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 Touhou 12.8 ~ The Great Fairy Wars ~

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Touhou 12.8  ~ The Great Fairy Wars ~ - Page 2 Empty2010-07-23, 20:36
PostTouhou 12.8 ~ The Great Fairy Wars ~

Level 5
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Touhou 12.8  ~ The Great Fairy Wars ~ - Page 2 Vide
First topic message reminder :
Karena dipost di blognya ZUN secara langsung, kemungkinan besar ini official dari ZUNnya sendiri. Jadi, gimana reaksi kalian?

Touhou 12.8  ~ The Great Fairy Wars ~ - Page 2 Empty2010-08-19, 21:52
PostRe: Touhou 12.8 ~ The Great Fairy Wars ~
Godfather of Lolicon RMID

Posts : 348

Touhou 12.8  ~ The Great Fairy Wars ~ - Page 2 Vide
Tamat juga route A easy mode
Wadoh nda kuat lawannya neh
Touhou 12.8  ~ The Great Fairy Wars ~ - Page 2 Empty2010-08-31, 08:59
PostRe: Touhou 12.8 ~ The Great Fairy Wars ~

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Touhou 12.8  ~ The Great Fairy Wars ~ - Page 2 Vide
seudah tamatin semua rute..
rute EXTRA busyet... lebih gila dari LUNATIC walau gak ada "Kunai residue" yang suka keluar..

terus pas lawan MARISA ... idih 10 FASE!!! susah banget lagi!!
apalagi kalo game over... gak bisa RETRY (coba aja)

btw, replay ane A~C Easy + VS Marisa Kirisame
Replay A~C + Marisa 1
Replay Marisa Kirisame 10 Phases + All game feat. on extra


(masukkin replaynya pake ini aja)
Touhou 12.8  ~ The Great Fairy Wars ~ - Page 2 Empty2010-08-31, 18:27
PostRe: Touhou 12.8 ~ The Great Fairy Wars ~
Godfather of Lolicon RMID

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Touhou 12.8  ~ The Great Fairy Wars ~ - Page 2 Vide
Dasyaaat XD
Wa aja sampai hari ini baru bisa selesein 2 route, masih kurang 4 lagi ya sebelum sampai Master Spark?
Touhou 12.8  ~ The Great Fairy Wars ~ - Page 2 Empty2010-08-31, 21:10
PostRe: Touhou 12.8 ~ The Great Fairy Wars ~
assassin nyemplung 
assassin nyemplung

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Touhou 12.8  ~ The Great Fairy Wars ~ - Page 2 Vide
ho ho ho

udah maen nih.

awalnya jari kiri dah pegel. eh ctrl kepencet XD ditahan terus ga usah mencet mencet

aku terakhir maen masih yang lawan 3 an
Touhou 12.8  ~ The Great Fairy Wars ~ - Page 2 Empty2010-08-31, 23:36
PostRe: Touhou 12.8 ~ The Great Fairy Wars ~
Doomed Zombie

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Touhou 12.8  ~ The Great Fairy Wars ~ - Page 2 Vide
Gw udah download nih game kmren... tpi kok g bsa jalan ya? ktnya directx ny brmslah...
Kayaknya hrus install directx lgi y? Padahal udah kpngen maen nih... :cry:
Touhou 12.8  ~ The Great Fairy Wars ~ - Page 2 Empty2010-09-01, 13:48
PostRe: Touhou 12.8 ~ The Great Fairy Wars ~

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Touhou 12.8  ~ The Great Fairy Wars ~ - Page 2 Vide
@rus: wa lawan Marisa gak ada Master Spark ... adanya cuman SPAMMING BULLET 9 Phase (1 phase, 1 spell card) -- btw, dah download blom replay wa? disitu ada VERSUS MARISA KIRISAME lo~ (kalah di 10th spell card/10th phase/final :( )
@drdhoom : cari di mbah gugel "d3dx9_42.dll" terus download kalo dah ketemu
Touhou 12.8  ~ The Great Fairy Wars ~ - Page 2 Empty2010-09-01, 19:37
PostRe: Touhou 12.8 ~ The Great Fairy Wars ~

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Touhou 12.8  ~ The Great Fairy Wars ~ - Page 2 Vide
Lho?! Dah clear EXTRA?! :jedug Aku juga harus clear EXTRA! :evil:

Kucabut perkataanku, itu ngelag hampir 70%... Peluru ngelamban jauh, bukan EXTRA sesungguhnya... Coba main dengan lag kurang dari 5%.
Touhou 12.8  ~ The Great Fairy Wars ~ - Page 2 Empty2010-09-01, 20:00
PostRe: Touhou 12.8 ~ The Great Fairy Wars ~
assassin nyemplung 
assassin nyemplung

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Touhou 12.8  ~ The Great Fairy Wars ~ - Page 2 Vide
Quote :
Gw udah download nih game kmren... tpi kok g bsa jalan ya? ktnya directx ny brmslah...
Kayaknya hrus install directx lgi y? Padahal udah kpngen maen nih..

download d3d9x_42.dll di mbah google cari, terus simpen di system32
Touhou 12.8  ~ The Great Fairy Wars ~ - Page 2 Empty2010-09-01, 20:30
PostRe: Touhou 12.8 ~ The Great Fairy Wars ~
Doomed Zombie

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Touhou 12.8  ~ The Great Fairy Wars ~ - Page 2 Vide
udah bisa nih... q coba copas d3d9x_36.dll trus q rename...
bener" sulitnya... easy di route A cuman bisa sampai A3... kagak snggup gw maen yg bgnian...
Touhou 12.8  ~ The Great Fairy Wars ~ - Page 2 Empty2010-09-02, 13:23
PostRe: Touhou 12.8 ~ The Great Fairy Wars ~

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Touhou 12.8  ~ The Great Fairy Wars ~ - Page 2 Vide
@wltr: lom, wa masih stres sama si MARIS***S Kismisame... :jedug
di FINAL SPELL CARD mati terus.. (Game over)
makanya wa tiap hari maen TOUHOU terus... btw...

Replay VS Marisa again! (deeper to winning)

Terakhir diubah oleh IrfanG tanggal 2010-09-04, 11:54, total 1 kali diubah
Touhou 12.8  ~ The Great Fairy Wars ~ - Page 2 Empty2010-09-03, 19:43
PostRe: Touhou 12.8 ~ The Great Fairy Wars ~
assassin nyemplung 
assassin nyemplung

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Touhou 12.8  ~ The Great Fairy Wars ~ - Page 2 Vide
wa mau share ampe boss 2

nikmati (easy modo? menjijikkan)

Touhou 12.8  ~ The Great Fairy Wars ~ - Page 2 Empty2010-09-03, 20:32
PostRe: Touhou 12.8 ~ The Great Fairy Wars ~

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Touhou 12.8  ~ The Great Fairy Wars ~ - Page 2 Vide
Bagi-bagi juga ah :-

Disitu lengkap dari clear normal ending 1 - 6 dan main EXTRA sampe spell card pertama :jedug Marisa lasernya keterlaluan :swt:

Dari cara main kamu masih agak serampangan. Ngehindarnya bagus, tapi kurang fokus untuk ngebekuin peluru.
Touhou 12.8  ~ The Great Fairy Wars ~ - Page 2 Empty2010-09-04, 09:04
PostRe: Touhou 12.8 ~ The Great Fairy Wars ~

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Touhou 12.8  ~ The Great Fairy Wars ~ - Page 2 Vide
YEAH!!! MARISA BEATEN!!!! headbang headbang headbang headbang headbang headbang headbang headbang
[Replay - 10th Spell Card Marisa - Still Fail]
[Replay - 10th Spell Card Marisa - Success!!!]

Info of Marisa Kirisame :
[If your YARU PT is down, then YOUR BONUS TOO!!] - beat Marisa
[On 9th spell card, just survive through 68 seconds] - there is no TIME UP PENALTY MEDAL
[Final spell card, just follow behind the spawner, really it works!] - when Marisa summons the biggest laser
[Just freeze the s. stars (need >=75%), and move through behind the ice quickly] - 1st spell card
[Keep freezing on 4th and 6th spell card, don't forget! the stars will freeze chain!] - Marisa fans

Miscellanous info:
[Bait the bullet, Don't kiss the bullet] - In order gather faster charge
[Keep lagging] - To make it easier
[Defeat the boss isn't enough] - Since the destroying animation progress is taking longer.. :(
[When the bullets on screen are dominating, why don't freeze it? It gives better score right?] - Screen Freeze/Bomb

YEAH!!! 51 juta!!! (manfaatkanlah LAGmu!) headbang
Touhou 12.8  ~ The Great Fairy Wars ~ - Page 2 Empty2010-12-03, 17:32
PostRe: Touhou 12.8 ~ The Great Fairy Wars ~

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Touhou 12.8  ~ The Great Fairy Wars ~ - Page 2 Vide
belom necro kan?

<< baru tadi malem DL TH 12.8 XD

ternyata emang asik XD bikin penasaran XD

gw dah nyoba LUNATIC.. my opinion is....: GILAK SUSAH BANGET!! :swt: sampe tangan kiri wa gemetaran nekan ctrl sama Z teros =))

wa mau nyoba namatin ah.. penasaran wa.. :kabur:

Touhou 12.8  ~ The Great Fairy Wars ~ - Page 2 Empty2010-12-03, 17:37
PostRe: Touhou 12.8 ~ The Great Fairy Wars ~

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Touhou 12.8  ~ The Great Fairy Wars ~ - Page 2 Vide
izn_lawliet wrote:
belom necro kan?

<< baru tadi malem DL TH 12.8 XD

ternyata emang asik XD bikin penasaran XD

gw dah nyoba LUNATIC.. my opinion is....: GILAK SUSAH BANGET!! :swt: sampe tangan kiri wa gemetaran nekan ctrl sama Z teros =))

wa mau nyoba namatin ah.. penasaran wa.. :kabur:

tenang lom nekro..
wong necronya besok~

anyway.. malah maen LUNATIC =))
kalo baca di descriptsi Touhou-Touhou yg sebelumnya.. di "LUNATIC" biasanya ada kata seperti ini "NOT SUITED FOR ANYONE" ... kalo baru maen sih saran... saran.. (nggak offense) Easy Modo dulu... wong bulletnya lemod like a lagging :swt: .. kalo dah biasa.. pindah ke Noomaru level ... yang intensitas bullet ama speed bullet lebih banyak dan seterusnya lah~ :D

(anyway.. you've automatically "joined" :hammer:)
Touhou 12.8  ~ The Great Fairy Wars ~ - Page 2 Empty2010-12-03, 18:03
PostRe: Touhou 12.8 ~ The Great Fairy Wars ~

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Touhou 12.8  ~ The Great Fairy Wars ~ - Page 2 Vide
@^: emang semalem gw maen Easy dulu sih XD tadi pagi yg normal.. XD
trus penasaran.. ktanya wltr, Lunatic disini susah gilak.. yaudah gw coba.. ternyata beneran SUSAH GILAK :swt:

bulletnya lemot? disini nggak kok :hammer: cuma.. emang masih bisa ngehindar sih meskipun cuma celah kecil di antara bullets, masih bisa dilewati XD

kompie gw leluasa sih.. gak ngelag jadinya :-

Touhou 12.8  ~ The Great Fairy Wars ~ - Page 2 Empty
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Touhou 12.8 ~ The Great Fairy Wars ~

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