Ability System v2.1
by wltr3565
Aku mau passive skill kayak KH punya, tapi script yang ada kagak muasin, jadi aku buat sendiri. Tulisan lebih lanjut bisa dilihat di script.
- Passive skill baru yang bisa diatur sesuka hati pemain!
- Pertumbuhan max AP tidak berdasarkan curve, tapi pengendalian yang teratur. Jadi bisa aja naik level belum tentu dapat tambahan max AP!
- Pengaturan mudah!
- Ability bisa dipasang di musuh!
- Abilitynya bisa membutuhkan persyaratan sebelum aktif!
- Bisa digunakan sebagai pembatas serangan!
- Script yang sangat fleksibel untuk keperluan apapun! Gunakan kreatifitasmu!
- Bisa diupgrade untuk mendukung script lain! (Bilang aku dulu)
Screenshots- Spoiler:
How to UseBaca scriptnya. Biasanya menggunakan note tags dan mengorbankan skill. Dan Tankentai diperlukan untuk scriptnya bekerja. Kalo kagak ada Tankentai, aku nggak tau apa masalah yang akan terjadi...
DemoRalph's Story: Curse and Blessing of Ability CrestIt's a sample game of this script. You can take the unencrypted version to get the script. The demo's scripts include:
- Tankentai SBS 3.3d + ATB 1.1h (As Mr.Bubble update the script, I'll update the game as well)
- KGC Overdrive
- Skill Scroll Items
- Ability Menu (If you wish to make the ability customize option to pop out in the game)
- One Ally KO = Game Over
- Burst Gauge
- Lock Screen
- Map Credit
- Ability System v1.0 (The main script)
- Ability learning patch (Somehow, when leveling up the abilities does not pop out in the report...)
ScriptAmbil dari gamenya, ya
FAQQ: Can you or I make this script to be compatible for [insert here] battle
A: No, too lazy. You can do it yourself anyway.
Q: If the AP used is the same as the max AP, then I decrease the max AP, will
there any errors?
A: Only 1 error occured; the abilities could be unequipped till the AP is
sufficient, count from ability with the smallest id number.
Q: I changed the tags for this ability system in the note tags of the skills,
but nothing changed!
A: Better to read $game_system.ability_update.
Q: Can this script useable with [insert here]?
A: Let me try.
Credit and ThanksYanfly, KGC, Enelvon, Vlad: Regular Expressions and note tagging reference.
KGC: Looking up how he does the parameter upgrade in the passive skill.
Capcom for Megaman Battle Network series and StarForce: Undershirt reference
Gust for Atelier series: Block and MagicBlock reference
Tetsuya Nomura: Kingdom Hearts' creator and character designer.
Kingdom Hearts crews: Kingdom Hearts' existence.
Square Enix: Kingdom Hearts.
Author's Notes- Jauhin fungsi overdrive untuk sementara. Kalo bisa perbaikin masalahnya aku sangat berterima kasih. Baca scriptnya untuk info lebih lanjut.