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 [In Concept] The Princess Warrior

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[In Concept] The Princess Warrior - Page 2 Empty2011-06-07, 22:55
Post[In Concept] The Princess Warrior
Moe Princess

Level 5
Posts : 1487
Thanked : 30
Engine : Multi-Engine User
Skill : Intermediate
Type : Developer
[In Concept] The Princess Warrior - Page 2 Vide
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Title: The Princess Warrior
Genre: RPG, plus setengah VN plus setengah adventure :hammer:

Story (diringkas dikit, 2 chapters):

Character Profiles:
Quote :
1. Alissa Liu (not real name)
Age: 23
Job: Princess / Ex-Princess / Holy Knight
Special Weapons: Rusty Knife, SCORPION (Princess / Ex-Princess), Twin Aegis (Holy Knight)

First Princess of Odinesia Kingdom with real name Liu Ying (劉英), and daughter of second king of Odinesia, King Badarodin, and his wife, Seraphodin. She also has her stepmother, Selenia, with whom King Badarodin has remarried after death of Seraphodin, her stepsister, Lucy Vera, and her stepbrother who is third king of Odinesia, Afghan Shaherodin.

Her mother is actually an elf, and so Alissa is. But Odinesian people don’t like elves live with them. So before meeting and marrying King Badarodin, her mother had undergone surgery to transform her ears into human ear form in order to conceal her elf appearance. And so Alissa did after her birth. Alissa is skilled in archery since she has learned from her mother. This because majority elves have archery skills.

While wandering after escaping from Odinesia Palace, she entered a large altar with Odin Statue in front of her. Suddenly the altar shakes and the sound of Odin from the statue said that Alissa was chosen to save people of Odinesia Kingdom. And finally she received Twin Aegis, a pair of light sabers from Odin, and she became a Holy Knight who will fight against terrorists from Gazadin and save Odinesian people from many threats.

Becoming a Holy Knight is more than just becoming an ordinary knight. As a Holy Knight, Alissa has been graced Samurai and Lancer skills by Odin. Moreover, unlike Knights, Samurais, and Lancers, she also got ability to use a pair of swords and balanced behavior. However her archery skills are still present.

2. Dorothy Astatin
Age: 22
Job: Thief (in background story) / Ninja (aka Assassin)
Special Weapon: Keris

Alissa’s closest friend and ex-thief who was jailed after having robbed at a house. She has well-trained thievery skill because she originated from a poor family; that condition encouraged her to do thefts. From her thievery skill, she also has learned Ninja skill very well because of her agility.

Paying attention to Alissa, Dorothy attempted to kidnap Alissa when Alissa returned to the palace and wanted to leave her inharmonious family again, and bring her to safe place. Unfortunately she failed since she and Alissa accidentally fell to separate places.

3. Justin Minder
Age: 19
Job: Cleric (aka Sorcerer)

A young brilliant hero, son of Leon Mesh, who works as fisherman. He was born with superior intelligence and he likes reading any books, so he has plenty of knowledges. He serves as a cleric in a church which is near harbor where his father usually goes fishing.

While he was helping his father doing fishing with a row boat, suddenly a gang of pirates from Sanalia approached Justin and his father. They named themselves Pirates of The Sanalian. Then Justin and his father was kidnapped by the pirates as their hostages because they had “illegally” crossed Samalia Border and hadn’t paid tax.

Seeing this event, a woman from unknown place named Madam Agatha The Summoner summoned Leviathan, a giant sea monster in order to fight Pirates of The Sanalian and rescue their hostages. Finally the pirates were defeated and the hostages were successfully rescued. After that, Justin and Madam Agatha decided to join Alissa’s party to assist in her great mission.

4. Listra Gunmanner
Age: 25
Job: Special Ops

A well-known special ops from Special Detachment 12, an Odinesian detachment to fight against terrorists and alumnus of Seaborg Military Academy. From the academy, she is skilled in using all types of guns, such as crossbows, handguns, shotguns, assault rifles, sniper rifles, and rocket launchers.

5. Winda Stormwalker
Age: 17
Job: Dancer
Special Weapon: Winda Fighting Fans

A famous young dancer with pretty body and appearance. Since she was kid, she loves dancing even in various types. When she was kid, she was a fan of Maike Jensen, a well-known professional dancer; she learned dancing from him. And then she becomes an idol of Odinesian people that has performed dance shows in several places.

A special characteristic of Winda is that she always brings two fans. She loves dancing with her fancy fans. Because of her fans and dancing skill, she is very agile in fighting; her agility is outstanding.

6. Madam Agatha The Summoner
Age: 40
Job: Summoner
(sori lom ada gambar ngawurnya :P)

A woman who rescued Justin Minder and his father from Pirates of The Sanalian. She was born as an indigo human who can use such an instinct as her “sixth sense” to predict what will happen.

Madam Agatha can also talk with something that ordinary persons can’t see and feel. She can cast spells by summoning monsters and spirits, such as Ifrit, Leviathan, Cyclops, Seraph and Lich. And she has balanced energy in her body that enables her to cast lightning magics.

7. Prof. Albadr Wewewstein
Age: 55
Job: Engineer
Special Weapon: Portable Time Machine

An old scientist who has invented time machine. He got Professor title after his graduation from Yterban University in Odinesia and his research.

When doing a research, unexpectedly he found something that violates existing relativity theory. With the “something”, he was able to freely manipulate space and time; he was able to make the world fast, slow, and freezed, and also to teleport by freezing time. And it led to his time machine invention.

EDIT: sebagian karakter2 sudah dibuat artnya, silakan liat galeri di:

Okay, diminta komen2 kl bisa yah... XD
tapi selain dari nama2 tokoh yang epic ya =))

Btw, visit juga forum basement proyek ini di: :)
dan mohon regis & login terlebih dahulu jika anda ingin melihat isi proyek dan memberi dukungan :)

Terakhir diubah oleh bungatepijalan tanggal 2011-07-18, 19:12, total 8 kali diubah

[In Concept] The Princess Warrior - Page 2 Empty2011-07-12, 00:02
PostRe: [In Concept] The Princess Warrior

Posts : 199

[In Concept] The Princess Warrior - Page 2 Vide
wah setengah VN ya...

apakah seperti Tears to Tiara versi PC....

nama" karakternya juga gak asing... XD

Justin Minder... XD...

Prof. Albadr Wewewstein XD

ada Odin sedunia juga XD

[In Concept] The Princess Warrior - Page 2 Empty2011-07-12, 01:10
PostRe: [In Concept] The Princess Warrior
Moe Princess

Level 5
Posts : 1487
Thanked : 30
Engine : Multi-Engine User
Skill : Intermediate
Type : Developer
[In Concept] The Princess Warrior - Page 2 Vide
Makasih atas komen2 kalian :sembah:
Btw, skali lagi.. silahkan visit di forum basment proyek ini:
dan mohon join forum jika anda ingin melihat isi proyek dan ingin memberi masukan/dukungan untuk proyek ini :sembah:

Ada bagian2 menarik lho disitu:
- 3D Isometric Map System ala FF Tactics:
- Terms About Odinesia: (login needed)
- Character profile - Alissa Liu: (login needed)

~ Salam Ngacay dari Alissa Liu :ngacay2: ~
[In Concept] The Princess Warrior - Page 2 Empty
PostRe: [In Concept] The Princess Warrior
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[In Concept] The Princess Warrior

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