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 [GM8-WIP] Zhan Chang (Zero)

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[GM8-WIP] Zhan Chang (Zero) - Page 2 Empty2010-09-17, 14:21
Post[GM8-WIP] Zhan Chang (Zero)
Moe Princess

Level 5
Posts : 1487
Thanked : 30
Engine : Multi-Engine User
Skill : Intermediate
Type : Developer
[GM8-WIP] Zhan Chang (Zero) - Page 2 Vide
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[GM8-WIP] Zhan Chang (Zero) - Page 2 Icture1
Genre: Action - Survival
Screen: 640x480
Creator: Bunga Tepi Jalan

Tiap level dalam game ini yang direncanakan ada dua satu tipe: survival dan infiltration (tiap level ada beberapa wave yg harus diselesaikan).
- Survival: Musuh-musuh menyerang pemain, dalam beberapa wave. Pemain harus bertahan sampai selesai.
- Infiltration: Pemain menggunakan mainan remote control yang bisa bergerak cepat. Ia akan menyusup ke daerah "terlarang" yang dijaga oleh beberapa tower. Ia tidak bisa menyerang, tapi bisa melakukan manuver yang menyebabkan tower-tower menembak satu sama lain.

Fitur-fitur yang direncanakan:
- Ada beberapa level
- Workshop: tempat meng-upgrade senjata, armor, HP & Energy.
- Abilities to learn
- Map perjalanan, bentuknya kaya struktur PohonBiner... (kaya di AlStrukDat =)) )

W & S: Up/Down
A & D: Left/Right
Mouse Move: Aim the Target
Mouse Left (hold): Shoot at the Target
1~9: Change weapon equipment

Screenshot (EDIT)
[GM8-WIP] Zhan Chang (Zero) - Page 2 Untitl14
..dan ini rencana tipe infiltration, bakalan kaya gini (ambil dr game Tower Bombarde) (yg ini nanti aja.. :swt:):

Link (under construction)

NB: Proyek ini baru dimulai sedang dikerjakan.. dan..
Para mimin dan momod, tolong pindahkan ini ke Game Project!!! (sudah dilakukan XD)

Terakhir diubah oleh bungatepijalan tanggal 2010-11-18, 19:12, total 7 kali diubah (Reason for editing : update kelima.. :kabur:)

[GM8-WIP] Zhan Chang (Zero) - Page 2 Empty2011-07-14, 19:55
PostRe: [GM8-WIP] Zhan Chang (Zero)
Moe Princess

Posts : 1487
[GM8-WIP] Zhan Chang (Zero) - Page 2 Vide
No, with only several waves, the game can be considered as completed, not only cancelled :v
The project may be able to resume, but I don't want to do it yet :v
because I've to do a big project that may take a few years: :v

Btw, if you find any bugs or mistakes, I'm ready to fix it :v

~ Salam Ngacay dari Alissa Liu :ngacay2: ~
[GM8-WIP] Zhan Chang (Zero) - Page 2 Empty2011-07-14, 20:01
PostRe: [GM8-WIP] Zhan Chang (Zero)
Xutix Xox
Xutix Xox

Posts : 2377
Thanked : 18
Engine : Multi-Engine User
Skill : Advanced
Type : Developer

[GM8-WIP] Zhan Chang (Zero) - Page 2 Vide
Well, if I find it, I don't expect to get it fixed soon :v.
Really, you should fixed it on the remake/special edition of the release of the game :v.
People usually don't repeat downloading the game just to get the fixed game after the release. :v
(Yeah, it isn't a good idea if it is a commercial game :v )

So, I will just let you know when I found some bug and have some point that you can fix or improve ;).
[GM8-WIP] Zhan Chang (Zero) - Page 2 Empty
PostRe: [GM8-WIP] Zhan Chang (Zero)
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[GM8-WIP] Zhan Chang (Zero) - Page 2 Vide

[GM8-WIP] Zhan Chang (Zero)

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