Wa lagi nyoba belajar 3D pake Blender dan nyari tuts nya di google, berikut adalah beberapa tuts yang menurut wa berguna banget .. (dalam dunia game making
Anime chara tutorial by Karan Shah
- Quote :
- Karan Shah is a 3D Artist and Animator from India. He is a BFA Graduate with specialization in sculpture (traditional). An inclination towards the digital medium made him a self taught computer artist. He is a currently freelancing. You can follow him on Twitter as @karan_81.
Ini adalah video tuts yang tidak di percepat dan cukup jelas bgt cra si pembuat dalam menciptakan model 3d.
Katanya sih ini 3 day course alias bisa jadi dlm 3 hari (kalo diliat vdeonya sih kayanya cuma beberapa jam
Hari pertama .http://cg.tutsplus.com/tutorials/blender/model-uv-and-texture-a-complete-manga-character-in-blender-day-1/
Di situ dia menunjukkan cara membuat char anime cwe dari mulai badan, kepala, sampe tangan.
Hari kedua .http://cg.tutsplus.com/tutorials/3d-art/model-uv-and-texture-a-complete-manga-character-in-blender-day-2/
* Mulai ke pakaian sampai rambut
Hari ketiga.http://cg.tutsplus.com/tutorials/3d-art/model-uv-and-texture-a-complete-manga-character-in-blender-day-3/
Di sini mulai ke pembuatan textur
Kalo yg ini male chara * dari orang yg berbeda *
Character Modeling in Blender – BasixBy Jonathan Williamson
- Quote :
- Jonathan has been very active in the blender community over the years, and his main focus is character modeling and design. He has helped to organize and present two blender conferences in Montreal, one blender conference in New York, and returned two consecutive years to North Carolina, to teach alongside fellow Blender-artists at a Summer camp for junior-high students hosted by Red Hat Linux. He has also been featured in two publications on Blender, and worked to pass on the skills he has learned by producing training materials on his own as well. You can see some samples of his Blender art on his site at: www.montagestudio.org.
Semoga membantu, kalau nanti saya menemukan yg keren lagi bakal dipost juga. .
kalau ada yg nemu lagi juga silakan di post, tapi saya lebih prefer blender sih, ringan, gratis, opensource