First topic message reminder :Life is an endless struggles in pack of many seasonings. For Mark himself, life is about to proof to the world.Background:Jadi project tunggal Westerland Story buat saat ini (lah, Wandering Brawler? | Ane simpen dulu soale ane masih ngga ngerti sama lingkungannya). Ane bikinnya ngga pake RPG Maker soale:
- lebih YOSS kalo sistemnya dibikin dari scratch
- develop game lebih simple walo kudu nggali lagi Ruby
- mo bikin library resos sendiri
- dan mau nyoba ngeklon logic2 game jadul (terutama, Castlevania--mock-up konsep dari Mark's Quest ini; beberapa musuhnya juga ngambil dari sono, kek Koranot sama Musket)
Dan napa ane ngambil konsepnya dari Castlevania? (FYI Castlevania nyang di NES, bukan yang anyar2)
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- Walopun keliatannya gampang, tapi game-nya makin susah dan kadang juga ngehe di situasi2 tertentu
- movement emang ngga begitu halus, tapi itulah sisi tantangannya
- genre Hack-and-Slash atawa Beat'em Up udah kebilang level intermediate buat gamedev menurut ane (dan RPG itu satu-dua level diatasnya)
- Old but gold (style retro paling ane demen buat game, makanya ane putusin bikin ini juga)
Storyline:Ceritanya gini, (english brow/sist, jadi siap2 kamus
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In 164 years after Magic War, a mysterious tower appeared on top of one of Westerland Highland's hill. Since the tower appeared when the mist which covered it disappeared, townsfolk decided to named it Tower of Mist. And along with tower's presence, townsfolk including warrior fellows of Warriors' Village felt the strange, dark-ish aura and everyone believed the crippling aura was emitted from the tower.
Even though most of people put a question to the tower and what is the mystery hidden inside, no one is brave and folly enough to walk through against amplified dark aura when approaching the tower.
One day, three years after tower's appearance, dreaded scourge of evil creatures swarming over villages around the highland, and Warriors' Village is one of the villages swarmed and razed because of it. Also, townsfolk--which mostly wounded believed that a girl namely Teresa was abducted when scourge outbreak.
Knowing his beloved one is in distress, Mark--a young blacksmith of Warriors' Village and a warrior as well drawn his sword and set a determined and dangerous quest to free Teresa from grasp of evil deed behind the scourge and reveal the mystery behind the Tower of Mist... when in other hand he wants to proof himself as a worthy warrior.
(Mark disini tu adalah Mark von Maximilian, tokoh yang dulunya jadi lalakon di Legend of Seven Swords. Bedanya, dimari ceritanya si Mark ini masih muda, dan masih ada pacarnya, Teresa.)
System:sementara ini:
- Kan udah ane bilang, Side-scrolling (cita2 ane bikin game dari sejak dulu)
- Konfig kontroller standar NES (cuman 2 tombol aksi dan tombol arah doang)
- Player, si Mark, nyerang pake pedang dan bisa pake 'Subweapon'
- Dan kalo penasaran pake engine apa, ane pake Ruby murni + library Gosu sama Chingu (bisa disedot di kalo penasaran)
Screenshotshasil ngedev minggu 1
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minggu 3, nulis ulang skrip + debugging
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Resources:Soal sprite, ane lagi bikin satu-dua, dan maunya sih bikin semuanya dari awal. Beberapa emang keliatan nyomot2 gitu tapi ane usahain buat bikin resos seORI-ORInya
Menyangkut audio, BGM kayaknya ane bakalan minta bantuan khusunya ke sini. TheoAllen, sang glomod ganteng penyuka Wesnoth kita juga freedy_frame punya koleksi yang YOSS banget
Dan SFX ane ngumpulin dari Beberapa BGM dari arsip project lama kayaknya bakalan masuk...
Progress:HUD baru, sistem baru, dan semuanya baru
Terbaru? Wall Jump
Mark udah bisa loncat mantul dari tembok, a la Megaman
kalo mau liat2 sih, ane udah nyediain test bed dimari
- Code:
Interested?Kalo tertarik dan mo bantu, tentunya ane dengan segenap hati dan
nurani menerima segala bentuk apresiasi
Dan pastinya, ane bakalan pake resos2 yang ORIGINAL dibikin sama anak2 Indonesia (biar keren
Mark's Quest rencananya mo dibikin
Freeware, jadi semua orang bisa maenin game ini
Do'akan biar bisa rilis taun ini juga