Saya tanya kenapanya KGC_OVERDRIVE skill ya tidak bisa di gunakan.
Terus jangan bilang aku sudah baca ini:
- Quote :
- How come KGC_Overdrive isn't working properly with the SBS/ATB in my project? How come my Overdrive gauges aren't showing?
KGC_Overdrive needs to be placed BELOW the SBS and ATB scripts in your script editor.
I put KGC_Overdrive below the SBS/ATB, but my Overdrive bars still aren't showing!
Hey doofus, read the comments in the scripts you use. In the KGC_Overdrive script, there is this section:
# ◆ Hide OD Gauge When Actor Lacks OD Skills ◆
# This toggle allows you to hide the gauge if a character has no Overdrive
# skills in his/her assnal.
# true = Gauge is hidden.
# false = Gauge is not hidden.
This means that if your actor does not have any Overdrive skills learned, then the Overdrive gauge will not show. If you don't like how that works, simply set HIDE_GAUGE_NO_OD_SKILLS to false.
But my Overdrive gauge still aren't showing/working properly!
If you are using other custom scripts or custom HUD scripts, there is a chance they are incompatible. There have been many people who use KGC_Overdrive with no problems and KGC_Overdrive has been out for over two years. If you're still having problems, it is likely your fault in some way.
Aku sudah copy OVERDRIVE di bawahnya ATB atau SBS lalu di OVERDRIVEnya sudah di set true and aku masih gak bisa pake Skill overdrivenya (Aktor 2 and 3 OVERDRIVE barnya penuh)
dan saya pakai HUBnya stars. Tolong dong.