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 [SOLVED] Ganti format text dan atur kecepatan text

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[SOLVED] Ganti format text dan atur kecepatan text Empty2009-08-21, 12:03
Post[SOLVED] Ganti format text dan atur kecepatan text

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[SOLVED] Ganti format text dan atur kecepatan text Vide
ada yang tahu ga gimna scriptnya buat ganti format text, ukuran text?
trus atur textnya biar munculnya ga langsung muncul semua, tapi munculnya kayak orang lagi ngetik
[SOLVED] Ganti format text dan atur kecepatan text Empty2009-08-21, 14:22
PostRe: [SOLVED] Ganti format text dan atur kecepatan text

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[SOLVED] Ganti format text dan atur kecepatan text Vide
it is easy kk david!
sayang nya kk pake vx
kalo pake xp bisa pake AMS R4 atao Ccoa UMS

cari aja di gugel "VX Message System"
nanti ketemu script yg bagus deh ^^
[SOLVED] Ganti format text dan atur kecepatan text Empty2009-08-21, 14:38
PostRe: [SOLVED] Ganti format text dan atur kecepatan text

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[SOLVED] Ganti format text dan atur kecepatan text Vide
wah kayaknya gw lupa ganti engine gw di profil hahahah, aku dah pke xp juga
[SOLVED] Ganti format text dan atur kecepatan text Empty2009-08-26, 08:29
PostRe: [SOLVED] Ganti format text dan atur kecepatan text

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[SOLVED] Ganti format text dan atur kecepatan text Vide
kk gw dah dpt ams r4 n sudah di pkai, tapi kok message boxnya ga sama dengan window skin yang ku set ya? trus mw buat mesage boxnya ukurannya sesuai dengan textnya gimana?
[SOLVED] Ganti format text dan atur kecepatan text Empty2009-08-26, 09:11
PostRe: [SOLVED] Ganti format text dan atur kecepatan text
RMID's 1st Advisor
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[SOLVED] Ganti format text dan atur kecepatan text Vide
Liat di script AMS R4 nya, perhatikan mulai dari Line 51 ~ 75.

@name_box_x_offset = 0 #Choose the X axis offset of the name bos. default= 0
@name_box_y_offset = -10 #Choose the Y axis offset of the name bos. default= -10
@name_box_width = 8 #Choose the width of the Name Box. default= 8
@name_box_height = 26 #Choose the height of the Name Box. default= 26

@font_type = "Calibri" #Choose the Font Name (Case Sensitive) for message box
@name_font_type = "Calibri" #Choose the Font Name (Case Sensitive) for Name Box
@font_size = 20 #Choose the default Font Size for message box text
@name_font_size = 20 #Choose the deafault Font Size for Name Box text
@name_box_text_color=0 #Choose the Text Color of the Name Box
@message_box_text_color=0 #Choose the Text Color of the Message Box

@message_box_opacity = 200 #Choose the opacity of the message window. Default=160
@message_box_skin = "DISINI" #Choose the WindowSkin for the Message Box
@name_box_skin = "Zz" #Choose the WindowSkin for the Name Box

@message_width = 480 #Choose the width size of the message box. Default=480
@message_height = 160 #Choose the height size of the message box. Default=160
@message_x = 80 #Choose the X position of the message box. Default=80
@message_y_bottom = 304 #Choose the Y bottom position of the message box. Default=304
@message_y_middle = 160 #Choose the Y middle position of the message box. Default=160
@message_y_top = 16 #Choose the Y top position of the message box. Default=16

@event_message_x_ofset = 0 #Choose the X position offset of the event message. Default=0
@event_message_y_ofset = 48 #Choose the Y position offset of the event message.

Aku rasa dari keterangan dubealexnya sendiri sudah cukup jelas.

Ini manual R4: (Creation Asylum)

Instruction Manual:

Each of those "commands" are to be used in your message events.

Change the text color temporarly (Default):


Insert the color ID of your choice. All colors are coded in Window_Base starting at line #39, 0 is white.

Change the text color temporarly (Hexadecimal):


Enter an Hexadecimal color code as in HTML in there. For example:

#000000 = black
#FFFFFF = white

Show the gold window:


This will show a gold window in the top-right corner of the screen, with the amount of gold the player have in possesion.

Show the hero's name:


Use the hero ID of the hero's name you want to display in the message box.

Show the monter's name:


Use the monster ID of the monster's name you want to display in the message box. This function was added by Dubealex.

Show an item's price:


Use the item ID of the item's price you want to display in the message box. This function was added by Dubealex.

Show the current map name:


This will show the name of the map you are currently on. This function was added by Dubealex.

Show a face graphic in your message box:


FaceName must be the filename of a graphic file found in the directoyr Graphics\Pictures of your RPG Maker XP project. The file must be a PNG of 96X96 pixels. You do not need to write the file extention.

Show the class name of a character:


Use the hero ID of the hero's class name you want to display in the message box. This function was added by Dubealex.

Show variables, items, weapons, armor and skill names:


You must replace the x by the first lettter of what you want to modify, it goes as follows:

Variable = Do not write anything, use the standard \v[VariableID]
Items = i + itemID --> \v[iID]
Armors = a + armorID --> \v[aID]
Weapons = w + weaponID --> \v[wID]
Skills = s + skillID --> \v[sID]

Show a name or other info in a name box:


Use this to show a name box above the message box that will contains the text you specified. You can also use variable and other commands such as "Show hero name" in that name box. As the following example:

\Name[\v[12]] --> Will show the value of variable ID# 12 in the name box.
\Name[Dubealex] --> Will show "Dubealex" in the name box.
\Name[\n[1]] --> Will show the name of hero ID# 1 in the name box.

Modify the text opacity:


Use this to modify the opacity of the text in the message box. Enter a number between 0 and 255, where 255 is fully opaque and 0 is fully transparent.

Modify the text speed:


Use this to modify the speed of the text in the message box. Enter a number between 1 and 19, where 19 is the slowest.

Modify the text size:


Use this to modify the size of the text in the message box. Enter a number between 6 and 32, where 32 is the biggest.

Show the message box above player or events:


Use this to set the window to appear whether above the player or any event present in your map. Use the following options:

\p[Event ID]

Using "\p[Event ID]" will put the window on top of the specified event ID.
Using "\p[0]" will put the window on top of the player.
Using "\p[-1]" will make a window without background and without borders.

Add wait in message and other commands like that:

\| --> Wait for 1 second
\. --> Wait for .25 second
\~ --> Auto close window at last letter
\! --> Wait for key input from the player
\\ --> Will show the backslash \ character

Set the letter by letter ON/OFF temporarly:

\< --> Will set it ON
\> --> Will set it OFF

Change the font in a message box (permanent):


FontName must be a .TTF found in Windows\Fonts and must be case sensitive. The changes made to the font will be permanent. So remember to do another command to revert it to anything you want. This script now works with the parenthesis, new in R3... So no worry about that ! It's safe now. This feature was added by Dubealex.

Play an SE as the letter are shown (permanent):


File must be in directory Audio\SE
Remember to set that effect OFF when you dont need it anymore using \a[] Leaving the brackets empty, or else the SE will be heard on all window from this point on.

Display text as a superscript:


The "FIRST" will be at normal size, and "SECOND" will be a little bit higher on the line, as a superscript.

Allow / Disallow Text Skip button (permanent):


Use this command to toggle the text skip button to whether enabled or disabled. It's useful if you want to control the flow of some stories and you don't want the player to be able to skip the text by himself. Remember that the changes are permanent, meaning that if you use it once to disable the text skip, it will stay like that. Remember to do it once again to revert the text skip to enabled for the rest of the game. Feature added by Dubealex.

Modify the text color of the name box (permanent):


Use this as you use the normal color command \c[ColorID] - But this time it will set the color used in the name box; and the changes will be permanent. So remember to do it once again to change the color back. Feature added by Dubealex.

Change the color of the text in message box permanentatly:


Use this as you use the normal color command \c[ColorID] - But this time it will set the color used in the message box permanently; meaning you wont have to use a color command on each message event from now on. Remember to do another command like this to revert the color to something you want. Feature added by Dubealex.

Customize other aspects of the AMS:

In the first lines of the AMS, you can customize things.

Those lines help you configure the default you will use in the AMS; so you can now specify the font name and size for both message box and name box independatly, and set their windowskin; which will not affect any other windows as the menus.

You can also set the position and size of the name box, just play with the values and test it. The default are written in the comments aside each line so you cannot "mess" the script up.

I also created an object named $ams that hold all those values for you, and it saves them in your save files, and load them when you load a game. This means that if you changed the font in the middle of your game, save the game, and reload the game, the font will still be the one you specified in the middle of your game -- This would not have worked in any other message script.

You can also access those settings to read or write to them in your game using the ATTR_ACCESSOR I created.

Have fun, and report any bug in this topic. But take note that some bug may occur because of other script, and I may not be able to help if it's the case.
[SOLVED] Ganti format text dan atur kecepatan text Empty2009-09-02, 08:23
PostRe: [SOLVED] Ganti format text dan atur kecepatan text

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[SOLVED] Ganti format text dan atur kecepatan text Vide
Ada masalah lagi coba liat 2 gambar ini
[SOLVED] Ganti format text dan atur kecepatan text 110
[SOLVED] Ganti format text dan atur kecepatan text 210[code][img][/img]

Masalah gw kog textnya ga mau nongol sampai ke ujung mesage boxnya, padahal klo ga pkai ams dia mau. tapi setelah pke ams kog jadi begitu ya?

Yang text gw udah temuin cara lainnya, ni ada masalah lagi bro.
[SOLVED] Ganti format text dan atur kecepatan text 310

lihat perbedaan face di ni dengan yang tadi, face yang ni terlihat tertutup rapat sedang kan face yang tadi tidak tertutup rapat, ada yang tahu ga cara setingnya gimana supaya facenya tertutup rapat?
aku dah coba ganti ukuran mesage boxnya, tapi facenya malah ada yang ga keliatan, trus aku cari setingan koor buat face di scriptnya tapi ga ketemu.

Terakhir diubah oleh davidjie tanggal 2009-09-02, 13:35, total 1 kali diubah
[SOLVED] Ganti format text dan atur kecepatan text Empty2009-09-02, 08:28
PostRe: [SOLVED] Ganti format text dan atur kecepatan text
RMID's 1st Advisor
RMID's 1st Advisor

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[SOLVED] Ganti format text dan atur kecepatan text Vide
Download link diatas. Cara makenya.. ketika message box sedang aktif, nyalakan aplikasi ini.

credit link to reijubv
[SOLVED] Ganti format text dan atur kecepatan text Empty2009-09-02, 09:22
PostRe: [SOLVED] Ganti format text dan atur kecepatan text

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[SOLVED] Ganti format text dan atur kecepatan text Vide
Jelasin lebih detail lagi cara makainya kk, msh nggak ngerti aku
[SOLVED] Ganti format text dan atur kecepatan text Empty2009-09-02, 16:24
PostRe: [SOLVED] Ganti format text dan atur kecepatan text

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[SOLVED] Ganti format text dan atur kecepatan text Vide
Kalo milih Message Script aku rekomendasiin LBL nya Sheol... Slipknot
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[SOLVED] Ganti format text dan atur kecepatan text Vide

[SOLVED] Ganti format text dan atur kecepatan text

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