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| An Official Version of 2k3 Approaches! | |
| 2012-04-26, 21:00 | An Official Version of 2k3 Approaches! |
silversatyr Newbie
Posts : 5 Thanked : 0 Engine : RMVX Skill : Advanced Type : Mapper
| Petition for Signatures Official Topic - Quote :
This suggestion was thrown into the table and so we have to ask, if we were to release RPG Maker 2003 in English would you buy it? Vote and post your suggestions here~
Just a note, take the EULA into consideration. This means you guys shouldn't use patches/plug-ins/external programs if you want to use RPG Maker. Well, what can I say? There's a possibility that Degica/EB! will look into creating an official English version of RM2K3 if there's enough demand for it. What do you all think? Should we embrace this momentous occasion that would allow us to use 2K3 legally? Would you pay for such a thing? Let your voices be heard! And sign the damn petition! <3 This was requested by a fan - namely me - to a staff member, so no hatin' on Degica. Got an issue, take it up with me and I'll show you my reasoning. Since some people are asshats. (Not necessarily anyone here, but there are some that are being a bit douchey about the idea.) - Quote :
- Also, if you're wondering why you should bother...
Why wouldn't you? It helps EB! and Degica to be inspired to make more of an effort to listen to the fans. You no longer have to live in shame knowing you've got a pirated copy. You will legally own it. It also makes a neat collection item for nostalgia's sake. You can legally sell a 2k3 game. You will gain legal usage of the RTP that came with it so that if you want to use it in other RM engines, you can. You'll be supporting the people who support your hobby - it's almost like you'll be supporting your hobby yourself. You will no longer be one of the dregs of society who pulls down the rest of your hobby-kin.
Are those enough reasons? Or would you like more? This really is a big deal, though. How many other companies would take a fan's suggestion and run with it when it comes to an older program? Wanna be part of RM history? Vote yes~Also, please spread the word around to any and all sites you frequent where people use the program. The more people made aware, the better! A FoxLingo translation. Sorry if it's really bad. ^.^; - Spoiler:
- Quote :
Saran ini dilemparkan ke meja dan dengan demikian kita harus bertanya, jika kita melepaskan RPG Maker 2003 dalam bahasa Inggris yang akan Anda membelinya? Vote dan posting saran Anda di sini ~
Sekadar catatan, mengambil EULA menjadi pertimbangan. Ini berarti kalian tidak harus menggunakan patch / plug-in / eksternal program jika Anda ingin menggunakan RPG Maker. Nah, apa yang bisa saya katakan? Ada kemungkinan bahwa Degica / EB! akan melihat ke dalam menciptakan sebuah versi bahasa Inggris resmi RM2K3 jika ada permintaan yang cukup untuk itu. Apa yang Anda semua berpikir? Haruskah kita merangkul kesempatan ini penting yang akan memungkinkan kita untuk menggunakan 2K3 secara hukum? Apakah Anda membayar untuk hal seperti itu? Biarkan suara Anda didengar! Dan menandatangani petisi sialan! <3 ini diminta oleh penggemar - yaitu saya - untuk anggota staf, sehingga Hatin tidak 'pada Degica. Punya masalah, bawa dengan saya dan saya akan menunjukkan alasan saya. Karena beberapa orang asshats . (Tidak harus ada orang di sini, tetapi ada beberapa yang menjadi douchey sedikit tentang ide tersebut.) - Quote :
- Juga, jika Anda bertanya-tanya mengapa Anda harus repot-repot ...
Mengapa bukan? Ini membantu EB! dan Degica akan terinspirasi untuk membuat lebih dari upaya untuk mendengarkan para penggemar. Anda tidak lagi harus hidup dalam rasa malu tahu Anda punya salinan bajakan. Anda secara hukum akan memilikinya. Hal ini juga membuat barang koleksi rapi demi nostalgia itu. Anda dapat secara legal menjual permainan 2k3. Anda akan mendapatkan penggunaan hukum dari RTP yang datang dengan itu sehingga jika Anda ingin menggunakannya di mesin RM lain, Anda bisa. Anda akan mendukung orang yang mendukung hobi Anda - itu hampir seperti Anda akan mendukung hobi Anda sendiri. Anda tidak akan lagi menjadi salah satu sampah masyarakat yang menarik ke bawah seluruh kerabat-hobi Anda.
Apakah itu alasan yang cukup? Atau Anda ingin lebih ? Ini benar-benar masalah besar, meskipun. Berapa banyak perusahaan lain akan mengambil saran fan dan jalankan dengan itu ketika datang ke program yang lebih tua? Ingin menjadi bagian dari sejarah RM? Vote ya ~ Juga, silahkan menyebarkan berita sekitar untuk setiap dan semua situs yang sering di mana orang menggunakan program. Semakin banyak orang dibuat sadar, semakin baik!
| | | 2012-04-26, 21:06 | Re: An Official Version of 2k3 Approaches! |
LowlingLife Administrator
Posts : 2000 Thanked : 25 Engine : Multi-Engine User
| Sebentar-sebentar... Ini emang cuma bisa ngomong bahasa Inggris atau emang sengaja bahasa Inggris? Anyway, walaupun keluar bahasa inggris yang official, kayaknya saya enggak mau beli deh... Alasannya? RM2K3 penggunanya makin jarang sih dan enginenya udah lama. Jadi udah pada males.. IMO *EDIT : JRITT.... Ini silversatyr yang di RMVX Ace? Beuh... Translation : Is this the same silversatyr with the one in forum? If yes, first of all, i'd like to thank you for your information and your effort to spread the news. We don't get many foreign members here in But, if you ask me whether i want to buy RPG Maker 2003 or not, i will say no. Why? Because, RPG Maker 2003 is so old and i think won't use it anymore. And the amount of RM2K3 in this forum is very low.. Sorry for my bad english.. After all, English isn't my first language....
Terakhir diubah oleh LowlingLife tanggal 2012-04-26, 21:18, total 2 kali diubah |
| | | 2012-04-26, 21:09 | Re: An Official Version of 2k3 Approaches! |
LiTTleDRAgo Senior
Posts : 712 Thanked : 27 Engine : RMXP Skill : Skilled Type : Scripter
| 2k3 buat apa? sekarang2 gini uda ketinggalan jaman tuh ----Edit : Is this really silversatyr? wow, it's rare for RMID to get foreign guest but if I say if I want to buy 2k3, I'll probably say no, I'll already used to RGSS and if I switch to old system 2k3, that means I can't use my skills in scripting at all
Terakhir diubah oleh LiTTleDRAgo tanggal 2012-04-26, 21:43, total 1 kali diubah |
| | | 2012-04-26, 21:20 | Re: An Official Version of 2k3 Approaches! |
silversatyr Newbie
Posts : 5 Thanked : 0 Engine : RMVX Skill : Advanced Type : Mapper
| A collection addition? Knowing that you've done the right thing after using 2k3 for years? Supporting the community? Deepening the relationship between Degica and RM fans? Legal acces to the RTP and REFMAP materials? (REFMAP only allows the use of the materials in Legal makers.) Making your mark in RM history? No living in shame at being a pirate? Showing EB that you do care about their products, that you do want them to continue making more, that they can listen to what you have to say! Selling 2k3 games! There are a lot of people who still use 2k3. And even those that don't may like the resources it comes with to be used. I don't speak or write Indonesian, sorry, but this does need to spread through the communities. If they get 1000 signatures they'll do this. Saya tidak berbicara atau menulis bahasa Indonesia, maaf, tetapi hal ini perlu menyebar melalui masyarakat. Jika mereka mendapatkan 1000 tanda tangan mereka akan melakukan hal ini. - Spoiler:
Sebuah tambahan koleksi? Mengetahui bahwa Anda telah melakukan hal yang benar setelah menggunakan 2k3 selama bertahun-tahun? Mendukung masyarakat? Memperdalam hubungan antara Degica dan penggemar RM? Akses hukum untuk bahan RTP dan REFMAP? (REFMAP hanya memungkinkan penggunaan bahan dalam pembuat Hukum.) Membuat tanda Anda dalam sejarah RM? Tidak ada yang tinggal di malu menjadi bajak laut? Menampilkan EB bahwa Anda peduli tentang produk mereka, bahwa Anda ingin mereka terus membuat lebih, mereka dapat mendengarkan apa yang harus Anda katakan! Jual game 2k3! Ada banyak orang yang masih menggunakan 2k3. Dan bahkan mereka yang tidak mungkin seperti sumber daya yang datang dengan yang akan digunakan.
@lowlinglife: Yes I am the same. I wanted to spread the word to those who do use it. It's an opportunity to get closer to the creators and have them listen to the fans. It's a building block, so to speak. And your English isn't bad. |
| | | 2012-04-26, 21:23 | Re: An Official Version of 2k3 Approaches! |
Nefusa 7 Senior
Posts : 954 Thanked : 6 Engine : RMXP Skill : Intermediate Type : Scripter
| @silversatyr, are you real silversatyr? wow kalo masalah beli RM2k3nya seperti kata om drago - LiTTleDRAgo wrote:
- 2k3 buat apa? sekarang2 gini uda ketinggalan jaman tuh
| | | 2012-04-26, 21:26 | Re: An Official Version of 2k3 Approaches! |
LowlingLife Administrator
Posts : 2000 Thanked : 25 Engine : Multi-Engine User
| @ silversatyr : Oh... Well, I like RPG Maker 2003. In fact, a lot... But, still, the battle system is really bugging me. You see, over the years, many great eventers claim that the best engine to make an event system is RPG Maker 2003. My brother who used RPG Maker 2003 is also said the same thing. The most powerful thing about RPG Maker 2003 is its event system. Maybe some of us will buy for the old sake... |
| | | 2012-04-26, 21:47 | Re: An Official Version of 2k3 Approaches! |
LiTTleDRAgo Senior
Posts : 712 Thanked : 27 Engine : RMXP Skill : Skilled Type : Scripter
| even though I probably won't buy it, I guess I'll sign in the petition |
| | | 2012-04-26, 21:48 | Re: An Official Version of 2k3 Approaches! |
silversatyr Newbie
Posts : 5 Thanked : 0 Engine : RMVX Skill : Advanced Type : Mapper
| There's some talk about fixing the speed issues in the battle system. Also of making it a boxed collection. Check the main site for more information as it comes. Ada beberapa pembicaraan tentang perbaikan masalah kecepatan dalam sistem pertempuran. Yang juga membuatnya menjadi koleksi kotak. Periksa situs utama untuk informasi lebih lanjut, karena dilengkapi. (How bad is this translation, by the way?) |
| | | 2012-04-26, 21:57 | Re: An Official Version of 2k3 Approaches! |
LiTTleDRAgo Senior
Posts : 712 Thanked : 27 Engine : RMXP Skill : Skilled Type : Scripter
| @silversatyr the translation is not accurate, there are few of weird grammar, but it's not bad (as long as I can understand what the meaning is) either way, most of us can understand english (probably not all of us)
Terakhir diubah oleh LiTTleDRAgo tanggal 2012-04-26, 22:00, total 1 kali diubah |
| | | 2012-04-26, 21:58 | Re: An Official Version of 2k3 Approaches! |
LowlingLife Administrator
Posts : 2000 Thanked : 25 Engine : Multi-Engine User
| @ silversatyr : There are so many grammar mistakes.. Actually, yeah.. The biggest problem about the battle system is the speed. It's very slow... But, I agree... The battle system should be faster and more dynamic.... I really love the animated battler feature... It gives me a nostalgic memory for playing Final Fantasy Games... |
| | | 2012-04-26, 23:05 | Re: An Official Version of 2k3 Approaches! |
Spooky Kitaro Novice
Posts : 164 Thanked : 0 Engine : Multi-Engine User Skill : Very Beginner Type : Developer
| It's true during few decades, Don Miguel makes a translated version of 2k3 and I wouldn't say it's illegal because originally Enterbrain only offers Japanese version of 2k3, thus the majority of people would like to toy it so the reason why Don offers fan version. 2k3 being limited of customization Kalau saya sih release versi ingrisnya gratis daripada gunakan *****/****** dan bisa kompatible dengan OS jaman ini (karena 2k3 hanya digunakan dengan XP) Yang aku bilang di atas adalah 2k3 tidak termasuk illegal karena Enterbrain hanya beri versi jepang saja and banyak orang diluar jepang pingin coba jadi si Don membuat versi ingris tanpa bayar 2k3 fuktionnya sangat sedikit semoga tambah fitur sedikit pun |
| | | 2012-04-26, 23:17 | Re: An Official Version of 2k3 Approaches! |
silversatyr Newbie
Posts : 5 Thanked : 0 Engine : RMVX Skill : Advanced Type : Mapper
| It is illegal because the program had to be hacked to actually be translated which went against the copyright laws. Hence why this is such a big deal! They're looking at the past and asking why they didn't do it in English. If we get 1000 signatures they will most likely do this. That's the number we were told to aim for. ~ |
| | | 2012-04-26, 23:20 | Re: An Official Version of 2k3 Approaches! |
shikami Member 1000 Konsep
Posts : 3744 Thanked : 31 Engine : Multi-Engine User Skill : Beginner Type : Developer
| well,i never using rm2k3 before even i knew rpg since rpgmaker1 psx,so i don't really care about.. IMO Rm2k3 was good engine but it's consuming much time to create eventing system which can be easily created on rmxp/rmvx scripts.. |
| | | 2012-04-26, 23:59 | Re: An Official Version of 2k3 Approaches! |
Kuru Senior
Posts : 985 Thanked : 9 Engine : RMVX Skill : Beginner Type : Writer
| I will try to help . Aku dukung deh (walaupun aku pakenya RMXP) |
| | | 2012-04-27, 00:04 | Re: An Official Version of 2k3 Approaches! |
LiTTleDRAgo Senior
Posts : 712 Thanked : 27 Engine : RMXP Skill : Skilled Type : Scripter
| If we compare the feature between 2k3 and XP / VX / VXA, 2k3 is far behind from newest engine I think it will worth only as collectable items for collectors well, let's wait for comments from 2k3 users and, what about 2k? |
| | | 2012-04-27, 08:28 | Re: An Official Version of 2k3 Approaches! |
hyperkudit Pahlawan Super
Posts : 2288 Thanked : 30 Engine : RMXP Skill : Very Beginner Type : Artist
| @all : who the hell is silversatyr? I even didn't know that rmvx ace has forum now Back to topic. I would buy if : 1. Has new features and better than other RMs 2. I was bored with RMXP 3. There was no cr*cked version |
| | | 2012-04-28, 21:39 | Re: An Official Version of 2k3 Approaches! |
silversatyr Newbie
Posts : 5 Thanked : 0 Engine : RMVX Skill : Advanced Type : Mapper
| The simple matter is, you're really paying a token for the program and rights to use the RTP - music and graphics - in other makers, legally. If they added new features they'd have to push up the price. As for cracked version - there's cracked versions of everything. Literally. Does this mean you won't buy ME3 or Portal 2 or other games? Because RM is a game, not software. And it'd be sad if this was the truth. FAQWhy now? Why not 10 years ago?The simple answer? Because no one bothered asking for it. The complete answer? Degica only took over the publishing of EB! products at the advent of XP. Up until that time Protexus was the publisher and they weren't really concerned with the English community. When Degica took over, they reached out to the Western community. It's thanks to them that we have any English makers at all. They also hadn't thought that it would be appreciated, so until a fan actually asked about it... When they were asked they said, sure, let's see how much demand there is and if there's enough we'll do that. Is it worth it for them to do this? Aren't they just wasting money that could be better spent on other things?To quote Touchfuzzy, Admin of the official RM site: - Quote :
- I'm going to use variables because I have no idea exact costs. Let's say we have Project 1 and Project 2.
Project 1 costs x to produce, and brings in 10x
Project 2 costs 2x to produce, and brings in 10x
If we do just Project 1 we make 9x, if we do just Project 2 we make 8x. If we did BOTH projects, we could make 17x.
Hence why if something sounds like we will make x's we will find the money to do it. Also, translating 2k3 if it does work out, could make a good deal of money as it has low costs comparatively to bring over, that could be used to FUND other projects. In other words, the money they make back on this can be used to make other projects, like more resources for the newer makers. How is it a waste of their time to hire a few translators to make an English version of a game that might net them some profit back from a product they missed out on thanks to a shoddy publisher? Why should we pay for something we already have?There are two main reasons and they both boil down to ethics. The first is that it's illegal to use the engine. Okay, get the laughter out of your system. I'll wait. Seriously though, supporting the system that has been loved and used so much over the years is a great thing. It makes you feel better, for one, and encourages Degica to listen to the fans about what they want, for two. Me, I like the idea of owning RM2K3. I like the thought that I've given back to the people who had such a large part of my youth. I remember the first time I even found out there was an RPG Maker and how awesome it was, thinking that I'd be able to make my own game, just like the ones I'd played in my childhood. I love the idea of giving something back for that. Another reason is the RTP. Currently, unless you bought the Japanese version, using the RTP in any engine is illegal. Remember that RTP is sounds as well as graphics. The legal usage of a selection of music and sound effects... do I need to quote how much it costs to 'buy' music to use that flows and fits together? Hundreds, if not thousands of dollars. Seriously. Owning the program. In English. Legally. This means, barring any rips or other illegal content, you may sell your game. Xp/VX/VXA are better! Also, do 2k instead!That's not a question, but I'll respond anyway. Yes, they're better in a lot of ways, but for those looking to push themselves when it comes to eventing, for those who are new to the programs, for those who like old school RPG charm? 2k3 is a better bet. 2k... well, as much as I love 2k, 2k3 offers something that NONE of the other makers have. A default side-view battle system. Also, better eventing. How much will this cost? They should add extra stuff!I put these two together because they relate. Firstly, they've said right out that the cost would be set at $20. Not too bad, eh? This is a program in English and the RTP for use in any other engine. Neato~ Adding extra stuff would just drive up the price and make things harder on their end. A translation, maybe a bug fix for the agility issue... That's what they're offering. They aren't going to recode a whole new engine, they aren't going to add scripting features or higher resolution or redo the graphical side of the RTp or add self switches (;. because doing so would take away from their other projects and drive up the price. But what about patches and things like Cherry's support programs? Aren't they illegal?Yes, of course they are. To make the patches they had to mess with the source code of the game and that is against the EULA. That said, it's like using rips. It's illegal, but as long as you're not trying to sell the game and waving big red flags, Degica isn't likely to be bothered prosecuting you for it. I mean, how many prosecutions have there been with the pirated version? Or even with VX games that use the Tile Swap patch? I can think of two, perhaps, and those were really popular and well-known outside of the community. It's like editing rom files. The companies won't go out of their way to police it unless someone throws up a flare of some sort (That one Chrono Trigger fangame comes to mind.) Is this official or are you just trying to gather support for a cause that has no chance of occurring?This is official. If 1000 signatures are raised, Degica will do this. Why? Because a fan asked. How awesome is that? Any other questions? Just ask. Also? This. Thanks to Iddalai for making it. |
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