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 [CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land

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[CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land Empty2011-10-16, 23:03
Post[CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land

Level 5
Posts : 34
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Engine : RMVX
Skill : Beginner
Type : Writer

[CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land Vide
hey... and yess i AM a newbie in here (bisa dilihat dari jumlah post disamping) dan salam kenal juga untuk forum ini, hope best for all :)
sebenernya saya memang mencari tempat untuk menaruh konsep yang memang saya dan teman saya rencanakan baru baru ini (baru banget blom ampe seminggu).
jadi pas liat forum game design dan konsep ini langsung saya taro semua ide ide saya dari words ke sini
mungkin agak kurang lengkap tapi saya berharap untuk kritik dan sarannya agar bisa membuat konsep ini lebih padat dan kompleks
saya juga berharap ada beberapa user yang tertarik untuk bergabung dalam proyek ini
mohon dimaafkan kalau konsepnya agak "amatir" :)
saya akui saya memang bukan scripter yang handal (malah baru belajar minggu kemaren buat event ><) tapi saya sedikit berbakat dalam pembuatan cerita, karakter, dialog dan pengaturan perkembangan plot hihihi XD
well then....
enjoy!! :)

nama game : Gaia Project: the forsaken land
kode produksi : GP
engine : RMVX
BS: RPG Tankentai SBS 3.3d + ATB 1.1f Kaduki Eng (no ATB system)
genre : RPG
jenis cerita : Adventure
bahasa : English / Inggris


the world, the tales

for rough image the world
[CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land Worldmap

the world, the regions

Main character

1. Trident Eidernia
An exceptional swordsman from the nation of Hanzendar, a nation well known for its dragoon army, he possesses a massive endurance and super human strength which make him a greater fighter beyond anyone else. Little known information about where he acquires so much power. Trident always keeps his past and his record discreetly, he very dislike people harassing information about him. Now he is held in town of Ballerne and believes to be responsible for the death of an group of researcher which research in nearby ruins.
Age: 25
Height: 180 Cm
Weight: 75 Kg
Occupation: Mercenary
Class: Swordsman
Change class: Dragon knight / Dragoon
Build: Macho
Birth day: 20th January
Hand: Ambidextrous
Battle role:
- Sword, Axe, Spear both one handed and two handed
- Marlene, Great battle
- Vegetables, milk, loud mouth

Quote :
How can you say “it was all just a fate?” from which you knew that it was you who pulled the trigger?

2. Leonard “Leon” Hildebrandt
A treasure hunter from town of Ballerne, Leon has special interest in shiny things. He become the most wanted man in his town since 15 years old, but until now no one is able to catch this multitalented rogue. He also popular amongst women (so he said), make him more and more narcissi and thirst for fame. In many circumstances, he actually can be very fun and friendly, but his hobby and addiction just doesn’t seem to mix well.
Age: 21
Height: 175 Cm
Weight: 52 Kg
Occupation: Mercenary
Class: Thief
Change class: Treasure hunter / Assassin
Build: Average
Birth day: 4th April
Hand: Dominant right
- Dagger, Sword but no two handed weapon, Bow
- Women, treasures, himself, renowned
- Bankrupt, wasting money

Quote :
I am amazed; you actually manage to complex the unnecessary thing

3. Syrene Andros Relia
A fresh graduate mage from Volsesse, a nation where magic resides, Relia decides to take in history major and follows her passion to explore all runes and secret inscription at forsaken land. But as a descendant of Andros family (and the only daughter as well), a famous family of mage in Volsesse, Relia has been given a lot of warning and big no from her mother, she can’t afford Relia to do same mistake as her late father. And so, Relia decides to travel alone, without money, permission nor protection. The only thing she carries is the absolute determination and the stubbornness which run off from her family. Now, the journey is starting for this young blonde girl. No one knows that she may have become a key factor to reveal all truth.
Age: 18
Height: 160 Cm
Weight: she verbally threatens for everyone that asks this question
Occupation: Mercenary
Class: Mage
Change class: Arch mage / Sage
Build: Slim
Birth day: 11th June
Hand: Dominant right
- Dagger, Staff, tome and spellsword
- Eating, children, precious artifact
- Called “cupcake”, bad guys, irresolute people

Quote :
If you called me cupcake one more time…. I shall let you taste a tiny bit of my endless wrath

the guardians

1. Axner – Fire
2. Ralvhe – Water
3. Zephyr – Wind
4. Audhulma – Ice
5. Shaxfirr – Lightning
6. Terrator – Earth
7. Shuveyn – Holy
8. Geraldier – Darkness

the description is under construction

Interactive System

Summoning system
Job changes system
Side quest legend and myth based story (mainly Nordic and Greek)
(description and other ideas are under construction)


inilah sedikit konsep dari saya, tidak ngapa kan menggunakan bahasa inggris?
sekali lagi mohon maaf kalo amatir
comments and critics are highly suggested :)

Terakhir diubah oleh nless_dreamer tanggal 2011-10-21, 07:59, total 4 kali diubah
[CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land Empty2011-10-16, 23:17
PostRe: [CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land
Si Rambut Perak

Level 5
Posts : 468
Thanked : 10
Engine : RMVX
Skill : Intermediate
Type : Artist
[CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land Vide
Posting pertama dah keren....
bahasa inggris lagi :v

jangan lupa bikin trit intro kk ...:v

btw :
[CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land Empty2011-10-17, 05:45
PostRe: [CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land

Level 5
Posts : 34
Thanked : 1
Engine : RMVX
Skill : Beginner
Type : Writer

[CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land Vide
waw 0_o pertamax hha

sudah dibkin intro saya, thanks ya commentnya :D
[CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land Empty2011-10-17, 10:36
PostRe: [CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land

Level 5
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Engine : Multi-Engine User
Skill : Beginner
Type : Developer

[CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land Vide
wah konsepnya keliatan solid :D
walaupun agak klise tapi jalan ceritanya udah terasa natural :D
tinggal gimana realisasinya aja :D

btw di biodatanya syrene, ada tulisan
- Eating children
[CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land Empty2011-10-17, 10:55
PostRe: [CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land

Level 5
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Engine : RMVX
Skill : Very Beginner
Type : Writer

[CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land Vide
Waduh Pke Bahasa inggris :o

Y udah ane komen yg ngrti aja ya..
Fitur cooking nya menarik...
Sma Fishing nya tp System fishing nya kya Bof 4 ya..
Biar lbh kren n g gtu2 aja

Sip skses deh bwt km :thumbup:
[CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land Empty2011-10-17, 10:58
PostRe: [CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land

Level 5
Posts : 34
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Engine : RMVX
Skill : Beginner
Type : Writer

[CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land Vide
tuh kan lupa koma ahahahhaa *edited
ya memang klise tapi disni yg lebih penting adalah pengukapan legenda kuno yang dilakukan oleh beberapa variasi karakter yang medalam.
bagi saya itu fokusnya dan memang sekarang lg bingung nyari scripter yang mau membantu :o

hahahah kan mau ditaro juga di forum luar :)
untuk cookingnya sudah ada tutorialnya (udah dicoba pula) tinggal ditambahin aja resepnya
untuk fishingnya masih belum di utak atik tuh

thanks untuk commentnya :)
[CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land Empty2011-10-17, 11:13
PostRe: [CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land

Level 5
Posts : 240
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Engine : Multi-Engine User
Skill : Beginner
Type : Developer

[CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land Vide
bukannya sudah ditentukan battle systemnya segala? :o
perlu scripting untuk apalagi?
[CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land Empty2011-10-17, 11:24
PostRe: [CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land
Pahlawan Super

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[CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land Vide
wah bau2nya writer jago nih :D

saya jadi sangsi kalo anda pemula :v

walaupun kurang faham bahasa inggris, konsep ini membuat saya membaca setidaknya setengah dari tulisan tersebut..

sukses dan cepat2 direalisasikan..
kelihatannya konsepnya sudah cukup matang soalnya :D
[CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land Empty2011-10-17, 12:14
PostRe: [CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land

Level 5
Posts : 34
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Engine : RMVX
Skill : Beginner
Type : Writer

[CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land Vide
kan scriptnya ga cuma buat BS jg tp rencananya ada event dalam battle, terus sistem summoning yg masih diperdebatkan ama teman teman saya, beberapa custom sprite yg ingin ditampilkan dan dialog bar yang mau diubah jadi kyk FF9
jujur saya kurang ngarti tapi kata temen saya itu semua kalau mau dimaksimalin harus di edit scriptnya

haiahhh sumfah ane newbie, cuma ngarti bikin skenario doang wkowkowkow
[CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land Empty2011-10-17, 12:15
PostRe: [CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land
Living Skeleton

Posts : 1668
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Engine : RMVX
Skill : Very Beginner
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[CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land Vide
GIla, make traits segala... Bener2 profiler nih :swt: :hammer:
Sampe2 dominant hand juga dimasukin, ada yang ambidextrous lagi :hammer:

Konsep keren, ga terlalu klise amat, world map lengkap beserta nama2 dan deskripsi continentnya, bahkan sistem yang ada di dunianya pun sudah terlihat solid :hammer:

Ada kritik nih, Englishnya keren, terutama cara penyampaiannya, tapi grammar masih agak "off" di mata gwa :hammer:
Tapi gwa seneng cara berceritanya terutama yang ini
Quote :
And they were manage to prove the world not only once, or twice, or neither trice, but ten times of expedition with a very outstanding findings.

Lanjutkan, konsep ini keren =w=b
[CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land Empty2011-10-17, 12:24
PostRe: [CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land

Level 5
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[CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land Vide
1000% SETUJU!!
gw agak agak idiot di grammar, jujur gw jg sebnernya baru ngarti yg namanya grammar waktu masuk kuliah ahahahahahha
bisa lah dibantu ya om nisamerica, biar makin keren deh hihihih

hmmm sbenernya itu traits saya ambil dari sistem valkyrie profile di PS1. kan waktu mw ngirim einherjar harus diperbaikin sifatnya dulu. nah saya ambil garis besarnya terus saya taro di words. ternyata sangat berguna untuk membuat karakter saya menjadi jauh lebih hidup :)
[CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land Empty2011-10-17, 12:43
PostRe: [CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land
Living Skeleton

Posts : 1668
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Engine : RMVX
Skill : Very Beginner
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[CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land Vide
Agh gwa juga ga terlalu jago English, cuma ngesok bacot aja =))
Dan lagi anda lebih tua dari saya, jadi tidak perlu memanggil saya om :hammer:

Wah gwa ga maen VP jaid ga terllau kebayang, tapi bener sih, karena suatu karakter itu memang memiliki sifat yang bermacam2 dan lebihd ari satu :hammer:
[CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land Empty2011-10-17, 19:05
PostRe: [CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land

Level 5
Posts : 34
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Engine : RMVX
Skill : Beginner
Type : Writer

[CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land Vide
ahahahaha siappp gan :)
wah padahal itu game RPG masuk top ten RPG terkeren waktu PSX masih jaya

any way thanks for your comment. I'd really appreciate that :)
[CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land Empty2011-10-17, 19:26
PostRe: [CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land
Moe Princess

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[CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land Vide
wuah, nice concept banget!! :shocked:
bener2 hebadh ya :ngacay2:
projectnya udah WIP kah? :hmm:

I sure this will be a great game, so lanjutkan yah, sayang kalo sampe dicancel =w=b
btw, sayang nih grammarnya :swt: mau saya bantu benerin? :) (kalo sempet)

[CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land Empty2011-10-17, 19:34
PostRe: [CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land

Level 5
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Skill : Beginner
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[CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land Vide
kalau gatel liat grammarnya (which actually i do too) silahkan di perhalus kk dan nanti hasilnya bisa di PM ke saya
nanti saya edit dan nama kk ada jadi credit :)

saya memang sedang mencari anggota di sub forum lain, inginya segera membuat threads di team recruitment namun saya lihat sudah banyak tim disana 0_o jdi daripada bingung mending threadsnya ini saja dn yg berminat bis langsung PM :)

untuk lowongannya semuanya masih kosong jika sudah ada minimal 3 atau lebih yang fix atau aktif baru saya mw membuat threads di tim recruitment

mohon bantuannya kk sekalian semua :)
thanks untuk commentnya
[CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land Empty2011-10-17, 21:26
PostRe: [CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land
Living Skeleton

Posts : 1668
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Skill : Very Beginner
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[CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land Vide
Yeah, emang kepengen nyoba sih, tapi jaman gwa ada PSX gwa baru bocah ingusan yang ga jelas senengannya paan, game2 yang milih biasanya adek :hammer:
Sekarang ada emulator, tapi lagi ga napsu maen apa2, emang udah bawaan lebih seneng nontonin orang maen :hammer:

Btw jadi OOT gini :hammer:
Yah pokonya moga sukses terealisasikan dah, kalo butuh bantuan sih tinggal ngomong2 di CB :hammer:
[CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land Empty2011-10-17, 22:38
PostRe: [CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land

Level 5
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[CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land Vide
terstruktur dan rapi :shocked:

wow wow wow wow (99x)... :shocked:

mantep terutama sinopsisnya :thumbup: ( 4 thumb mode on)
[CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land Empty2011-10-17, 22:51
PostRe: [CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land

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[CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land Vide
hmm :hmm: menarik... :thumbup:
izinkan saya untuk bergabung dengan anda, saya bisa membantu sedikit di bagian script, database, ataupun event...

walaupun saya masih sangat pemula, tp saya akan mempelajarinya, karena kita smua tidak akan pernah berhenti untuk belajar. bukan begitu? :)
[CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land Empty2011-10-18, 02:21
PostRe: [CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land
Robot Gedek Galak

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[CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land Vide

konsepting IMBA gini ngaku newbie :o gw yang proyek udah setaun lebih maced aja konsepnya ga seIMBA ini :o . Setelah baca2, klise RPG kalsik menurut gw masih kental, tapi gpp, something klise is good, kalo bisa ditutupi dengan scene ama gameplay yang ga ngebosenin.

Yang udah nyambung ama sinopsis baru Syrene yah? yang lain masih gelap :hmm:

soal grammar... aw man, faq with that :D bule aja kalo ngomong grammar masi miss miss masa kita miss dikit ga bole? meski lebih preferable kalo grammar nya perfect sih :v well, keep up za good work [CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land LFn5b !!
[CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land Empty2011-10-18, 07:01
PostRe: [CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land
Member 1000 Konsep

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[CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land Vide
wah hati-hati kalo bikin profile lengkap gini,kadang dalam implementasinya ga selancar itu...
untuk plot,well..saya lebih suka bagian presentasinya ntar di game, kalo masih konsepting bisa berubah-ubah :D.. but good luck :P
[CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land Empty2011-10-18, 10:03
PostRe: [CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land

Level 5
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Engine : RMVX
Skill : Beginner
Type : Writer

[CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land Vide
hahaha sekali main VP ga akan nyesel deh
thanks though :)

makasih gan, i'd very appreciate that :D

done, just PM me :)

yup karena secara keseluruhan peran utamanya syrene tapi nanti banyak konflik dan kejutannya (sayangnya saya ga bisa bocorin, hanya anggota aja yg boleh taw hihihi)
iya nih grammernya harus diteliti lagi, kan nanti malu kalo di post forum luar gyahahahaha

im very aware of that :)
[CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land Empty2011-10-18, 10:06
PostRe: [CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land
Member 1000 Konsep

Level 5
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[CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land Vide
@nless~ga beda jauh lah sama saya,my original project gabungan konsep putus2 dari SD malah wkwk
kenyataannya selera saya sekarang sama dulu beda jauh banget
[CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land Empty2011-10-18, 10:09
PostRe: [CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land

Level 5
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Skill : Beginner
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[CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land Vide
aha ternyata kita satu kaum hahahaha

jadi kita sudah mengerti kan plot flowing itu sangat penting, karena kalau untuk diri sendiri aja masih aneh gimana mau di publish ke orang orang

ada juga malah bikin kita setengah setengah :)
[CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land Empty
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[CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land Vide

[CONCEPT] Gaia Project: the forsaken land

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