untuk gambar yang atas coba buka sript ATB configuration. liat line 140-149 ada tulisan seperti ini.
# ++ Actor ATB Gauge Positions (Applies only if ATB_POSITION_HPWINDOW = true)
# Individual Positions: Actor 1 Actor 2 Actor 3 Actor 4
# X Y, X Y, X Y, X Y
ATB_PARTY_POSITION = [[158,318],[158,342],[158,366],[158,390],[158,424],[158,456]] <<--- yang ini buat ngatur posisi ATB
# Please remember to add/remove coordinates whenever you change MAX_MEMBER
# Extra coordinates have been added, but do not adversely affect your game
# if you use less than 6. If you use more than 6, extra coordinates must be added.
kalo yang pake STR cuman ganti gambar HUD sama ngatur posisi sendiri itu.
semoga berhasil