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 Battle Trigger ; Rampage of 100 Warrior

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Battle Trigger ; Rampage of 100 Warrior Empty2010-07-31, 20:39
PostBattle Trigger ; Rampage of 100 Warrior
Topeng Buaya

Level 5
Posts : 799
Thanked : 6
Engine : RMVX
Skill : Intermediate
Type : Developer

Battle Trigger ; Rampage of 100 Warrior Vide
Konsep untuk ojek baru wa :D
klo ad tambahan bilang aj :D

Story :
21XX, one scientist created a system called Cross, a system that enable someone to transform into a super soldier that has an unbelievable power, the first system was named Alpha.
But one day, the system was gone berserk and the controller of Alpha was dead and become a living body, or they call it The Failure. To stop Alpha's Rampage, 100 scientist were ordered to create a system that can rival the Alpha.
Thus, those 100 scientist creating a 100 Cross system and a huge war between Alpha and 100 Cross Soldier emerge.
The result of those war was unsustainable, both Alpha and all
Cross Soldier were malfunction. To prevent misused, since the Alpha was a historical system, the Government choose to seal it somewhere, and the 100 Cross Soldier were given back to their own creator.

several years have passed....

A new system also created by using Cross System's data, and it was called
Replica, it's purpose is to strengthen the user without weapon, and it was mass produced so that every human in the world can use it.

But suddenly, those Replica has gone berserk as well, and those who equipped it become The Failure as well, even though it's not really dangerous, but it can cause harm to it's surrounding. For now, it's not known how the replica could become berserk as well.


Somewhere in Indonesia, a peaceful place that almost had no uprising technology such as Replica, a young man named Rieve, lived with a foreign woman named Fiona, his stepmother. Rieve was very silent but clever, and he never try to show up his talent to his friend.

one day, Rieve was attacked by a human using Replica, then Fiona trying to rescue him using another Replica, but it looks like that man was aftering Fiona all along, and that man asking something about the Relic System, it is clear now that guy was a foreign criminal trying to do something he called Relic System, Fiona said that she didn't know what he is talking about, but that man said that Fiona is one of the 100 scientist that creating those Relic System, that man attacked Fiona again and a knife was thrown away from Fiona. Rieve take the knife and suddenly, a voice is ringing in Rieve's head, that voice is coming from the knife. Fiona is trying to take it back from Rieve but suddenly the knife shine very bright and Rieve was swallowed into the light, and from the light comes out a man with Shining armor, the guy who attacked mumble, " Aaah... that's what i'm looking for... the Cross System!!!" Then Rieve said, "I am the X member of Cross Soldier, with Blade Armor...." Fiona surprised to see Rieve was able to transform into a Cross Soldier.
The guy trying to attack Rieve, but Replica's power couldn't match Cross power and lost the battle, after that the transformation was undo and Rieve didn't realize what is happening, that guy is wondering and asking Rieve, "Why you didn't kill me?" Rieve answer, "Life is too much precious to be taken, i don't want to take anyone's life."
But as soon as the man is trying to go away, a man in black armor release his sword and slash him.
Rieve asked him, "Why did you kill him!?!"

that man didn't asnwer Rieve question and looking at Fiona.

"Nice to meet you, the X Scientist, Fiona V. Skylet, the creator of Number X Cross Soldier, the Blade...."

"Who are you?" Fiona asked,

"I am the Number XX of the Cross Soldier, the Shadow, also an agent of The Government...."

"The Government?? why do he wants to use a Cross Soldier again!?" Fiona asking with angry face,

"The Government wants to end the Replica's case of going berserk and taking care of The Failure as fast as possible." said Shadow.

"Eben if you have to sacrifice them?!?" Rieve asked,

"This has nothing to do with you, scram!" Shadow attacked Rieve, suddenly Rieve transformed into Blade and repel Shadow's sword.

"I see, you're the number X...."

"So what of it??"

"I let you live for now.....
but remember this, now all of the Cross Soldier has been revived."

"What!?! What do you mean??" Fiona surprised,

"I don't know exactly what happened, but not only that, looks like Alpha has also reawakened."

"No way...." Fiona face become pale.

"That's all I have to tell you, now goodbye."

Rieve still doesn't know what happen, but if Alpha is reawakened, will the war of
Alpha and 100 Cross Soldier will emerge again? How Rieve is going to do with his fate as one of the Cross Soldier?

Translations :

The Character :
Rieve (sementara lom ada gambaran :D )
Anak yatim piatu yang dipungut oleh Fiona, secara tidak sengaja menjadi salah satu dari 100 Cross Soldier, sifatnya pendiam dan anti sosial, namun tidak sombong dan perhatian terhadap keluarga dan temannya sendiri

Battle Trigger ; Rampage of 100 Warrior 11ifi8j
Salah satu dari 100 Cross Soldier, armor dengan kemampuan pedang dan kecepatan tinggi membuatnya susah ditaklukan, kode nomor X dari 100 Cross Soldier, armor milik Rieve

Fiona (sama, lom ada gambaran :P )
Ibu tiri Rieve yang juga salah satu dari 100 ilmuwan yang membuat 100 Cross System, Ilmuwan kode nomor X, pembuat dari Blade

itu aj cerita openingny XD
ni cerita wa ambil dari komik wa, lom ad terusanny seh, tolong masukanny donk :sembah:

Terakhir diubah oleh NightRider tanggal 2010-08-04, 21:06, total 4 kali diubah
Battle Trigger ; Rampage of 100 Warrior Empty2010-07-31, 20:48
PostRe: Battle Trigger ; Rampage of 100 Warrior
Crazy RMer

Level 5
Posts : 869
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Battle Trigger ; Rampage of 100 Warrior Vide
btw, kayaknya keren nih ( soalnya ada robot"nya )
blom selese baca, males...
indonesia in donk :senyum:

Battle Trigger ; Rampage of 100 Warrior Empty2010-07-31, 20:54
PostRe: Battle Trigger ; Rampage of 100 Warrior
Member 1000 Konsep

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Battle Trigger ; Rampage of 100 Warrior Vide
judulnya jlegerrr amat =))
err...megaman like type game :kabur: ... ato kamen rider =))
ya lanjutkan bro =w= b

@atasku~siggy lu keren deh =)) sapa yang bikin ? =))
Battle Trigger ; Rampage of 100 Warrior Empty2010-08-01, 10:53
PostRe: Battle Trigger ; Rampage of 100 Warrior
Topeng Buaya

Level 5
Posts : 799
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Engine : RMVX
Skill : Intermediate
Type : Developer

Battle Trigger ; Rampage of 100 Warrior Vide
google translator aj :kabur:
tar klo sempet ta' indo in deh :P

intiny seh rada megaman dikit (Sprite ny aj mirip megaman :hammer: )
itu judul dri komik wa pas msih SMP :P bnyk yg bilang keren ta' jadiin game aj XD
Battle Trigger ; Rampage of 100 Warrior Empty2010-08-01, 10:58
PostRe: Battle Trigger ; Rampage of 100 Warrior

Level 5
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Engine : Multi-Engine User
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Battle Trigger ; Rampage of 100 Warrior Vide
Don't you think that the story was way to cheezy? :swt:
Battle Trigger ; Rampage of 100 Warrior Z
Battle Trigger ; Rampage of 100 Warrior Empty2010-08-01, 11:04
PostRe: Battle Trigger ; Rampage of 100 Warrior
Topeng Buaya

Level 5
Posts : 799
Thanked : 6
Engine : RMVX
Skill : Intermediate
Type : Developer

Battle Trigger ; Rampage of 100 Warrior Vide
cheezy??? what do you mean by cheezy?? :|
Battle Trigger ; Rampage of 100 Warrior Empty2010-08-01, 14:13
PostRe: Battle Trigger ; Rampage of 100 Warrior
Robot Gedek Galak

Level 5
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Battle Trigger ; Rampage of 100 Warrior Vide
@nr :thumbup:

Kereen storynya! (meski kerasa banget megaman nya :swt )

ditunggu demo (ma fullnya) klo perlu bantuan, wa siap bantu :tos:
Battle Trigger ; Rampage of 100 Warrior Empty2010-08-01, 19:22
PostRe: Battle Trigger ; Rampage of 100 Warrior

Level 4
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Battle Trigger ; Rampage of 100 Warrior Vide
@nr kenapa sih hrs make nama Rieve
Battle Trigger ; Rampage of 100 Warrior Empty2010-08-01, 19:31
PostRe: Battle Trigger ; Rampage of 100 Warrior
Topeng Buaya

Level 5
Posts : 799
Thanked : 6
Engine : RMVX
Skill : Intermediate
Type : Developer

Battle Trigger ; Rampage of 100 Warrior Vide
thanks :senyum:
demony bakal dateng pas sprite Blade ny dah jadi :senyum:

karena satu2nya orang indonesia yg wa tahu punya nama yg keren dan rada orsinil cuma kamu :senyum:
Battle Trigger ; Rampage of 100 Warrior Empty2010-08-04, 21:09
PostRe: Battle Trigger ; Rampage of 100 Warrior
Topeng Buaya

Level 5
Posts : 799
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Engine : RMVX
Skill : Intermediate
Type : Developer

Battle Trigger ; Rampage of 100 Warrior Vide
sori klo dobel post :sembah:
anyway Update! headbang
- Added Indonesian translations below the story
- Added a little character information
- Added some sprite XD

that's all :D

and a little bonus :-

ngeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeng :
Battle Trigger ; Rampage of 100 Warrior 10fszl3
Battle Trigger ; Rampage of 100 Warrior Empty2010-08-06, 20:31
PostRe: Battle Trigger ; Rampage of 100 Warrior

Level 5
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Skill : Beginner
Type : Writer

Battle Trigger ; Rampage of 100 Warrior Vide
komen wa~ :-
- sma kyak hooore, kok Indo tpi pke nma Rieve ? :hmm:
Quote :
Fiona mencoba mengambilnya kembali dari Rieve, tapi tiba - tiba pisau itu menyala terang dan Rieve tenggelam dalam cahaya terang itu, dari cahaya tersebut keluar sosok laki - laki berarmor mengkilap
<<< Ga ngerti mksud bgian nie :( Mksudny kluar orang dari piso ???
- Kyak power ranger klo wa ngbyangin mreka bincang2 ny smbil pke armor gtu :-
- sisany mantep XD XD
Battle Trigger ; Rampage of 100 Warrior Empty2010-08-06, 22:21
PostRe: Battle Trigger ; Rampage of 100 Warrior
Topeng Buaya

Level 5
Posts : 799
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Engine : RMVX
Skill : Intermediate
Type : Developer

Battle Trigger ; Rampage of 100 Warrior Vide
soal nama ntar dijelasin d Demony :-
untuk sekarang sabar dlu yaw :sembah:

Quote :
Fiona mencoba mengambilnya kembali dari Rieve, tapi tiba - tiba pisau itu menyala terang dan Rieve tenggelam dalam cahaya terang itu, dari cahaya tersebut keluar sosok laki - laki berarmor mengkilap
itu maksudnya Rieve menghilang tertelan cahay trus kluar2 jadi Blade :senyum:

Power Ranger..... :swt:
Battle Trigger ; Rampage of 100 Warrior Empty
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Battle Trigger ; Rampage of 100 Warrior

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