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 [ask] mode7 tu apaan yah?

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[ask] mode7 tu apaan yah? Empty2012-01-30, 14:12
Post[ask] mode7 tu apaan yah?
Koplak RMer

Level 5
Posts : 399
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Engine : Multi-Engine User
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Type : Event Designer
[ask] mode7 tu apaan yah? Vide
Cara nonaktifin mode 7 tuh gmn ?
dan mode 7 itu apaan ?
[ask] mode7 tu apaan yah? Empty2012-01-30, 14:31
PostRe: [ask] mode7 tu apaan yah?
♫ RMID Rebel ♫
♫ RMID Rebel ♫

Posts : 4935
Thanked : 63

[ask] mode7 tu apaan yah? Vide
Splited for original post
Jgn bajak thread y kk :v
[ask] mode7 tu apaan yah? Empty2012-01-30, 18:12
PostRe: [ask] mode7 tu apaan yah?

Posts : 2000
Thanked : 25
Engine : Multi-Engine User

[ask] mode7 tu apaan yah? Vide <-
Quote :
Mode 7 is a graphics mode on the Super NES video game console and the Sega CD addon for the Genesis that allows a background layer to be rotated and scaled on a scanline-by-scanline basis to create many different effects. The most famous of these effects is the application of a perspective effect on a background layer by scaling and rotating the background layer in this manner. This transforms the background layer into a 2-dimensional horizontal texture-mapped plane that trades height for depth. Thus, an impression of 3-dimensional graphics is achieved.
Jadi intinya itu Mode 7 bikin grafik 2D menjadi mirip 3D dengan menarik garisnya. Maksud menonaktifkan apa? Kalo gak mau pake, ya gak usah pake scriptnya...
[ask] mode7 tu apaan yah? Empty
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[ask] mode7 tu apaan yah? Vide

[ask] mode7 tu apaan yah?

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