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 Suikoden Series

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Suikoden Series Empty2010-06-30, 21:40
PostSuikoden Series

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Suikoden Series Vide
Platform: Playstation, PSP
Suikoden Series Covers1
Treachery is eating like a maggot at the heart of the Scarlet Moon Empire. But is the Empire corrupt or the people just disloyal? Only you can find out. Take the role of an Imperial Guard in this epic tale of betrayal, greed and honour as he struggles to find the truth. Head teams of fighters and magicians in battles against weird monsters then lead an army into battle against awesome opponents.

Suikoden II
Platform: Playstation, PSP
Suikoden Series Covers2
Sequel to the early PlayStation RPG. As a member of the Alliance, a military force only really hinted at in the original, you play the unwitting hero of the game: an orphan who has been raised by a quiet, unassuming battle hero in a seemingly ancient war. Alongside you in the ranks is your best friend Jowy, a boy born of nobility but who has never been able to receive approval in his stubborn father's eyes. As the game begins, you are immediately tossed into a tale of political strife, betrayal and war on a grand scale beyond your scope in the early stages. As the game wears on, the plot will twist, turn and develop in numerous ways that expose the personalities of each of the characters involved. The battle system is turn-based, with the option to equip Runes for special abilities, combine party member attacks to create chain combos or devastating spells, and the option to run the battle in Auto mode.

Suikoden III
Platform: Playstation 2
Suikoden Series Covers3
Fifteen years after the events of Suikoden II, the stories of Hugo (the son of a village chief), Chris (the virtuous Knight of Zexen), and Geddoe (the rebellious unit commander) intertwine as they gather the 108 Stars of Destiny. Suikoden III features three different battle systems and three styles of combat in a 3D world. Customize each of your three character's skills, and then pair them together to unleash devastating combo attacks.

Suikoden IV
Platform: Playstation 2
Suikoden Series Covers4
Suikoden IV features the return of the 108 Stars of Destiny, as well as an enhanced interface in a new oceanic environment. You'll follow a young knight while he struggles with Rune, which slowly steals the life of its bearer. The game's strategic battle systems let you attack or cast magic spells with help from other party members. Recruit members of the Stars of Destiny and create a base from the ground up. With a brand-new storyline, characters, and cutscenes, Suikoden IV takes the series to the next level.

Suikoden V
Platform: Playstation 2
Suikoden Series Covers5
Suikoden V, like its predecessors, features unparalleled in-depth gameplay, a riveting storyline as well as the series' trademark 108 Stars of Destiny. Thrust into a time of unbalance and unrest, a dynamic drama unfolds revolving around one of the 27 True Runes, the Sun Rune. Players are tasked to explore the lands of Falena, gather allies and become stronger to ultimately bring back peace and prosperity. While on their quest through rich 3D environments, exciting new secrets of the Suikoden world will be revealed. The game features significant enhancements from all the previous installments of the series, including 6-member battle parties, multiple mini-games and the homebase system, where all of your allies gather together along with new features to create a unique gameplay experience like no other.

Suikoden Tierkreis
Platform: Nintendo DS
Suikoden Series Covert1
Suikoden: Tierkreis is the latest iteration of the popular RPG franchise that was introduced more than 12 years ago. Suikoden: Tierkreis follows the story of the 108 Stars of Destiny, a group of magical warriors, as they challenge the almighty One King, who intends to create chaos in the universe. As the player gathers the members of the 108 Stars of Destiny, the forces for good will stand up against evil in a battle that spans the near infinite parallel worlds of the Million World universe. This all new, epic RPG in the long running Suikoden series incorporates many innovative features to the handheld RPG genre. An active online community experience is encouraged by allowing players to send their characters on quests that other members of the Suikoden: Tierkreis community will complete for them via Nintendo WiFi Connection. As your character travels around the community and completes quests he will eventually return to your party with new abilities and treasures. This provides a new way to level up characters your characters which helps create a sense of community and provides a new way to experience RPGs on handhelds. As players progress through the story, many exotic locations and cultures will be discovered across the game's universe of parallel worlds. With its grand adventure and larger than life scale, the story is told through rich animation sequences and gripping dialogue with voice over, which will pull the player even deeper into the world of Suikoden: Tierkreis.

Bagi yang pernah memainkan game ini, mari kita membahas game Suikoden di thread ini.
Suikoden Series Empty2010-06-30, 22:17
PostRe: Suikoden Series
Si Rambut Perak

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Suikoden Series Vide
Ow....qwayang pertamax....
qwa mow bahas suikodenyang versi 2
yang karakter utamanya si Mc-Dohlama si Joey...

qwa maw tanya neh sama member rmid yang dah pernah tamatin game suikoden 2

1. Gimana menurut temen-temen tentang ending suikoden 2 ??? (Qwa nangis waktu pertama liad endingnya...:(( )
2. apa bisa mencegah kakak perempuan si player agar tidak terkena panah pada saat-saat akhir game??
3. Ada berapa macamending suikoden 2

dah itu aja :D
Suikoden Series Empty2010-06-30, 22:20
PostRe: Suikoden Series

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Suikoden Series Vide
1 & 3. endingnya ada 4 kalo nggak salah. Yang Best endingnya yang paling bahagia perasaan. kren endingnya itu. sempet nggak nyangka kalau ternyata begitu yang sebenarnya.

2. Nggak bisa dong. kecuali di ending yang best. dia bisa hidup lagi (emang nggak mati) asalkan dalam memenuhi kondisi-kondisi tertentu.
Suikoden Series Empty2010-06-30, 22:38
PostRe: Suikoden Series

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Suikoden Series Vide
oke.. biar saya yang jawab, pertama nama hero McDohl itu suikoden 1 yang benar Riou Genkaku, dan Joey itu yang benar Jowy
1. Ending suikoden 2 emang sedih banget. gua hampir nangis tuh wkwkwk
2. Sebelum ke tempat nanami di panah (Rockaxe castle kalo gak salah) pokoknya sebelum dikasih misi ke Rockaxe castle yang ke 2, lu harus kumpulin ke-108 Stars of Destiny. trus ntar di ruang tempat ngumpul kan semua 108 karakter pada ngumpul tuh, nah trus si leknaat dateng ngasih jurus baru ke Hero (keren dah damagenya 1000-an lebih) pokoknya pas ketemu gorudo di rockaxe lu siap siap aja, pas anak buahnya pengen ngepanah jowy dan hero, si nanami berusaha ngeprotect. trus ntar ada pilihan lu pilih "NANAMI!!!" (harus pencet x. kalo nggak mencet ntar kotaknya nutup sendiri) pokoknya ntar pas di periksa dokter huan, dokter huan disuruh nanami buat ngibulin hero bahwa nanami sudah mati. padahal dia belom mati, dia balik ke kyaro, dia gak mau liat hero ma jowy berperang. pokoknya seru deh endingnya liat ndiri
3. ada 4 ending
- Ending 1: kumpulin 108 karakter dulu dan pilih NANAMI!! pada saat dia dipanah biar bisa kayak gini.Hero menolak untuk jadi leader. Dia menemui Jowy di Tenzan Pass dan ngajak duel. Pokoknya defend terus ampe duel selesai. truss pas jowy nyuruh hero buat ngelepasin rune mereka berdua lu ngotot untuk milih tidak melepaskan rune. ampe tiga kali milih ntar leknaat dateng nge heal jowy. trus endingnya ntar shu nyamperin hero dan ngabarin bahwa nanami gak mati. dia ada di kyaro. akirnya mereka ber3 hidup bersama
- Ending 2: pas jowy duel ama hero. jowy kalah trus hero setuju buat ngelepas rune mereka. ahirnya jowy mati trus hero jadi leader
- Ending 3: hero langsung menyetujui untuk jadi leader tanpa menemui jowy di tenzan pass
- Ending 4: Pas neclord nyerang tinto city trus kalo hero setuju ama nanami trus blinking mirornya ditinggal ntar mereka kabur trus pokoknya hero kehabisan tenaga trus digendong nanami trus sembunyi di tempat aman. pokoknya gitu deh tamatnya
Suikoden Series Empty2010-06-30, 23:07
PostRe: Suikoden Series
Si Rambut Perak

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Suikoden Series Vide
wah...qwa kok gak dapet yang perfect ending yaw....
* karakter yang qwa kumpulin banyak yang mati...truz
* jowy mati..
* nanami mati huga...
* hidup ndiri deh...:((
Suikoden Series Empty2010-06-30, 23:15
PostRe: Suikoden Series

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Suikoden Series Vide
kumpulin dulu semua karakternya sebelum invasi ke rockaxe castle yang terakhir kalinya. pas di ruangan tempat ngumpul, ntar leknaat dateng. trus pas pengen dipanah ama anak buahnya gorudo harus bilang NANAMI!!! (pencet x)
Suikoden Series Empty2010-06-30, 23:40
PostRe: Suikoden Series
Si Rambut Perak

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Suikoden Series Vide
masalahnya salahsatu member qwa yang kepalanyabotak ...itu tuh...ayahnya siapa itu...diya mati di peperangan ...:((
jadi gak bisa ngumpulin perfect 108 karakter..:((
Suikoden Series Empty2010-06-30, 23:53
PostRe: Suikoden Series

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Suikoden Series Vide
Iya dia emang ditakdirkan mati. pokoknya sebelum event kiba (si kepala botak) mati lu kumpulin 108 char. emang leknaat gak dateng di ruang pertemuan?
Suikoden Series Empty2010-06-30, 23:56
PostRe: Suikoden Series
Si Rambut Perak

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Suikoden Series Vide
wah qwa'alnyaqqwa maengame titu dah lamabanget....:D

BTW,kasihtips dunk supayabisa dapatkan semua karakter 108...:((
(oh yaw...Pohl itu juga termasuk karakter 108 gak yaw?? )
Suikoden Series Empty2010-07-01, 00:04
PostRe: Suikoden Series

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Suikoden Series Vide
Pohl itu bukan 108 karakter. Hmm... gua dapetin ke 108 karakter berkat bantuan Hotgame edisi brapaaa gitu. nih walkthroughnya dari gamefaqs Character Guide gua juga sekarang mainnya di emulator. btw udah dapet muku muku dan ke empat saudaranya kan?

tips *kalo mau liat karakter yang udah didapetin pas lagi di tengah kastil kan di belakang Luc kayak ada tablet gitu itu bisa dipencet buat nunjukin karakter siapa aja yang udah join
Suikoden Series Empty2010-07-01, 00:26
PostRe: Suikoden Series
Si Rambut Perak

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Suikoden Series Vide
Wah ttengkiyu sebelumnya dah share tuts....

so'al muku-muku, qwa cuma bisa dapatin muku-muku doaank...sodaranya gak taw cara recruitnya..:((

trus so'altablet....maksudnya tablet yang mana yaw?? :-?
Suikoden Series Empty2010-07-01, 01:28
PostRe: Suikoden Series

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Suikoden Series Vide
Hmm.. tau Luc kan? di kastil di blakangnya Luc kan kayak ada batu gitu tuh. nah itu namanya tablet.

Soal dapetin saudaranya muku-muku yang gua inget dapetin makumaku doang (hehe udah lama banget soalnya) pertama partynya harus Hero ama mukumuku doang, trus ke two river. trus ke world map. trus kalo gak salah lu jalan dari two river sampe green hill. ntar di tengah jalan kan random battle tuh. trus tiba tiba makumaku langsung tiba-tiba ada di party. gitu deh pokoknya cara dapetin saudaranya mukumuku di world map pas random battle

mendingan liat disini deh

Cara dapetin Squirrel Brothers!!!
Suikoden Series Empty2010-07-02, 16:50
PostRe: Suikoden Series

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Suikoden Series Vide
Yang payah, di Suikoden II kita mustahil mendapat semua karakter sekaligus. Misal, kita harus milih salah satu, antara Valeria atau Kasumi (milih Kasumi aja, cewek yang jelas lebih muda). Juga antara Silkfried atau Abizboah. Yang kacau, kita gak mungkin dapat Roladia dan anaknya sambil melengkapi 108 karakter (karena Roladia adalah non star, padahal kita perlu satukristal lagi untuk rekrut si Feather+Ayda.

Suikoden II juga punya salah satu trik terjenius di dunia RPG. Yakni trik gerbang perbatasan Matilda (yang bisa didorong, dan memungkinkan kita mengakses area Matilda di awal-awal untuk menaikkan level, serta merekrut Humprey dan Futch

*Dan Riou adalah salah satu karakter tertolol. Punya kastil penuh gadis cantik, malah milih kakak angkat yang meracuni dia sampai mati dengan masakannya (alasan dia dan Jowy absen dari Suikoden 3)
Suikoden Series Empty2010-07-04, 13:39
PostRe: Suikoden Series
samin king 
samin king

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Suikoden Series Vide
Waaaaaaahhhhh.... tinggal maen Tiekreis nih..
yang lain dah di coba tapi gag nyampe 108'y ketemu,, hehe...
ada yang punya rom tiekreis ?? (Kalo gag boleh minta marahin ajah) Hehe..
Suikoden Series Empty2010-07-04, 16:04
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Suikoden Series Vide
haha btw dulu gua nemuin sendiri glitch matilda. soalnya waktu itu gak tau harus kemana. btw sebenernya kalo kita milih valeria, kita jadi susah dapetin sasuke mondonya, kastil mesti lv4 dulu. trus yang unik dr game ini bisa dapetin 5 squirel brothers.

rom suikoden tierkreis mah cari aja di kaskus. ada kok
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