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 [ASK] Ruby and RGSS Marshal Write

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[ASK] Ruby and RGSS Marshal Write Empty2010-08-04, 14:30
Post[ASK] Ruby and RGSS Marshal Write

Level 5
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[ASK] Ruby and RGSS Marshal Write Vide
Oh ya aku mau nanya nih, apa perbedaan MARSHAL.DUMP yang ada di RUBY asli sama RGSS2 yang di VX?
soalnya pas aku ngewrite 2340 list highscore pake RUBY itu sizenya 80KB dan bisa di read,
tapi pas aku write ULANG 2340 list itu pake RGSS2 sizenya 92KB dan GAK BISA di read, alias NIL.
tau gak kenapa?
(tolong jelaskan penyebabnya)

arigatou~ :sakaki:
[ASK] Ruby and RGSS Marshal Write Empty2010-08-04, 14:40
PostRe: [ASK] Ruby and RGSS Marshal Write
Kai Runes
Kai Runes

Posts : 1476
Thanked : 33
Engine : RMVX

[ASK] Ruby and RGSS Marshal Write Vide
slah tempat ni . .
kalo bikin trid nanya2 / minta bantuan tentang script (bukan request) di Script Support ya :senyum:



Answer :
Karena ngga sama :hammer:

[ASK] Ruby and RGSS Marshal Write

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