Genre: Action (Platformer)
Dimensi: 2D
Layar: 480x272
Creator: Bunga Tepi Jalan
Terrorism was reborn again and spread rapidly since an unknown main figure of the terrorism recruited many people.
And thus Agent 13509 was hired by Densus 88 to stop the terrorist attacks.
As Densus 88 force weren't able to terminate the terrorism, he got a great task: save the world from the terror and discover who is the main figure of the terrorism!
Agent 13509
Age: 21 yrs
Weapon: his own stomp or any looted gun
Gender: Male
Menyelematkan beberapa kota/tempat penting dari serangan teroris, serta mencari tahu siapa gembong utama dari terorisme selama ini.
Left/Right: Normal move
Double tap Left/Right: Sprint
X: Jump
C: Shoot (if you equip a weapon)
Z: Throw a grenade (if you have)
Down: Crouch (on ground/platform)
OR Dive (in the water)
Up: Enter the door
Thanks to: Vsio
Ditujukan untuk kompetisi YYG06..
NB: sori yaa game ini msh ada bbrp kelemahannya krn submitnya deket2 deadline nih.. tapi cobalah gameku aja dan jangan lupa ngerate gameku yaa.. penting buat judging nanti..