so, i just sleeping in my bed... when i wake up he is gone... is he come back to his house...?
chapter 8 : *sob* His parent just give me a bottle of his ash... *sob* i don't believe he is dead... he wants me to keep his ash... now i feeling guilty... he just want to play with me... *sob* now i will keep his ash for my entire life...

segitu dulu, lagi buru2 :wave:
[request inspirasi] folks said Empty2012-06-22, 12:12
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[request inspirasi] folks said Vide
Chapter 1: "Sigh, I'm bored. I just get out from my hometown to find job here. But, damn, it's really hard!"
Chapter 2: "Hmm, how about Bounty Hunter? Yeah that sounds good."
Chapter 3: "Hey, Hero! I just recently join the Bounty Hunter, but damn, it's really boring! All I is to find a wedding ring and a stink mutt."
Chapter 4: "I just got a really awesome job! Damn, I must escort a rich man! This mission must have a great prize!"
Chapter 5: "Hey, I just recently get back from my mission, if you want, you can take this. *Item received* But now I got a really serious mission now, the neighborhood country has some serious psycho leader... and I must assasinate him now, talk about awesome-ness!"
Chapter 6: "I just got back here to meet my family, the problem is still not solved. That king is really cruel..."
Chapter 7: "Damn, all of this mission is really screwed up, man! My boss is killed, I'm splitted with my comrade, and now I meet a hot chick. I don't know if I should worried or excited..."
Chapter 8: "Ah, is that you? The king is already killed. But, still, I hope I can get another mission like that, of course, I don't mind if I must meet another hot chick. :) "
[request inspirasi] folks said Empty2012-06-22, 12:45
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[request inspirasi] folks said Vide
@radical : :D
mayan ngakak tuh yg botak. Sip2, mumpung ada generator vx ace, jadi gampang.
Nuhun kang, kalo ada tambah lagi.

@alan : ia juga, hunter bisa ngasih item di tgh2 chapter :plak:
ane kepikiran hunter di ane pelit2.

[request inspirasi] folks said Empty2012-06-22, 15:58
PostRe: [request inspirasi] folks said
Living Skeleton

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[request inspirasi] folks said Vide
Inspirasi? Oke gwa kasih inspirasi :hihi:, ga tau sih ini bagus ato ngga. :ngacay2:
Lu bilang kasih 8 dialog berbeda untuk tiap orang, tapi gimana kalo jangan terpaku pada jumlah tersebut? Variasikan jumlah dan cara mentrigger dialognya, mungkin dapat membuat game anda menjadi lebih menarik.

Contoh, ini berpusat di guild para Hunter kan? Gimana kalo misalnya ada seorang NPC hunter yang pada selang beberapa chapter hilang dari tempatnya, dan dia ternyata sedang menyelesaikan sebuah misi pada chapter2 tersebut? Jadi dialog yang perlu dibuat kuang dari 8... :ngacay2:
[request inspirasi] folks said Empty2012-06-22, 16:09
PostRe: [request inspirasi] folks said

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[request inspirasi] folks said Vide
Itu udah ada sid.
Ada beberapa char juga yang ilang di chapter2 tertentu.
Ada yang sakit, menjalankan misi dll.

Ada lagi gak? biasanya ente jago bikin dialog bro :sembah:
[request inspirasi] folks said Empty2012-06-22, 20:09
PostRe: [request inspirasi] folks said
Living Skeleton

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[request inspirasi] folks said Vide
Gwa dah duga udah ada. :lol:

Hayah, susah kalo ga tau sitconnya bro. :ngacay2:
[request inspirasi] folks said Empty2012-06-22, 20:32
PostRe: [request inspirasi] folks said
Poison Elemental
Anak Cantik

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[request inspirasi] folks said Vide
di buat ketika kluar map.. n balik lagi ada npc satu lagi ngobrol ama npc lain.. kita mah nonton aja... terus d buat lagi berdasarkan lama waktu bermain pas kluar map balik lagi ada npc yang nikah punya anak... itu kalo d cerita2 sebelumnya d ceritain mereka saling cinta ahahahahah
[request inspirasi] folks said Empty2012-06-22, 21:06
PostRe: [request inspirasi] folks said

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[request inspirasi] folks said Vide
Street musician

Chapter 1

- "Greetings traveller
Care for some music ?"
(muncul option)
*Yes *No

Kalau Yes
(music play)

> "Thank you for listening, good sir."(ini juga menjadi dialog kaset rusak, dalam artian setelah mendengar musik, kalau bertanya pada musician lagi dia tidak akan bertanya mau mendengarkan musik atau tidak, tapi mengatakan dialog ini)

Kalau No

- "Oh, that's too bad"

Setelah menjawab No

- "Do you have a change of mind ?"
(option lagi)
*Yes *No (pada dasarnya hanya pengulangan dari dialog pertama)

Chapter 2

#Kalau menjawab Yes pada dialog chapter pertama
- "You came back.
Care for another music ?"
(option lagi)
*Yes *NO (seharusnya tidak sesimple yes dan no, tapi ya untuk saat ini hanya untuk menegaskan antara ya dan tidak)

Kalau menjawab yes
(music play)
> "Thank you for listening.
Please come back again."

Kalau menjawab No
- "Another time then ?" (dan kemudian kembali ke dialog care for another music ?)

#Kalau menjawab No pada chapter 1 dan tidak pernah mendengarkan musiknya.
-"Oh, it's you.
Your face look rather gloomy.
Allow me to play a music for you."
(music play)

> "You need to hear music more often.
Any good music will be a motivation for you and your life."

#Kalau sama sekali tidak pernah berbicara kepadanya di chapter 1
(gunakan dialog chapter 1 )

Chapter 3

#Kalau mendengarkan musiknya di chapter 1 & 2
- "Friend, you came again.
You sure love my music don't you ?
This one is for you, free of charge of course."
(music play)

> "Hope you like it."

#Kalau mendengarkan musiknya hanya di chapter 1 atau hanya di chapter 2
> "Sorry i'm not in the mood for playing music right now."
(berlaku juga kalau sama sekali tidak pernah mendengarkan musiknya)

Chapter 4

#Mendengarkan musiknya dari chapter 1 sampai 3
- "Recently, i'm feeling nobody in this town want to hear my music.
That's sad, people need to hear music, without music life would be a mistake.
But i'm relieved when i meet you.
You, my friend, always come to hear my music."
(music play)

> "Thank you for always coming."

#Melewatkan musiknya satu chapter sekalipun

> "Life to be a musician is though.
I'm thinking to find another job"

Chapter 5

#Mendengarkan dia bermain musik di chapter 4 (yg otomatis berarti mendengarkan dari chapter 1 sampai 3 juga)
-" Can i tell you about something, my friend ?
When i was a little younger, as an orphant, i meet this one guy in this town.
He is a good musician and he also a good crafter too.
I remember how he create one little box from wood, a size of a fist, that play music when you open it.
Sounds like magic isn't it?
He is a kind person, he treat me like his own children and he teach me how to play music.
He give melody to my life.
He is a teacher and a father for me.
Therefore when he passed away, year ago, i decided to follow his step and become a musician.
Then, here i am, playing music on this street.
That's quite a story isn't it ?"

> " Forgive me to make you hear my babbling"

#Melewatkan musiknya
- "I'm decided to become a hunter.
My first assignment is to escort a carriage delivery to neighbourhood town.
Pretty easy if i would say.
I think i can do this."

Chapter 6

#mendengarkan cerita masa lalunya di chapter 5
-" Life in this town seems not so friendly to a musician like me.
I'm considering to leave this town."

> " I may disappoint my teacher.

#Dia menjadi hunter
(kamu tidak akan menemukannya lagi. kalau bertanya ke hunter guild ada orang yang akan membahas tentang hunter baru yang mati pada misi pertamanya karena karavan yang harus dijaganya diserang perampok. Life is cruel my friend)

Chapter 7

(dapatkan sebuah item bernama "musicbox", bisa didapatkan dari quest, misi(apa bedanya ama quest? entah), toko barang antik yang baru dibuka, atau sekedar orang lewat, yang penting sesuai dengan kondisi dan situasi yang kamu inginkan)

- "I have decided to leave this town."

#berikan musicbox
- " This...
This is..."

(open musicbox and music play)

- "This melody..
How could i forget about it ?"
(start crying, cengeng... ya... kamu bisa mengubahnya kalau tidak suka, mungkin bisa dikasih flashback atau semacamnya)

-" I remember now,
The reason i want to be a musician, is this beautiful melody.
I want to share the same feeling when i heard this beautiful melody for the first time.
I want to share it to everyone.
I can't give up easily like this!"

> "I shouldn't give up now!"

(menuju chapter 8 )

# tidak mendapat musicbox
-" i guess this is farewell"
(melangkah pergi menuju ujung layar dan tidak pernah kembali lagi)

Chapter 8

-"Thank you for the other day.
I think i can't thank you enough for all you have done for me.
Please take this, this is the least i can do for you."

(obtained Legendary Sword Excalibur, bercanda , terserah sih mau dikasih hadiah apa enggak)

>"Music is a mysterious thing.
Sometimes it make people remember things they do not expect.
Thought... feelings... memories... even things almost forgotten."

setelah saya tulis panjang2 baru kepikiran kalau itu lebih ke sidequest ketimbang dialog NPC (big fail).
kalau menurut saya yang paling unik kaya punya kk emperoralan, dialognya berhubungan seolah ada cerita NPC sendiri yang sedang berjalan dalam dunia gamenya.
punya om aegis juga keren, jadi yng mentrigger perubahan dialog tidak hanya pergantian chapter.
ngomong2 boleh tahu judul game RM yang disebut di awal thread?
[request inspirasi] folks said Empty2012-06-22, 22:05
PostRe: [request inspirasi] folks said

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[request inspirasi] folks said Vide
@sid : gak harus seorang hunter sih. Mercenary juga. waktu itu ane liat tutorial scene-ing ente, ane mau masukin si banci yg jualan, tapi ane gak tau nge translate inggrisnya.

@kar : pacaran bertahap ya. Sip2, kalo ada ide post lagi ya.

@minato : aseek dah. Mangstab gan, cendol later.

[request inspirasi] folks said Empty2012-06-22, 22:06
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Member 1000 Konsep

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[request inspirasi] folks said Vide
wah,asik ya. Ada thread gnian,kapan2 bkin ah. Tapi kalo npc ga ada yg nyambung dgn info game.fungsinya jadi tambalan kota duank IMO.
[request inspirasi] folks said Empty2012-06-22, 22:09
PostRe: [request inspirasi] folks said
Living Skeleton

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[request inspirasi] folks said Vide
Lol sceneing tutorial :lol:
Yang di tuts itu sebetulnya gwa pake semua sih buat kota utama :ngacay2:

Translate inggris? Di projek original gwa udah english dari awal kok :ngacay2:
[request inspirasi] folks said Empty2012-06-23, 08:47
PostRe: [request inspirasi] folks said

Level 5
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[request inspirasi] folks said Vide
thank you buat cendolnya sebelumnya, tapi itu benar2 later aja :)
saya cuma pingin tahu judul game RM luar yang kk ashm maksudkan di awal trid
bisa dishare mungkin linknya sekalian ? :)

maaf OOT
[request inspirasi] folks said Empty2012-06-23, 09:43
PostRe: [request inspirasi] folks said

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[request inspirasi] folks said Vide
@Minato : Sorry, semalem cendolnya lum regen.
Ane udah mau reply tadi malem tapi koneksi ane putus (ngetik panjang2, DC = tidur aja dah)
Judul nya Star stealing prince, ane lum tamat sih.

@Shikami : Ini nyindir ?:swt:
Emang cuman NPC tambalan, kan cuma numpang lewat. jadi gak apa2. ;)
Kalo ada ide share ya pake de :sembah:

@Sid : Link na PM ya, ane perasaan lum pernah liat thread game ente deh
[request inspirasi] folks said Empty2012-06-23, 09:55
PostRe: [request inspirasi] folks said
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[request inspirasi] folks said Vide
bkan,gw emang kapan2 pngen req dialog hoho. Maksud gw kn umumnya fungsi npc kn gtu. Bwt memperkaya nilai cerita. Misal ada npc cerita tntang sejarah kingdom apa gtu..
Cuma pendapat aja ko.
[request inspirasi] folks said Empty
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[request inspirasi] folks said Vide

[request inspirasi] folks said

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