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| [ASK] membuat event menggunakan Button | |
| 2014-08-26, 20:44 | [ASK] membuat event menggunakan Button |
rizkyffq Newbie
Posts : 60 Thanked : 2 Engine : RMVX Ace Skill : Beginner Type : Writer
| Selamat malam member rmid, hallo, maaf saya mau nanya lagi, yang satu ini tentang bagaimana membuat event menggunakan cndtional branch yang button. Jadi lebih spesifiknya saya mau buat satu scene dimana karakter di tarik oleh seseorang dan kita harus cepat-cepat mencet Z jika gak maka kita bisa mati atau game over. saya pernah liat event ini di game nya Mad Father dan The Crookedman, maklum karena saya masih beginner biarpun udah lama punya engine nya tapi baru kali ini yang bisa serius buat game, jadi saya masih kurang ngerti cara penggunaannya. nanti rencana ada salah satu event jika kita menyentuh event itu maka kita bisa di tarik dan harus lepas dengan cepat-cepat mencet suatu tombol tertentu, jika tidak kita bisa game over. Sekian dulu dari saya, maaf kalo saya banyak menuhin forum cuman karena nanya, kurang kontribusi karena saya masih baru, maaf sekali lagi mohon bantuan nya, sebelumnya saya ucapkan terima kasih |
| | | 2014-08-26, 21:01 | Re: [ASK] membuat event menggunakan Button |
Ayam Terbang Novice
Posts : 160 Thanked : 0 Engine : Multi-Engine User Skill : Intermediate Type : Event Designer
| karena ini kelihatannya ribet kalo dijelasin pake event, mungkin script ini membantu? - Code:
- Code:
#=============================================================================== # +++ MOG - Chain Commands (v1.4) +++ #=============================================================================== # By Moghunter # #=============================================================================== # Sistema de sequência de botões para ativar switchs. # # Serão necessárias as seguintes imagens. (Graphics/System) # # Chain_Cursor.png # Chain_Command.png # Chain_Layout.png # Chain_Timer_Layout.png # Chain_Timer_Meter.png # #=============================================================================== # # Para ativar o script use o comando abaixo. (*Call Script) # # chain_commands(ID) # # ID - Id da switch. # #===============================================================================
#============================================================================== # ● Histórico (Version History) #============================================================================== # v 1.4 - Correção do crash aleatório. # v 1.3 - Melhoria no sistema de dispose # v 1.2 - Melhoria na codificação e correção de alguns glitches. # v 1.1 - Animação de fade ao sair da cena de chain. # - Opção de definir a prioridade da hud na tela. #==============================================================================
module MOG_CHAIN_COMMANDS #============================================================================== # CHAIN_COMMAND = { SWITCH_ID => [COMMAND] } # # SWITCH_ID = ID da switch # COMMANDS = Defina aqui a sequência de botões. # (Para fazer a sequência use os comandos abaixo) # # "Down" ,"Up" ,"Left" ,"Right" ,"Shift" ,"D" ,"S" ,"A" ,"Z" ,"X" ,"Q" ,"W" # # Exemplo de utilização # # CHAIN_SWITCH_COMMAND = { # 25=>["Down","D","S","Right"], # 59=>["Down","Up","Left","Right","Shift","D","S","A","Z","X","Q","W"], # 80=>["Shift","D"] # } #============================================================================== CHAIN_SWITCH_COMMAND = { 5=>["X","Right","Left","Z","Z"], 6=>["Left","Right","Left","Right","Left","Right","Q","Z","Up","A","S", "Down","D","Z","Right","Up","Up","Z","W","Left","Down","D","A","W"], 8=>["Up","Down","Left","Right","Z"] } #Duração para colocar os comandos. (A duração é multiplicado pela quantidade #de comandos) *60 = 1 sec CHAIN_INPUT_DURATION = 30 #Som ao acertar. CHAIN_RIGHT_SE = "Chime1" #Som ao errar. CHAIN_WRONG_SE = "Buzzer1" #Switch que ativa o modo automático. CHAIN_AUTOMATIC_MODE_SWITCH_ID = 20 #Definição da prioridade da hud na tela CHAIN_HUD_Z = 300 end
#=============================================================================== # ■ Chain Commands #=============================================================================== class Chain_Commands include MOG_CHAIN_COMMANDS #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● Initialize #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize @action_id = $game_temp.chain_switch_id @chain_command = CHAIN_SWITCH_COMMAND[@action_id] @chain_command = ["?"] if @chain_command == nil duration = [[CHAIN_INPUT_DURATION, 1].max, 9999].min @timer_max = duration * @chain_command.size @timer = @timer_max @slide_time = [[60 / duration, 10].max, 60].min @change_time = 0 if $game_switches[CHAIN_AUTOMATIC_MODE_SWITCH_ID] @auto = true else @auto = false end @com = 0 end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● Main #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def main dispose @background_sprite = @background_sprite.bitmap = SceneManager.background_bitmap2 create_chain_command create_cusrsor create_layout create_meter create_text create_number Graphics.transition loop do Graphics.update Input.update update break if SceneManager.scene != self end dispose end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● Create Cursor #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def create_cusrsor @fy_time = 0 @fy = 0 @com_index = 0 @cursor = @cursor.bitmap = Cache.system("Chain_Cursor") @cursor.z = 4 + CHAIN_HUD_Z @cursor_space = ((@bitmap_cw + 5) * @chain_command.size) / 2 if @chain_command.size <= 20 @cursor.x = (544 / 2) - @cursor_space + @cursor_space * @com_index else @cursor.x = (544 / 2) end @cursor.y = (416 / 2) + 30 end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● Create Chain Command #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def create_chain_command @image = Cache.system("Chain_Command") width_max = ((@image.width / 13) + 5) * @chain_command.size @bitmap =,@image.height * 2) @bitmap_cw = @image.width / 13 @bitmap_ch = @image.height index = 0 for i in @chain_command command_list_check(i) bitmap_src_rect = * @bitmap_cw, 0, @bitmap_cw, @bitmap_ch) if index == 0 @bitmap.blt(index * (@bitmap_cw + 5) , 0, @image, bitmap_src_rect) else @bitmap.blt(index * (@bitmap_cw + 5) , @bitmap_ch, @image, bitmap_src_rect) end index += 1 end @sprite = @sprite.bitmap = @bitmap if @chain_command.size <= 15 @sprite.x = (544 / 2) - ((@bitmap_cw + 5) * @chain_command.size) / 2 @new_x = 0 else @sprite.x = (544 / 2) @new_x = @sprite.x end @sprite.y = (416 / 2) + 30 - @bitmap_ch - 15 @sprite.z = 3 + CHAIN_HUD_Z @sprite.zoom_x = 1.5 @sprite.zoom_y = 1.5 end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * create_layout #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def create_layout @back = @back.bitmap = Cache.system("Chain_Layout") @back.z = 0 @layout = @layout.bitmap = Cache.system("Chain_Timer_Layout") @layout.z = 1 + CHAIN_HUD_Z @layout.x = 160 @layout.y = 150 end
#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * create_meter #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def create_meter @meter_flow = 0 @meter_image = Cache.system("Chain_Timer_Meter") @meter_bitmap =,@meter_image.height) @meter_range = @meter_image.width / 3 @meter_width = @meter_range * @timer / @timer_max @meter_height = @meter_image.height @meter_src_rect =, 0, @meter_width, @meter_height) @meter_bitmap.blt(0,0, @meter_image, @meter_src_rect) @meter_sprite = @meter_sprite.bitmap = @meter_bitmap @meter_sprite.z = 2 + CHAIN_HUD_Z @meter_sprite.x = 220 @meter_sprite.y = 159 update_flow end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● Create Text #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def create_text @text = @text.bitmap =,32) @text.z = 2 + CHAIN_HUD_Z = "Georgia" @text.bitmap.font.size = 25 @text.bitmap.font.bold = true @text.bitmap.font.italic = true @text.bitmap.font.color.set(255, 255, 255,220) @text.x = 230 @text.y = 100 end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● Create Number #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def create_number @combo = 0 @number = @number.bitmap =,64) @number.z = 2 + CHAIN_HUD_Z = "Arial" @number.bitmap.font.size = 24 @number.bitmap.font.bold = true @number.bitmap.font.color.set(0, 255, 255,200) @number.bitmap.draw_text(0, 0, 200, 32, "Ready",1) @number.x = 30 @number.y = 100 end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● Pre Dispose #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def exit loop do Graphics.update @sprite.x += 5 @layout.x -= 5 @meter_sprite.x -= 5 @text.x -= 2 @text.opacity -= 5 @sprite.opacity -= 5 @layout.opacity -= 5 @meter_sprite.opacity -= 5 @number.opacity -= 5 @back.opacity -= 5 @cursor.visible = false break if @sprite.opacity == 0 end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● Dispose #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def dispose return if @layout == nil Graphics.freeze @background_sprite.bitmap.dispose @background_sprite.dispose @bitmap.dispose @sprite.bitmap.dispose @sprite.dispose @cursor.bitmap.dispose @cursor.dispose @meter_image.dispose @meter_bitmap.dispose @meter_sprite.bitmap.dispose @meter_sprite.dispose @layout.bitmap.dispose @layout.dispose @layout = nil @back.bitmap.dispose @back.dispose @text.bitmap.dispose @text.dispose @number.bitmap.dispose @number.dispose @image.dispose end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● Update #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update update_command update_cursor_slide update_flow update_change_time end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● Change_Time #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_change_time return unless @auto @change_time += 1 check_command(-1) if @change_time >= CHAIN_INPUT_DURATION - 1 end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● Update Flow #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_flow @timer -= 1 @meter_sprite.bitmap.clear @meter_width = @meter_range * @timer / @timer_max @meter_src_rect =, 0, @meter_width, @meter_height) @meter_bitmap.blt(0,0, @meter_image, @meter_src_rect) @meter_flow += 20 @meter_flow = 0 if @meter_flow >= @meter_image.width - @meter_range wrong_command if @timer == 0 and @auto == false end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● Update Command #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_command return if @auto if Input.trigger?(Input::X) check_command(0) elsif Input.trigger?(Input::Z) check_command(1) elsif Input.trigger?(Input::Y) check_command(2) elsif Input.trigger?(Input::A) check_command(3) elsif Input.trigger?(Input::C) check_command(4) elsif Input.trigger?(Input::B) check_command(5) elsif Input.trigger?(Input::L) check_command(6) elsif Input.trigger?(Input::R) check_command(7) elsif Input.trigger?(Input::RIGHT) check_command(8) elsif Input.trigger?(Input::LEFT) check_command(9) elsif Input.trigger?(Input::DOWN) check_command(10) elsif Input.trigger?(Input::UP) check_command(11) end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● command_list_check #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def command_list_check(command) case command when "A" @com = 0 when "D" @com = 1 when "S" @com = 2 when "Shift" @com = 3 when "Z" @com = 4 when "X" @com = 5 when "Q" @com = 6 when "W" @com = 7 when "Right" @com = 8 when "Left" @com = 9 when "Down" @com = 10 when "Up" @com = 11 else @com = 12 end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● check_command #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def check_command(com) index = 0 if com != -1 right_input = false for i in @chain_command if index == @com_index command_list_check(i) right_input = true if @com == com end index += 1 end else command_list_check(@com_index) @change_time = 0 right_input = true end if right_input refresh_number next_command else wrong_command end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● Next Command #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def next_command @com_index += 1 Audio.se_play("Audio/SE/" + CHAIN_RIGHT_SE, 100, 100) if @com_index == @chain_command.size $game_switches[@action_id] = true exit $game_map.need_refresh = true end refresh_command refresh_text(0) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● wrong_command #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def wrong_command Audio.se_play("Audio/SE/" + CHAIN_WRONG_SE, 100, 100) refresh_text(1) exit $game_player.jump(0,0) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● Refresh Command #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def refresh_command @sprite.bitmap.clear index = 0 for i in @chain_command command_list_check(i) bitmap_src_rect = * @bitmap_cw, 0, @bitmap_cw, @bitmap_ch) if @com_index == index @bitmap.blt(index * (@bitmap_cw + 5) , 0, @image, bitmap_src_rect) else @bitmap.blt(index * (@bitmap_cw + 5) , @bitmap_ch, @image, bitmap_src_rect) end index += 1 end if @chain_command.size > 15 @new_x = (544 / 2) - ((@bitmap_cw + 5) * @com_index) else @cursor.x = (544 / 2) - @cursor_space + ((@bitmap_cw + 5) * @com_index) end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● Refresh Text #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def refresh_text(type) @text.bitmap.clear if type == 0 if @com_index == @chain_command.size @text.bitmap.font.color.set(55, 255, 55,220) @text.bitmap.draw_text(0, 0, 200, 32, "Perfect!",1) else @text.bitmap.font.color.set(55, 155, 255,220) @text.bitmap.draw_text(0, 0, 200, 32, "Success!",1) end else @text.bitmap.font.color.set(255, 155, 55,220) if @timer == 0 @text.bitmap.draw_text(0, 0, 200, 32, "Time Limit!",1) else @text.bitmap.draw_text(0, 0, 200, 32, "Fail!",1) end end @text.x = 230 @text.opacity = 255 end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● Refresh Number #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def refresh_number @combo += 1 @number.bitmap.clear @number.bitmap.font.size = 34 @number.bitmap.draw_text(0, 0, 200, 32, @combo.to_s,1) @number.opacity = 255 @number.zoom_x = 2 @number.zoom_y = 2 end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● Update Cursor Slide #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_cursor_slide @sprite.zoom_x -= 0.1 if @sprite.zoom_x > 1 @sprite.zoom_y -= 0.1 if @sprite.zoom_y > 1 @text.x -= 2 if @text.x > 210 @text.opacity -= 5 if @text.opacity > 0 @sprite.x -= @slide_time if @sprite.x > @new_x and @chain_command.size > 15 if @number.zoom_x > 1 @number.zoom_x -= 0.1 @number.zoom_y -= 0.1 end if @fy_time > 15 @fy += 1 elsif @fy_time > 0 @fy -= 1 else @fy = 0 @fy_time = 30 end @fy_time -= 1 @cursor.oy = @fy end end
#============================================================================== # ■ Game Temp #============================================================================== class Game_Temp
attr_accessor :chain_switch_id #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● Initialize #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias mog_chain_commands_initialize initialize def initialize @chain_switch_id = 0 mog_chain_commands_initialize end end
#============================================================================== # ■ Game_Interpreter #============================================================================== class Game_Interpreter #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● Chain Commands #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def chain_commands(switch_id = 0) return if switch_id <= 0 $game_temp.chain_switch_id = switch_id wait(1) end end
#=============================================================================== # ■ SceneManager #=============================================================================== class << SceneManager @background_bitmap2 = nil #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● Snapshot For Background2 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def snapshot_for_background2 @background_bitmap2.dispose if @background_bitmap2 @background_bitmap2 = Graphics.snap_to_bitmap end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● Background Bitmap2 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def background_bitmap2 @background_bitmap2 end end
#=============================================================================== # ■ Scene Map #=============================================================================== class Scene_Map < Scene_Base #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● Terminate #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias mog_chain_commands_terminate terminate def terminate SceneManager.snapshot_for_background2 mog_chain_commands_terminate end end
$mog_rgss3_chain_commands = true
jika tidak membantu, mari buat event dengan trigger parallel process, event itu aktif saat switch tertentu on, switch tertentu itu aktifnya saat kita ditarik2. isi event itu dengan sebuah conditional branch, kira2 seperti ini: - Code:
if Button(C) is pressed variable[ANU] += 1 wait 1 frames end di event yang bagian adegan kita ditarik2 itu, saat kita ditarik2, nyalakan switch tertentu, dan set timer 5 atau terserah berapa detik, dan loop, kira2 begini: - Code:
scene ditarik2 Control Switches: Switch[TERTENTU] on Timer Operation: Set TERSERAH DETIK loop conditional branch: if timer is 00:00 or less switch[TERTENTU] off end end conditional branch: if Variable[ANU] is 30 or higher scene berhasil kabur else scene gem oper end kalau masih tak mengerti, nanti saya buatkan demonya |
| | | 2014-08-27, 22:25 | Re: [ASK] membuat event menggunakan Button |
Kuro Ethernite The Creator
Posts : 1631 Thanked : 24 Engine : RMVX Ace Skill : Masterful Type : Jack of All Trades
| ^ dear... please don't make it sounds complicated... not in my computer now, so I can't really tell. but this should do... What you're trying to do is called "mashing button". - Code:
loop do Conditional Branch : Input.trigger?(:C) Control Variable[001] += 1 end Control Variable[002] += 1 Conditional Branch : if Variable[001] >= 20 (you win!) end Conditional Branch : if Variable[002] >= 40 (you lose!) end wait(1) end
First Conditional Branch is accessed through script (which are in 4th tab on conditional branch) then write Input.trigger?(:C). |
| | | 2014-08-27, 23:09 | Re: [ASK] membuat event menggunakan Button |
rizkyffq Newbie
Posts : 60 Thanked : 2 Engine : RMVX Ace Skill : Beginner Type : Writer
| - Kuro Ethernite wrote:
- ^ dear... please don't make it sounds complicated...
not in my computer now, so I can't really tell. but this should do...
What you're trying to do is called "mashing button". - Code:
loop do Conditional Branch : Input.trigger?(:C) Control Variable[001] += 1 end Control Variable[002] += 1 Conditional Branch : if Variable[001] >= 20 (you win!) end Conditional Branch : if Variable[002] >= 40 (you lose!) end wait(1) end
First Conditional Branch is accessed through script (which are in 4th tab on conditional branch) then write Input.trigger?(:C). how to use it mr ? put in the script editor or set on the event ?, sorry for bother you because id don't know how to use it |
| | | 2014-08-28, 17:48 | Re: [ASK] membuat event menggunakan Button |
Kuro Ethernite The Creator
Posts : 1631 Thanked : 24 Engine : RMVX Ace Skill : Masterful Type : Jack of All Trades
| It's event. Generally should look like this... - Spoiler:
Conditional Branch : Script might be accessed here.
I made a demo where a picture of button involved here. |
| | | 2014-08-29, 06:12 | Re: [ASK] membuat event menggunakan Button |
rizkyffq Newbie
Posts : 60 Thanked : 2 Engine : RMVX Ace Skill : Beginner Type : Writer
| - Kuro Ethernite wrote:
- It's event. Generally should look like this...
- Spoiler:
Conditional Branch : Script might be accessed here. I made a demo where a picture of button involved here. oh finally, thank you very much mr , this trouble has solved, thank you |
| | | | Re: [ASK] membuat event menggunakan Button |
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