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 Battle Baackground

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Battle Baackground Empty2010-12-13, 22:13
PostBattle Baackground

Level 5
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Battle Baackground Vide
Begini nih ceritanya,gw mau tanya soal battle background,di world map yg gua bikin ada banyak tempatnya,dari hutan,desert,ice,ship dll

gw pake script battle background dari DerVVulfman
apa bisa battle background kita ambil bukan dari map ID tapi dari tilesetnya,misalnya tileset pohon,battlenya jadi hutan,kalo tilesetnya air laut,ya battle backnya di laut

bisa sih diakalin pake script di event buat ubah battle background,cuma yang jadi masalah map gue gede banget ukurannya 300 * 250 dan musti pake banyak event buat ubah battle background,nah karena kebanyakan event,jadi lemotlah jalannya game

ada yang bisa bantuin saya??
mohon bantuannya,,, hehehehe

maap ane newbie.. :RMID:
Battle Baackground Empty2010-12-13, 22:29
PostRe: Battle Baackground

Level 5
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Battle Baackground Vide
nih alternatif dari MOGHUNTER

sorry ya cuma ngasih script aja...
Battle Baackground Empty2010-12-14, 07:10
PostRe: Battle Baackground
Member 1000 Konsep

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Battle Baackground Vide
mungkin ini ya yang dimaksud ?

NB : sekedar saran.. jangan bikin map gede-gedean lah.. =.=a
apalagi kalo pakenya random encounter :swt:
Battle Baackground Empty2010-12-14, 09:13
PostRe: Battle Baackground

Level 5
Posts : 711
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Engine : RM2k3
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Type : Writer

Battle Baackground Vide
Quote :
Tile-Based Battle Backgrounds

Version 1.1
December 28, 2009

By Reedo

None. This is an original script by Reedo.

Update 1.1
Added option to stretch background images to fit the desired size.

Like other scripts available, this script allows you to specify custom images for the background of the default battle system.

Unlike other scripts available, this script does what traditional RPGs do, it sets the battle background based on the tile the player is standing on when battle begins. The script allows you to specify groups of tile IDs with a name, to handle the 48 possible tiles in an autotile. All of the autotiles which are floors (or similar) have been pre-registered in the script, as well as several non-autotile floor tiles. And you can easily register any tile in Tile Set A as a named tile in the script.

With each floor tile named, you can specify a hash of tile names to battle background images, and the script will set the background for each battle accordingly.

The script also allows you to specify a single battle background for an entire map, based on map ID, and allows you to specify a list of maps to exclude from processing. This should allow other scripts which set the battle background in different ways to work smoothly with this script, providing you with multiple ways to set the battle backgrounds within your game.

With this script, you can have the background image(s) displayed in battle set automatically according to the tile the player is standing on when battle begins.

I'm thinking about adding the option of multiple backgrounds per tile which are cycled randomly or in sequence, for more variety in game. We'll see how the interest goes with this version, and whether or not I decide I want that feature in my game (actually, whether or not I can find access to enough graphics to make it possible!).
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Battle Baackground

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