Malam rmers yg kian hari makin hebadh
lama juga ya ane gak kemari
ane disini cuman mau ngeshare kontes baru lagi yg bakalan berhadiah, macam2 resource VXA dan Engine VXA itu sendiri.
untuk lebih jelasnya pantengin aja terus disini >>
karena disitu blom dijelasin.
berikut kutipan dari trit tsb yg di pos kemaren, ane sendiri dapet pemberitahuannya dari email.
'Tis the season of sharing ...
... and our very talented staff would love to share some special things with you!
Starting Thursday, December 20th (that's tomorrow!) at 8am PST (11am EST) we will be holding a holiday event. Like the 12 days of Christmas, we will be giving 12 special gifts - one new gift every hour. We will also be giving away some free Steam VXAce keys and free resource packs.
Get into the holiday spirit, and get your wishlists ready! Details on how you can participate to follow. kira2 kaya gimana ya eventnya
hadiahnya itu loh bikin ngiler
ini dia cara buat ikut eventnya
1.nulis ttg tradisi liburan favorit ente di trit tsb
2. Include a wish list of up to 3 items from the prizes:
Available Prizes:
Steam VXAce key
Futuristic tileset
High fantasy set or The Deep Add-on
Arabian Nights or Modern Day set
A music album from Kain or RM3 music
Samurai set
10$ store credit good for a future purchase
3. 3. Give thanks to our staff and contributors who worked hard to make this happen, as well as to Member+ folks who are generously sharing their monthly exclusive with the whole community.
untuk lebih jelasnya silakan liat sndiri di trit tsb
slamat bercerita!