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 need helpp for battle system

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need helpp for battle system Empty2011-01-22, 22:45
Postneed helpp for battle system

Level 5
Posts : 51
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Engine : RMVX
Skill : Masterful
Type : Writer

need helpp for battle system Vide
bisa seseorang membuat tut untuk sistem pertarungan behemothpro saya perlu belajar bagaimana membuat keterampilan account normal dodge ETC ETC Dan Cara Pasang The One Piece Sprite Dalam Jika Anda dapat Make A Tut It Really Apakah Bantuan Finish saya OP Game Quicker ini sprite saya ingin dimasukkan ke dalam dan tut sistem pertempuran saya perlu untuk = 0 & p = 201659 & # entry201659

Translate In English
can someone make a tut for behemothpro battle system i need to learn how to make the skills the normal account dodge ETC ETC And How To Put The One Piece Sprites In If You can Make A Tut It Would Really Help Finish My OP Game Quicker these are the sprites i want to put in and the battle system tut i need for

need helpp for battle system

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