Per 2016, RMID pindah ke RMID Discord (Invite link dihapus untuk mencegah spambot -Theo @ 2019). Posting sudah tidak bisa dilakukan lagi.
Mohon maaf atas ketidaknyamanannya dan mohon kerjasamanya.
| 2010-01-01, 13:44 | [SOLVED] Menu |
tazqi Novice
Posts : 122 Thanked : 0 Engine : Multi-Engine User Skill : Very Beginner Type : Writer
| Mas,mbak scripter hebat aq mau tantang minta bantuannya bisa gk jadiin system ini biar jadi menunya [equip, status, quit game dsb hrus ttep ada dan fungsi dri system itu gk brubah] masalah gmbar nnti aja.....................
Terakhir diubah oleh tazqi tanggal 2010-01-05, 14:52, total 1 kali diubah |
| | | 2010-01-02, 08:36 | Re: [SOLVED] Menu |
hart Senior
Posts : 805 Thanked : 38 Engine : Other Skill : Very Beginner Type : Developer
| wah, ini belum ada yang jawab? sebenarnya aku juga gak gitu paham scripting, tapi aku coba bantu deh.. demo scriptnya 8MB?? gak sanggup download aku tapi secara umum, jika ingin menambahkan pilihan baru pada menu, cukup tambahkan script ini di atas main - Spoiler:
- Code:
module Hart #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Tulis nama menu yang diinginkan di sini. # * Ganti Tes dengan nama pilihan yang diinginkan # * Ganti dengan nama Scene dari script lain #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anu = "Tes" NamaSystem = #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- end
class Scene_Menu < Scene_Base
def create_command_window s1 = Vocab::item s2 = Vocab::skill s3 = Vocab::equip s4 = Vocab::status s5 = Vocab::save s6 = Vocab::game_end s7 = Hart::Anu @command_window =, [s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7]) @command_window.index = @menu_index if $game_party.members.size == 0 # If number of party members is 0 @command_window.draw_item(0, false) # Disable item @command_window.draw_item(1, false) # Disable skill @command_window.draw_item(2, false) # Disable equipment @command_window.draw_item(3, false) # Disable status end if $game_system.save_disabled # If save is forbidden @command_window.draw_item(4, false) # Disable save end end def update_command_selection if Input.trigger?(Input::B) Sound.play_cancel $scene = elsif Input.trigger?(Input::C) if $game_party.members.size == 0 and @command_window.index < 4 Sound.play_buzzer return elsif $game_system.save_disabled and @command_window.index == 4 Sound.play_buzzer return end Sound.play_decision case @command_window.index when 0 # Item $scene = when 1,2,3 # Skill, equipment, status start_actor_selection when 4 # Save $scene =, false, false) when 5 # End Game $scene = when 6 $scene = Hart::NamaSystem end end end end
ingat ganti dengan Scene di dalam script itu. yah, semoga berhasil.. kalau tidak berhasil, tunggu saja jawaban dari scripter2 yang jago hihihi... |
| | | 2010-01-02, 15:07 | Re: [SOLVED] Menu |
Rei_Fan49 Ex-Scripter
Posts : 304 Thanked : 15 Engine : Multi-Engine User Skill : Advanced Type : Scripter
| kata-katanya? atau susunan posisi? (aku baru maen skrip 5 hari lalu) + post pertama: linknya.. (harus REGISTER? disananya.., berapa forum yang aku ikutin...? ..6?) |
| | | 2010-01-02, 15:15 | Re: [SOLVED] Menu |
tazqi Novice
Posts : 122 Thanked : 0 Engine : Multi-Engine User Skill : Very Beginner Type : Writer
| gini loh.... itu kan script phone system.... di situ ada message box.. kalender... dan music player lah kan disitu banyak fungsi yg gk ke pake..... kyak browser, note, call [cma gmbar klo di pencet gk ngaruh] dan sbagainya aq punya ide biar sekalian aja jadi menu biar gk kosong gtu......... yg ksong" ntu di kasih.... menu.. |
| | | 2010-01-02, 15:32 | Re: [SOLVED] Menu |
Rei_Fan49 Ex-Scripter
Posts : 304 Thanked : 15 Engine : Multi-Engine User Skill : Advanced Type : Scripter
| buat yang gak ke pake: pake message (kaya show text di Game_Interpreter) (isinya ... kayak rusak, kena virus, blom diinstal ^ saran, soalnya aku baru di VX dan mau maen "Cut, Copy, and Paste method" aja... |
| | | 2010-01-02, 15:51 | Re: [SOLVED] Menu |
ibegu Advance
Posts : 451 Thanked : 14 Engine : RMVX Skill : Very Beginner Type : Composer
| Scriptnya bisa d post aja g? Menunya yg standard aja khan? Siapa tau bs bantu |
| | | 2010-01-02, 15:56 | Re: [SOLVED] Menu |
tazqi Novice
Posts : 122 Thanked : 0 Engine : Multi-Engine User Skill : Very Beginner Type : Writer
| @hart:oh iya ntu 8mb cma gra" ada lagunya @ibegu:waduh...... mungkin besok atau nnti... |
| | | 2010-01-02, 16:12 | Re: [SOLVED] Menu |
ibegu Advance
Posts : 451 Thanked : 14 Engine : RMVX Skill : Very Beginner Type : Composer
| Okeh, mudah-mudahan bisa bantu |
| | | 2010-01-03, 11:44 | Re: [SOLVED] Menu |
rusted_71 Scripter Karatan
Posts : 392 Thanked : 11 Engine : RMVX Skill : Beginner Type : Scripter
| coba gw bantu ya... neh masukin script ini dibahaw script phone itu... - Spoiler:
- Code:
class Phone < Scene_Base def initialize(level = "phone") case level when "message" @level = 1 when "ipod" @level = 5 when "calendar" @level = 4 else @level = 0 end end def start @aux=0 @aux2=0 @aux3=0 @map = @background = @background.x=188 @background.y=98 @cursor=0 @icons=[] @msgbox_slots=[] @msgbox_options_slots=[] @aux_fullmsg=true @phone = @phone.bitmap = Cache.system("CellPhone/phone.png") @phone.x=150 @phone.y=20 case @level when 1 create_slots(0) when 5 create_ipod when 4 create_calendar else create_icons end end end
trus masukin juga nih... buat nampilin menu baru di menu - Spoiler:
- Code:
class Scene_Menu < Scene_Base def create_command_window if Mod::ADD_MENU_OPTION==true s1 = Vocab::item s2 = Vocab::skill s3 = Vocab::equip s4 = Vocab::status s5 = Vocab::save s6 = Vocab::game_end s7 = "Phone" s8 = "Ipod" s9 = "Calendar" @command_window =, [s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7,s8,s9]) @command_window.index = @menu_index if $game_party.members.size == 0 @command_window.draw_item(0, false) @command_window.draw_item(1, false) @command_window.draw_item(2, false) @command_window.draw_item(3, false) end if $game_system.save_disabled @command_window.draw_item(4, false) end end if Mod::ADD_MENU_OPTION==false s1 = Vocab::item s2 = Vocab::skill s3 = Vocab::equip s4 = Vocab::status s5 = Vocab::save s6 = Vocab::game_end @command_window =, [s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6]) @command_window.index = @menu_index if $game_party.members.size == 0 @command_window.draw_item(0, false) @command_window.draw_item(1, false) @command_window.draw_item(2, false) @command_window.draw_item(3, false) end if $game_system.save_disabled @command_window.draw_item(4, false) end end end
def update_command_selection if Mod::ADD_MENU_OPTION==true if Input.trigger?(Input::B) Sound.play_cancel $scene = elsif Input.trigger?(Input::C) if $game_party.members.size == 0 and @command_window.index < 4 Sound.play_buzzer return elsif $game_system.save_disabled and @command_window.index == 4 Sound.play_buzzer return end Sound.play_decision case @command_window.index when 0 $scene = when 1,2,3 start_actor_selection when 4 $scene =, false, false) when 5 $scene = when 6 $scene = when 7 $scene ="ipod") when 8 $scene ="calendar") end end end if Mod::ADD_MENU_OPTION==false if Input.trigger?(Input::B) Sound.play_cancel $scene = elsif Input.trigger?(Input::C) if $game_party.members.size == 0 and @command_window.index < 4 Sound.play_buzzer return elsif $game_system.save_disabled and @command_window.index == 4 Sound.play_buzzer return end Sound.play_decision case @command_window.index when 0 $scene = when 1,2,3 start_actor_selection when 4 $scene =, false, false) when 5 $scene = end end end end end
semoga membantu... klo ga bisa atau kurang puas bilang aja... |
| | | 2010-01-03, 12:51 | Re: [SOLVED] Menu |
tazqi Novice
Posts : 122 Thanked : 0 Engine : Multi-Engine User Skill : Very Beginner Type : Writer
| itu langsung direct di scriptnya ato mbuat kolom baru? |
| | | 2010-01-03, 13:07 | Re: [SOLVED] Menu |
rusted_71 Scripter Karatan
Posts : 392 Thanked : 11 Engine : RMVX Skill : Beginner Type : Scripter
| boleh kolom itu juga... <= tapi di paling bawah gw saranin seh kolom baru aja... |
| | | 2010-01-03, 15:21 | Re: [SOLVED] Menu |
eve Loli Mecha Mesum Musume
Posts : 1620 Thanked : 30 Engine : Other Skill : Beginner Type : Writer
| wa sekalian numpang tanya.,., gimana supa menu (icon) di phone itu cuma tinggal 3 doang? Sms, kalender, sama ipod? soalnya wa ga mudeng liatnya |
| | | 2010-01-03, 19:16 | Re: [SOLVED] Menu |
tazqi Novice
Posts : 122 Thanked : 0 Engine : Multi-Engine User Skill : Very Beginner Type : Writer
| @rusted: sory bkn ntu yg q mksud.... gni lho... phonenya tu jadiin menu bkan di menu tampilannya tu phonenya..... brarti nnti klo di pencet tombol X di keyboard kebukannya phone trus menu phone yg gk gna itu di replace... status,equip,skill, save,exit dsb |
| | | 2010-01-03, 20:38 | Re: [SOLVED] Menu |
rusted_71 Scripter Karatan
Posts : 392 Thanked : 11 Engine : RMVX Skill : Beginner Type : Scripter
| o0o gitu... ya dah deh... tar gw buatin... malem ini gw mo fokus belajar buat ujian dulu... |
| | | 2010-01-04, 22:03 | Re: [SOLVED] Menu |
rusted_71 Scripter Karatan
Posts : 392 Thanked : 11 Engine : RMVX Skill : Beginner Type : Scripter
| ini bukan double post, karena dah lebih sehari... tazqi... neh coba pake script phone_menu ini... - Spoiler:
- Code:
############################################################################# #==================================================================# # Name: Phone System 0.1BETA # By: Necrozard edited by RUSTED_71 # Date: 19/07/08 #==================================================================# #==================================================================# # Description: # The Phone allows you to receive SMS (Messages) from NPC when and where you want, just # doing it in a easy way with "Call script". # You can also Delete this messages, because in this version, the Message Box has a limit # of 10 Messages. If you have the Message Box full, a notification will notice you what is # happening until you delete a message. #==================================================================# # User Guide: # All the commands next, have to be written in Call script. # # Send a SMS (Message) to the player: #,autor,message) # # Open the phone In-Game: # $scene = # # Set the phone On-line (Common) or Off-line (You cant receive any message, for example # in caves): # $phone_online = true/false # # Set a phone background In-Game: # Mod::BACK_PATH="directory" (Where directory is the path to the image) # It has to be 163x230 px. # #==================================================================# # Modifications: # You can modify certain things to make the phone different. module Mod # MAX_MSGS_IN_BOX # Set here the max. messages you can have in your message box. MAX_MSGS_IN_BOX=20 # MAX_TRACKS_IN_MUSICLIST # Set here the max. messages you can have in your message box. MAX_TRACKS_IN_MUSICLIST=20 # ICON_TITLES: # Are the titles of each icon, in the main menu of the phone. # Max. 8 letters per word. ICON_TITLES=["Item","Skill","Equip", "Status","Mail","Calendar", "Music","Save","End"] # BACK_PATH # Its the path to the background image. # It has to be 163x230 px. BACK_PATH="CellPhone/background.png" # MSG_TITLE # Its a word that will take part before the Message Title. MSG_TITLE="Title" # MSG_OPS # Are the Message Options. MSG_OPS=["Read","Delete"] # SMS_TONE # Here you can set the path to the Sound when you receive # a Message.. SMS_TONE="Audio/SE/Chime2"
$messages=[] $phone_online = true $full_msgbox=false
class Phone < Scene_Base def initialize(icon_index = 0) @cursor = icon_index end def start @level=0 @aux=0 @aux2=0 @aux3=0 @map = @phone = @phone.bitmap = Cache.system("CellPhone/phone.png") @phone.x=150 @phone.y=20 @background = @background.bitmap = Cache.system(Mod::BACK_PATH) @background.x=188 @background.y=98 @icons=[] @msgbox_slots=[] @msgbox_options_slots=[] @aux_fullmsg=true create_icons end def update $game_map.update @map.update if @phone_new != nil @phone_new.update end if @level==0 update_input_lvl0 update_icon_animation end if @level==1 update_input_lvl1 update_msgbox_cursor end if @level==2 update_input_lvl2 end if @level==3 update_input_lvl3 end if @level==4 update_input_lvl4 end if @level==5 update_input_lvl5 update_ipod_cursor end if @level==6 update_input_lvl6 end end
# ICONS - LVL 0 - MAIN MENU def update_input_lvl0 if @aux_fullmsg==true if Input.trigger?(Input::RIGHT) && @cursor <8 @cursor=@cursor+1 replace_icons elsif (Input.trigger?(Input::DOWN)) && !(@cursor >= 6 && @cursor <=8) @cursor=@cursor+3 replace_icons elsif Input.trigger?(Input::DOWN) && (@cursor>=6 && @cursor <=8) @cursor=@cursor replace_icons elsif Input.trigger?(Input::LEFT) && @cursor >0 @cursor=@cursor-1 replace_icons elsif Input.trigger?(Input::UP) && !(@cursor>=0 && @cursor<=2) @cursor=@cursor-3 replace_icons elsif Input.trigger?(Input::UP) && (@cursor>=0 && @cursor<=2) @cursor=@cursor replace_icons elsif Input.trigger?(Input::B) dispose_phone $ elsif Input.trigger?(Input::C) case @cursor when 0 $scene = dispose_phone when 1 $scene = dispose_phone when 2 $scene = dispose_phone when 3 $scene = dispose_phone when 4 delete_icons create_slots(0) when 5 delete_icons create_calendar when 6 delete_icons create_ipod when 7 $scene =, false, false) dispose_phone when 8 $scene = dispose_phone end end else if Input.trigger?(Input::C) || Input.trigger?(Input::B) @full_msgbox_new_back.bitmap.dispose @full_msgbox_new_back=nil @aux_fullmsg=true end end end def dispose_phone @level=nil @icons_base.contents.clear @icons_base.dispose for i in 0..8 @icons[i].bitmap.dispose @icons[i]=nil end @phone.bitmap.dispose @phone=nil @background.bitmap.dispose @background=nil end
def create_icons @level=0 @phone.bitmap = Cache.system("CellPhone/phone.png") @background.bitmap = Cache.system(Mod::BACK_PATH) if $full_msgbox==true @aux_fullmsg=false @full_msgbox_new_back = @full_msgbox_new_back.bitmap = Cache.system("CellPhone/msgbox_full.png") @full_msgbox_new_back.x=188 @full_msgbox_new_back.y=155 @full_msgbox_new_back.z=105 end if @icons[0] != nil for i in 0..8 @icons[i].bitmap.dispose @icons[i]=nil end end @icons_base =,20,237,374) @icons_base.opacity=0 @icons_base.contents.font.size=11 if $phone_online==true @icons_base.contents.draw_text(30,43,60,20,"Status: ",0) @icons_base.contents.font.color=@icons_base.text_color(3) @icons_base.contents.draw_text(62,43,60,20,"Online",0) else @icons_base.contents.draw_text(30,43,60,20,"Status: ",0) @icons_base.contents.font.color=@icons_base.knockout_color @icons_base.contents.draw_text(62,43,60,20,"Offline",0) end @icons_base.contents.font.color=@icons_base.normal_color a = 194 b = 110 c = 0 title_x=0 title_y=110 for i in 0..2 for j in 0..2 @icons[j+c] = @icons[j+c].bitmap = Cache.system("CellPhone/"+(j+c).to_s+".png") @icons[j+c].x = a @icons[j+c].y = b @icons_base.contents.draw_text(title_x,title_y,100,20,Mod::ICON_TITLES[j+c],1) a=a+55 title_x=title_x+55 end b=b+66 title_y=title_y+65 a=194 title_x=0 c=c+3 end end def delete_icons for i in 0..8 @icons[i].bitmap.dispose @icons[i]=nil end @icons_base.contents.clear @icons_base.dispose end
def update_icon_animation if @icons[@cursor]!=nil if(@aux>=0 && @aux<=5) @icons[@cursor].y=@icons[@cursor].y-1 @aux=@aux+0.5 end if(@aux>=5 &&@aux<=10) @icons[@cursor].y=@icons[@cursor].y+1 @aux=@aux+0.5 end if(@aux>=10) @aux=0 end end end def replace_icons if @icons[0] != nil a = 194 b = 110 c = 0 for i in 0..2 for j in 0..2 @icons[j+c].x = a @icons[j+c].y = b a=a+55 end b=b+66 a=194 c=c+3 end @aux=0 end end
# SLOTS - LVL 1 - MSG BOX def create_slots(cursor_index) @slots_scroll=0 for i in 0+@slots_scroll..9+@slots_scroll if ($messages[i]==nil && $messages[i+1]!=nil) $messages[i]=$messages[i+1] $messages[i+1]=nil end end @aux3=0 if @msgbox_slots[0] !=nil for i in 0+@slots_scroll..9+@slots_scroll @msgbox_slots[i].bitmap.dispose @msgbox_slots[i]=nil end @msgbox_base.contents.dispose @msgbox_cursor_graphic.bitmap.dispose @msgbox_title.bitmap.dispose @msgbox_title2.bitmap.dispose end @msgbox_cursor=cursor_index @msgbox_base =,20,237,374) @msgbox_base.opacity=0 aux=123 aux2=86 for i in 0+@slots_scroll..9+@slots_scroll @msgbox_slots[i] = @msgbox_slots[i].bitmap = Cache.system("CellPhone/msgbox_slot.png") @msgbox_slots[i].x=188 @msgbox_slots[i].y=aux @msgbox_slots[i].z=3 n=i+1 if $messages[i] != nil @msgbox_base.contents.font.size=12 @msgbox_base.contents.draw_text(25,aux2,200,20,(n.to_s+" - "+Mod::MSG_TITLE+": "+$messages[i][0]),0) else @msgbox_base.contents.font.size=12 @msgbox_base.contents.draw_text(25,aux2,200,20,(n.to_s+" - "),0) end aux=aux+19 aux2=aux2+19 end @msgbox_arrow_down.bitmap = Cache.system("CellPhone/arrow_down.png") @msgbox_arrow_down.x = @msgbox_slots[9].x+74 @msgbox_arrow_down.y = @msgbox_slots[9].y+10 @msgbox_arrow_down.z = 100 @msgbox_arrow_up.bitmap = Cache.system("CellPhone/arrow_up.png") @msgbox_arrow_up.x = @msgbox_slots[0].x+74 @msgbox_arrow_up.y = @msgbox_slots[0].y-10 @msgbox_arrow_up.z = 100 @msgbox_arrow_up.opacity=0 @msgbox_cursor_graphic.bitmap = Cache.system("CellPhone/msgbox_cursor.png") @msgbox_cursor_graphic.x = @msgbox_slots[0].x @msgbox_cursor_graphic.y = @msgbox_slots[0].y @msgbox_cursor_graphic.z = 4 @msgbox_title.bitmap = Cache.system("CellPhone/msgbox_title.png") @msgbox_title.x=188 @msgbox_title.y=83 @msgbox_title.z=4 @msgbox_title2.bitmap = Cache.system("CellPhone/msgbox_title2.png") @msgbox_title2.x=188 @msgbox_title2.y=313 @msgbox_title2.z=4 @level=1 end def replace_slots aux2=86 @msgbox_base.contents.clear for i in 0+@slots_scroll..9+@slots_scroll n=i+1 if $messages[i] != nil @msgbox_base.contents.font.size=12 @msgbox_base.contents.draw_text(25,aux2,200,20,(n.to_s+" - "+Mod::MSG_TITLE+": "+$messages[i][0]),0) else @msgbox_base.contents.font.size=12 @msgbox_base.contents.draw_text(25,aux2,200,20,(n.to_s+" - "),0) end aux2=aux2+19 end end
def update_msgbox_cursor if @msgbox_slots[@msgbox_cursor-@slots_scroll] != nil @msgbox_cursor_graphic.y = @msgbox_slots[@msgbox_cursor-@slots_scroll].y end end def update_arrow_animation if(@aux>=0 && @aux<=5) @msgbox_arrow_down.y=@msgbox_arrow_down.y-1 @msgbox_arrow_up.y=@msgbox_arrow_up.y-1 @aux=@aux+0.5 end if(@aux>=5 &&@aux<=10) @msgbox_arrow_down.y=@msgbox_arrow_down.y+1 @msgbox_arrow_up.y=@msgbox_arrow_up.y+1 @aux=@aux+0.5 end if(@aux>=10) @aux=0 end end end def update_input_lvl1 update_arrow_animation if @msgbox_cursor==Mod::MAX_MSGS_IN_BOX-1 already=true end if @msgbox_cursor==0 already=false end
if @msgbox_cursor < (9-@slots_scroll) @msgbox_arrow_down.opacity=255 else if already==true @msgbox_arrow_down.opacity=0 end end if @msgbox_cursor > (9-@slots_scroll) @msgbox_arrow_up.opacity=255 else if already==false @msgbox_arrow_up.opacity=0 end end if Input.trigger?(Input::DOWN) && @msgbox_cursor<Mod::MAX_MSGS_IN_BOX-1 @msgbox_cursor=@msgbox_cursor+1 if @msgbox_cursor_graphic.y == @msgbox_slots[9].y @slots_scroll = @slots_scroll + 1 replace_slots end end if Input.trigger?(Input::UP) && @msgbox_cursor>0 @msgbox_cursor=@msgbox_cursor-1 if @msgbox_cursor_graphic.y == @msgbox_slots[0].y @slots_scroll = @slots_scroll - 1 replace_slots end end
if Input.trigger?(Input::B) for i in 0..8 @msgbox_slots[i].bitmap.dispose @msgbox_slots[i]=nil end @msgbox_base.contents.dispose @msgbox_cursor_graphic.bitmap.dispose @msgbox_title.bitmap.dispose @msgbox_title2.bitmap.dispose @msgbox_arrow_down.bitmap.dispose @msgbox_arrow_up.bitmap.dispose create_icons end @aux3=@aux3+1 if @aux3>=5 if Input.trigger?(Input::C) if $messages[@msgbox_cursor] != nil @aux3=0 @msgbox_arrow_down.bitmap.dispose @msgbox_arrow_up.bitmap.dispose make_msgbox_options end end end end
# MSG_OPTIONS - LVL2 - READ - DELETE def make_msgbox_options @msgbox_options_cursor=0 @msgbox_options_base =[@msgbox_cursor].x-38,@msgbox_slots[@msgbox_cursor].y-38,237,374) @msgbox_options_base.opacity=0 @msgbox_options_base.z=101 for i in 0..1 @msgbox_options_slots[i] @msgbox_options_slots[i].bitmap=Cache.system("CellPhone/msgbox_options_slot.png") @msgbox_options_slots[i].x=10+@msgbox_slots[@msgbox_cursor].x+(80*i) @msgbox_options_slots[i].y=@msgbox_slots[@msgbox_cursor].y-10 @msgbox_options_slots[i].z=100 end @msgbox_options_cursor_graphic.bitmap=Cache.system("CellPhone/msgbox_options_cursor.png") @msgbox_options_cursor_graphic.x=10+@msgbox_slots[@msgbox_cursor].x @msgbox_options_cursor_graphic.y=@msgbox_slots[@msgbox_cursor].y-10 @msgbox_options_cursor_graphic.z=100 @msgbox_options_base.contents.font.size=16 @msgbox_options_base.contents.draw_text(37,12,50,20,Mod::MSG_OPS[0],1) @msgbox_options_base.contents.draw_text(117,12,50,20,Mod::MSG_OPS[1],1) @level=2 end def update_input_lvl2 if Input.trigger?(Input::RIGHT) @msgbox_options_cursor=1 @msgbox_options_cursor_graphic.x=10+@msgbox_slots[@msgbox_cursor].x+80 elsif Input.trigger?(Input::LEFT) @msgbox_options_cursor=0 @msgbox_options_cursor_graphic.x=10+@msgbox_slots[@msgbox_cursor].x end if Input.trigger?(Input::B) @msgbox_options_slots[0].bitmap.dispose @msgbox_options_slots[1].bitmap.dispose @msgbox_options_cursor_graphic.bitmap.dispose @msgbox_options_base.contents.clear @msgbox_options_base=nil create_slots(@msgbox_cursor) end @aux3=@aux3+1 if @aux3>=5 if Input.trigger?(Input::C) case @msgbox_options_cursor when 0 for i in 0..8 @msgbox_slots[i].bitmap.dispose @msgbox_slots[i]=nil end @msgbox_base.contents.clear @msgbox_cursor_graphic.bitmap.dispose @msgbox_options_slots[0].bitmap.dispose @msgbox_options_slots[1].bitmap.dispose @msgbox_options_cursor_graphic.bitmap.dispose @msgbox_options_base.contents.clear @msgbox_options_base=nil show_msg(@msgbox_cursor) @aux3=0 when 1 @msgbox_options_slots[0].bitmap.dispose @msgbox_options_slots[1].bitmap.dispose @msgbox_options_cursor_graphic.bitmap.dispose @msgbox_options_base.contents.clear @msgbox_options_base=nil $messages[@msgbox_cursor]=nil $full_msgbox=false create_slots(@msgbox_cursor) end end end end
# MSG - LVL 3 - MESSAGE def show_msg(msg) $messages[msg][3]=true @msgbox_base.contents.font.size=16 a = 0 for i in $messages[msg][2] @msgbox_base.contents.draw_text(25,122+13*a,200,20,i,0) a += 1 end @msgbox_base.contents.draw_text(3,84,200,20,$messages[msg][1],1) @msgbox_base.contents.draw_text(2,96,200,20,$messages[msg][0],1) @msgbox_back.bitmap = Cache.system("CellPhone/msgbox_back.png") @msgbox_back.x=188 @msgbox_back.y=123 @msgbox_back.z=4 @level=3 end def update_input_lvl3 if Input.trigger?(Input::B) @msgbox_base.contents.clear @msgbox_title.bitmap.dispose @msgbox_title2.bitmap.dispose @msgbox_back.bitmap.dispose create_slots(@msgbox_cursor) end end #end
# CALENDAR - LVL 4 - INTERFACE def create_calendar @c_index=1 @calendar_arrow_left.bitmap = Cache.system("CellPhone/arrow_left.png") @calendar_arrow_left.x=208 @calendar_arrow_left.y=146 @calendar_arrow_left.z=5 @calendar_arrow_left.opacity=0 @calendar_arrow_right.bitmap = Cache.system("CellPhone/arrow_right.png") @calendar_arrow_right.x=315 @calendar_arrow_right.y=146 @calendar_arrow_right.z=5 @calendar_arrow_right.opacity=0 @calendar_title.bitmap = Cache.system("CellPhone/calendar_title.png") @calendar_title.x=188 @calendar_title.y=83 @calendar_title.z=4 @calendar_title2.bitmap = Cache.system("CellPhone/Calendar/bottom.png") @calendar_title2.x=188 @calendar_title2.y=293 @calendar_title2.z=4 @calendar = @calendar.bitmap = Cache.system("CellPhone/Calendar/1.png") @calendar.x=188 @calendar.y=123 @calendar.z=4 @level=4 end def calendar_arrow_update if(@aux>=0 && @aux<=5) @calendar_arrow_left.x=@calendar_arrow_left.x-1 @calendar_arrow_right.x=@calendar_arrow_right.x-1 @aux=@aux+0.5 end if(@aux>=5 &&@aux<=10) @calendar_arrow_left.x=@calendar_arrow_left.x+1 @calendar_arrow_right.x=@calendar_arrow_right.x+1 @aux=@aux+0.5 end if(@aux>=10) @aux=0 end end def update_input_lvl4 calendar_arrow_update if @c_index==1 @calendar_arrow_left.opacity=0 @calendar_arrow_right.opacity=255 end if @c_index>1 && @c_index<12 @calendar_arrow_left.opacity=255 @calendar_arrow_right.opacity=255 end if @c_index==12 @calendar_arrow_left.opacity=255 @calendar_arrow_right.opacity=0 end if Input.trigger?(Input::RIGHT) && @c_index<12 @c_index=@c_index+1 @calendar.bitmap = Cache.system("CellPhone/Calendar/"+@c_index.to_s+".png") elsif Input.trigger?(Input::LEFT) && @c_index>1 @c_index=@c_index-1 @calendar.bitmap = Cache.system("CellPhone/Calendar/"+@c_index.to_s+".png") end if Input.trigger?(Input::B) @calendar_title.bitmap.dispose @calendar_title2.bitmap.dispose @calendar.bitmap.dispose @calendar_arrow_left.bitmap.dispose @calendar_arrow_right.bitmap.dispose create_icons end end # I-POD - LVL 5 - MUSIC LIST def create_ipod @files=Dir.entries("Graphics/System/CellPhone/Memory/Music/") @files.delete(".") @files.delete("..")
@ipod_scroll=0 @ipod_slots=[] @aux3=0 @ipod_cursor=0 @ipod_base =,20,237,374) @ipod_base.opacity=0 aux=123 aux2=86 for i in 0+@ipod_scroll..9+@ipod_scroll @ipod_slots[i] = @ipod_slots[i].bitmap = Cache.system("CellPhone/msgbox_slot.png") @ipod_slots[i].x=188 @ipod_slots[i].y=aux @ipod_slots[i].z=3 n=i+1 if @files[i] != nil @ipod_base.contents.font.size=10 @ipod_base.contents.draw_text(25,aux2,150,20,(n.to_s+" - "+@files[i]),0) else @ipod_base.contents.font.size=10 @ipod_base.contents.draw_text(25,aux2,150,20,(n.to_s+" - "),0) end aux=aux+19 aux2=aux2+19 end @ipod_arrow_down.bitmap = Cache.system("CellPhone/arrow_down.png") @ipod_arrow_down.x = @ipod_slots[9].x+74 @ipod_arrow_down.y = @ipod_slots[9].y+10 @ipod_arrow_down.z = 100 @ipod_arrow_up.bitmap = Cache.system("CellPhone/arrow_up.png") @ipod_arrow_up.x = @ipod_slots[0].x+74 @ipod_arrow_up.y = @ipod_slots[0].y-10 @ipod_arrow_up.z = 100 @ipod_arrow_up.opacity=0 @ipod_cursor_graphic.bitmap = Cache.system("CellPhone/msgbox_cursor.png") @ipod_cursor_graphic.x = @ipod_slots[0].x @ipod_cursor_graphic.y = @ipod_slots[0].y @ipod_cursor_graphic.z = 4 @ipod_title.bitmap = Cache.system("CellPhone/ipod_title.png") @ipod_title.x=188 @ipod_title.y=83 @ipod_title.z=4 @ipod_title2.bitmap = Cache.system("CellPhone/msgbox_title2.png") @ipod_title2.x=188 @ipod_title2.y=313 @ipod_title2.z=4 @level=5 end def replace_ipod_slots aux2=86 @ipod_base.contents.clear for i in 0+@ipod_scroll..9+@ipod_scroll n=i+1 if @files[i] != nil @ipod_base.contents.font.size=10 @ipod_base.contents.draw_text(25,aux2,150,20,(n.to_s+" - "+@files[i]),0) else @ipod_base.contents.font.size=10 @ipod_base.contents.draw_text(25,aux2,150,20,(n.to_s+" - "),0) end aux2=aux2+19 end end
def update_ipod_cursor if @ipod_slots[@ipod_cursor-@ipod_scroll] != nil @ipod_cursor_graphic.y = @ipod_slots[@ipod_cursor-@ipod_scroll].y end end def update_ipod_arrow_animation if(@aux>=0 && @aux<=5) @ipod_arrow_down.y=@ipod_arrow_down.y-1 @ipod_arrow_up.y=@ipod_arrow_up.y-1 @aux=@aux+0.5 end if(@aux>=5 &&@aux<=10) @ipod_arrow_down.y=@ipod_arrow_down.y+1 @ipod_arrow_up.y=@ipod_arrow_up.y+1 @aux=@aux+0.5 end if(@aux>=10) @aux=0 end end def update_input_lvl5 update_ipod_arrow_animation if @ipod_cursor==Mod::MAX_TRACKS_IN_MUSICLIST-1 already=true end if @ipod_cursor==0 already=false end
if @ipod_cursor < (9-@ipod_scroll) @ipod_arrow_down.opacity=255 else if already==true @ipod_arrow_down.opacity=0 end end if @ipod_cursor > (9-@ipod_scroll) @ipod_arrow_up.opacity=255 else if already==false @ipod_arrow_up.opacity=0 end end if Input.trigger?(Input::DOWN) && @ipod_cursor<Mod::MAX_TRACKS_IN_MUSICLIST-1 @ipod_cursor=@ipod_cursor+1 if @ipod_cursor_graphic.y == @ipod_slots[9].y @ipod_scroll = @ipod_scroll + 1 replace_ipod_slots end end if Input.trigger?(Input::UP) && @ipod_cursor>0 @ipod_cursor=@ipod_cursor-1 if @ipod_cursor_graphic.y == @ipod_slots[0].y @ipod_scroll = @ipod_scroll - 1 replace_ipod_slots end end
if Input.trigger?(Input::B) for i in 0..8 @ipod_slots[i].bitmap.dispose @ipod_slots[i]=nil end @ipod_base.contents.dispose @ipod_cursor_graphic.bitmap.dispose @ipod_title.bitmap.dispose @ipod_title2.bitmap.dispose @ipod_arrow_down.bitmap.dispose @ipod_arrow_up.bitmap.dispose create_icons end @aux3=@aux3+1 if @aux3>=5 if Input.trigger?(Input::C) if @files[@ipod_cursor] != nil @aux3=0 for i in 0..8 @ipod_slots[i].bitmap.dispose @ipod_slots[i]=nil end @ipod_base.contents.clear @ipod_cursor_graphic.bitmap.dispose @ipod_title.bitmap.dispose @ipod_title2.bitmap.dispose @ipod_arrow_down.bitmap.dispose @ipod_arrow_up.bitmap.dispose create_ipod_player(@ipod_cursor,1) end end end end
# I-POD - LVL 6 - PLAYER def create_ipod_player(index,cursor) @file=index @ipod_player_cursor_index=cursor @ipod_player_col.bitmap = Cache.system("CellPhone/ipod_player_col.png") @ipod_player_col.x = 198 @ipod_player_col.y = 142 @ipod_player_col.z = 7 @ipod_player.bitmap = Cache.system("CellPhone/ipod_player.png") @ipod_player.x = 188 @ipod_player.y = 84 @ipod_player.z = 6 @ipod_player_cursor.bitmap = Cache.system("CellPhone/ipod_cursor.png") @ipod_player_cursor.x = 247 @ipod_player_cursor.y = 220 @ipod_player_cursor.z = 7 @ipod_base.contents.font.size=12 @ipod_base.contents.draw_text(28,62,150,20,(@files[@file]),1) @level=6 end def update_input_lvl6 if Input.trigger?(Input::RIGHT) && @ipod_player_cursor_index<2 @ipod_player_cursor_index=@ipod_player_cursor_index+1 end if Input.trigger?(Input::LEFT) && @ipod_player_cursor_index>0 @ipod_player_cursor_index=@ipod_player_cursor_index-1 end if Input.trigger?(Input::DOWN) @ipod_player_cursor_index=3 @ipod_player_cursor.bitmap = Cache.system("CellPhone/ipod_cursor4.png") @ipod_player_cursor.x = 247 @ipod_player_cursor.y = 254 @ipod_player_cursor.z = 7 end if Input.trigger?(Input::UP) @ipod_player_cursor_index=1 @ipod_player_cursor.bitmap = Cache.system("CellPhone/ipod_cursor.png") @ipod_player_cursor.x = 247 @ipod_player_cursor.y = 220 @ipod_player_cursor.z = 7 end case @ipod_player_cursor_index when 0 @ipod_player_cursor.bitmap = Cache.system("CellPhone/ipod_cursor2.png") @ipod_player_cursor.x = 210 @ipod_player_cursor.y = 220 @ipod_player_cursor.z = 7 when 1 @ipod_player_cursor.bitmap = Cache.system("CellPhone/ipod_cursor.png") @ipod_player_cursor.x = 247 @ipod_player_cursor.y = 220 @ipod_player_cursor.z = 7 when 2 @ipod_player_cursor.bitmap = Cache.system("CellPhone/ipod_cursor3.png") @ipod_player_cursor.x = 280 @ipod_player_cursor.y = 222 @ipod_player_cursor.z = 7 end if Input.trigger?(Input::C) case @ipod_player_cursor_index when 0 if @files[@file-1]!=nil Audio.bgm_stop @ipod_player_col.bitmap.dispose @ipod_player.bitmap.dispose @ipod_player_cursor.bitmap.dispose @ipod_base.contents.clear create_ipod_player(@file-1,0) end when 1 Audio.bgm_play("Graphics/System/CellPhone/Memory/Music/"+@files[@file]) when 2 if @files[@file+1]!=nil Audio.bgm_stop @ipod_player_col.bitmap.dispose @ipod_player.bitmap.dispose @ipod_player_cursor.bitmap.dispose @ipod_base.contents.clear create_ipod_player(@file+1,2) end when 3 Audio.bgm_stop end end if Input.trigger?(Input::B) @ipod_player_col.bitmap.dispose @ipod_player.bitmap.dispose @ipod_player_cursor.bitmap.dispose @ipod_base.contents.clear create_icons end end
#==================================================================# # Phone_Msg # Send messages to yhe player #==================================================================# class Phone_Msg < Window_Base def initialize(autor="Unknown",title="No title",msg="") super(0,0,40,42) self.opacity=0 if $phone_online==true if $messages[9] == nil $full_msgbox=false Audio.se_play(Mod::SMS_TONE) msg = msg.delete("\n") autor = autor.delete("\n") title= title.delete("\n") msg_array = msg.ltrim(190,self.contents.font.size, array = [autor,title,msg_array,false,false] # readed, sended, deleted for i in 0..9 if $messages[i]==nil $messages[i]=array break end end $scene.one_time=true end if $messages[9] != nil $full_msgbox=true end end end end
#==================================================================# # String Modification # RGSS++ #==================================================================# class String def trim @subself = self.clone loop do @subself[0,1] = "" if @subself[0,1] == " " @subself[-1,1] = "" if @subself[-1,1] == " " break if @subself[0,1] != " " and @subself[-1,1] != " " end return @subself end def ltrim (width, fontsize, fontname=0) str = self.trim.clone bit =,1) = fontname bit.font.size = fontsize wordcount = 0 size = 0 line = "" word = "" result = [] while ((c = str.slice!(/./m)) != nil) wordcount += bit.text_size(c).width if c != " " word += c if c == " " and (wordcount + size) <= width line += word word = "" size += wordcount + bit.text_size(c).width wordcount = 0 end if c == " " and (wordcount + size) >= width result.push(line) line = word word = "" size = wordcount wordcount = 0 end if c == "\n" and line != "" result.push(line) line = "" size = 0 wordcount = 0 end end line += word if word != "" if line != "" result.push(line) end return result end end
#==================================================================# # Scene_Map # Modification for Phone Notifications #==================================================================# class Scene_Map < Scene_Base
attr_accessor :one_time alias start_phone start def start start_phone @one_time=true for i in 0..9 if $messages[i] !=nil if $messages[i][3] == false if @unreaded_msg == nil @unreaded_msg=0 @unreaded_msg=@unreaded_msg + 1 $messages[i][4]=true else @unreaded_msg=@unreaded_msg + 1 $messages[i][4]=true end end end end if @unreaded_msg !=nil if @unreaded_msg != 0 if @alert != nil @alert.bitmap.dispose end if @msg_alert_base != nil @msg_alert_base.contents.clear @msg_alert_base.dispose end @alert.bitmap = Cache.system("CellPhone/new_msgs.png") @alert.x=10 @alert.y=10 @msg_alert_base =,0,130,130) @msg_alert_base.contents.draw_text(0,74,100,20,@unreaded_msg.to_s,1) @msg_alert_base.opacity=0 end end end alias terminate_phone terminate def terminate terminate_phone if @msg_alert_base != nil super @msg_alert_base.contents.clear @msg_alert_base.dispose @alert.bitmap.dispose end end alias update_phone update def update update_phone if @msg_alert_base != nil @msg_alert_base.update end if @one_time==true for i in 0..9 if $messages[i] !=nil if $messages[i][3] == false if $messages[i][4]== false if @unreaded_msg == nil @unreaded_msg=0 @unreaded_msg=@unreaded_msg + 1 $messages[i][4]=true else @unreaded_msg=@unreaded_msg + 1 $messages[i][4]=true end end end end end if @unreaded_msg !=nil if @unreaded_msg != 0 if @alert != nil @alert.bitmap.dispose end if @msg_alert_base != nil @msg_alert_base.contents.clear @msg_alert_base.dispose end @alert.bitmap = Cache.system("CellPhone/new_msgs.png") @alert.x=10 @alert.y=10 @msg_alert_base =,0,130,130) @msg_alert_base.contents.draw_text(0,74,100,20,@unreaded_msg.to_s,1) @msg_alert_base.opacity=0 end end @one_time=false end end alias phone_menu_call call_menu def call_menu phone_menu_call $scene = end end class Scene_Item < Scene_Base def return_scene $scene = end end class Scene_Skill < Scene_Base def return_scene $scene = end end class Scene_Equip < Scene_Base def return_scene $scene = end end class Scene_Status < Scene_Base def return_scene $scene = end end class Scene_File < Scene_Base def return_scene if @from_title $scene = elsif @from_event $scene = else $scene = end end end class Scene_End < Scene_Base def return_scene $scene = end end
| | | 2010-01-05, 13:48 | Re: [SOLVED] Menu |
tazqi Novice
Posts : 122 Thanked : 0 Engine : Multi-Engine User Skill : Very Beginner Type : Writer
| @Rusted 71: MANTABBBBB................. .... pas banget!!!!!!!! : uyyyyyyy huuyyyyyyyy ahahahahaha....................[jadi tambah gila] : Thanks... |
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