One Piece is an anime series based on the manga of the same title by Eiichirō Oda. Produced by Toei Animation, and directed by Konosuke Uda, Munehisa Sakai and Hiroaki Miyamoto, the series debuted in Japan on Fuji TV on October 20, 1999.
terbaru : Ace Freed! Whitebeard's Final Captain's Order!
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- The Path they Each Chose - Luffy vs. Garp!(one piece wikia):
Luffy unwillingly hits Garp, who is blocking his way to Ace. As Garp falls, the bridge crumbles. Luffy jumps on the rubble and reaches the scaffold. He quickly takes out the key to Ace's cuffs which was given to him by Hancock. However, before he could unlock the cuffs, Kizaru splits the key into two. Meanwhile Sengoku has used his Devil Fruit power and changed into a buddha like being and Mr 3 (disguised as an executioner of Ace) has woken up. Sengoku's attack breaks the scaffold. Mr 3 makes a key with his Doru Doru powers as they are falling. Luffy unlocks Ace's cuffs and Ace is finally set free.
- bhs indonesia.. intinya sama:
Garp menghalangi Luffy.. Tetapi dengan setengah perasaan.. Luffy memukulnya dan Garp hanya menerimanya saja. Saat Garp ambruk, begitu juga dengan jembatannya.. Luffy lalu menuju ke panggung dan membebaskan Ace.. tetapi sebelum berhasil.. Kizaru udah menghancurkan kuncinya..
sementara Sengoku henshin jadi Budha dan Mr 3 hadir/muncul lalu akhirnya membantu membuat kunci.. Karena impact sernagan sengoku.. maka panggungnya ambruk dan jatuh.. tetapi Luffy berhasil menyelamatkan Ace.. dan apa yg terjadi berikutnya??
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The Power that Burns Even Fire, Akainu's Heartless Pursuit ------" January 9, 2011