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 Legend Of Farfang

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Legend Of Farfang Empty2014-09-04, 14:04
PostLegend Of Farfang

Level 5
Posts : 13
Thanked : 0
Engine : RMVX Ace
Skill : Beginner
Type : Jack of All Trades

Legend Of Farfang Vide
A long time ago, there's a peaceful region named
Farfang Region. They have several kingdoms in the
region, Firefang, Icefang, Windwalker, Waterhealer,
Thunderfang, Earthcrusher, Shadowfang, and Holyfang

They're united as the demon attacked their region,
defeated them and return the peace in this region.

Present day, we'll scoop to our young farmer boy who
has a dream for becoming a knight. He hope that he
could defeat the demons and restore the peace in
this region. His name is Cloud.

But after he managed to be a knight, the demon strikes again and with the aid of diplomat witch named Miranda, could they save the region from the demon attack?

-RPG Namebox
-Awesome Battles
-Guild Battles
-Funny story
-Find the key for the story
-Feel the power of orbs
-Bank System
-Useful help in-game menu

Credit to TheoAllen:

Feel free to review my demo and I'm promise that I'll finished my game soon

SS from the game!

Demo Link: UIP (Uploading in Progress)
Legend Of Farfang Empty2014-09-04, 17:19
PostRe: Legend Of Farfang
♫ RMID Rebel ♫
♫ RMID Rebel ♫

Posts : 4935
Thanked : 63

Legend Of Farfang Vide
Nunggu format trit lu dibenerin dlu
Taruh screenshot disini. Jangan ngelink luar. Toh link lu itu private, nda bisa dilihat umum
Credit gw yakin ga cuman gw doang :hammer:
Dan profil karakter?

Legend Of Farfang

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