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 Divine Crisis : The Day of Chaos

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Divine Crisis : The Day of Chaos Empty2010-04-29, 18:47
PostDivine Crisis : The Day of Chaos

Level 5
Posts : 95
Thanked : 1
Engine : RMVX Ace
Skill : Beginner

Divine Crisis : The Day of Chaos Vide
Yap, ini bukan lah game saya, tapi saya disuruh mempromosikan game nya. Game ini dibuat oleh Sicon (dari dan saya hanya berperan sebagai komposer di project ini :

Divine Crisis : The Day of Chaos Logoei14

Original Thread :
Genre: Console Style Action RPG
Recommended age 13+
Directors: Sicon, Isumi and Gigiorica
Musician: Isumi
Eventer: Gigiorica
Main Builder: Sicon
Team: Team Divine

Storyline :

Character :

Screenshot :

Feature :

Soundtrack :

Credit :

Demo :
Untuk sementara demo nya belum dapat dirilis dalam waktu dekat, mungkin sekitar bulan July 2010, yang pasti progress game ini sedang berjalan cukup baik, saat ini sedang dilakukan pengembangan script untuk XAS Battle System, dan juga bbrp fitur2 unik yang akan dimunculkan di game ini.

Progress game :
Sicon- April :
"Ok guys the game is great and new screenshot are finally up, main point is the intro and i feel that the atmosphere on the maps are getting better and better, the visual effects are eye catchy and i think you will notice them right then and there. i have been working on a pre-vid which will launch soon, also a teaser trailer is in works, so yea thats that. NEW REVamped skill system The Soul Walk."

Thanks for reading !
Sicon, Isumi and Gigiorica - Team Divine
Divine Crisis : The Day of Chaos Empty2010-04-29, 21:36
PostRe: Divine Crisis : The Day of Chaos
@> Moderator
@> Moderator

Posts : 1251
Thanked : 15
Engine : Multi-Engine User
Skill : Very Beginner
Type : Jack of All Trades

Divine Crisis : The Day of Chaos Vide
Wew baca storynya rada ribet bahasa inggris XD
BTW, cuma mo ngomong...

Mapnya keren banget!! Tapi mo liat map laen dunk... Sumpa mapnya bgus! Mo liat battle systemnya juga donk XD...
Divine Crisis : The Day of Chaos Empty2010-04-30, 09:05
PostRe: Divine Crisis : The Day of Chaos
Loli Mecha Mesum Musume

Level 5
Posts : 1620
Thanked : 30
Engine : Other
Skill : Beginner
Type : Writer

Divine Crisis : The Day of Chaos Vide
i read the story, and TBH its so cliche (tons of other rpg use an 'almost same' story)
and so does the character story background :swt:

but the screenshot is just..,., WOW

it's remind me to EG XD

and the main character... :hmm: i think i have see her(?) somewhere.,,

wait.,.,,. wait.,., she is a HE?

well, i am waiting for this.,.,

over and out

Divine Crisis : The Day of Chaos Empty2010-04-30, 17:22
PostRe: Divine Crisis : The Day of Chaos

Level 5
Posts : 95
Thanked : 1
Engine : RMVX Ace
Skill : Beginner

Divine Crisis : The Day of Chaos Vide

Battle system nya pakai XAS battle system, battle system nya hack and slash model Star Ocean, ini contoh screenshot battle nya :

Kira2 seperti ginilah nanti Battle system nya =)

Mungkin memang gak story-wise, soalnya si Sicon sendiri juga belum kasih tahu ceritanya lebih jelas lagi, character nya saja baru 1 ini.
Kalau gak salah model main characternya diambil dari Kaduki actor 60an, dia itu laki2.
Divine Crisis : The Day of Chaos Empty2010-07-15, 12:49
PostRe: Divine Crisis : The Day of Chaos

Level 5
Posts : 2
Thanked : 0
Engine : RM2k3
Skill : Advanced
Type : Event Designer

Divine Crisis : The Day of Chaos Vide
waw, nanti saya download ah... moga aja linknya ga broken :D
Divine Crisis : The Day of Chaos Empty2010-07-16, 12:46
PostRe: Divine Crisis : The Day of Chaos
Pahlawan Super

Level 5
Posts : 2288
Thanked : 30
Engine : RMXP
Skill : Very Beginner
Type : Artist

Divine Crisis : The Day of Chaos Vide
WOW..... ceritanya mantabz, mapnya gila keren banget XD
btw nama char utamanya mirip sama char utama game saya (bedanya punya saya gk pake "H") :P
Divine Crisis : The Day of Chaos Empty
PostRe: Divine Crisis : The Day of Chaos
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Divine Crisis : The Day of Chaos Vide

Divine Crisis : The Day of Chaos

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