hart Senior
Posts : 805 Thanked : 38 Engine : Other Skill : Very Beginner Type : Developer
| Subyek: [VX]Multiple Money Script 2010-02-12, 15:37 | |
| First topic message reminder :<Hart Multi Money System> Versi: -1 Tipe: Miscellanous
Sebenarnya, aku membuat ini berdasarkan request di trid https://rmid.forumotion.net/rgss2-request-f30/reqmultiple-money-system-t1115.htm, tapi karena script ini sangat panjang dan penggunaannya agak rumit, jadi saya buat terpisah saja (bila dianggap melanggar aturan, silahkan buang aja trid ini ) Petunjuk penggunaan script ada di scriptnya. Maaf bila banyak bug atau terlalu jelek atau gak guna, maklum saya idiot dan masih pemula Fitur
- Bisa banyak mata uang.
- Membuat item tertentu hanya bisa dibeli dengan mata uang tertentu.
- Super simple money changer.
ScreenshotsSepertinya tidak butuh screenshot, karena ini script simpel, walaupun panjang(maklum, yang buat idiot) DemoSepertinya tidak butuh demo, alasan sama seperti di atas. Scripts- Spoiler:
- Code:
module Hart module Multiple_Money #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Cara Penggunaan: # Pertama-tama, konfigurasi dulu(lihat di bawah). # Agar suatu item harus dibeli dengan mata uang tertentu, # isilah note pada item itu dengan: <tipe matauang>, misalnya: <tipe gold> # Untuk membuat suatu item dapat dibeli dengan berbagai mata uang, # Saya tidak bisa :rofl: # Tapi, ada cara untuk mengakalinya, yaitu # Buat aja 2 atau lebih item yang sama persis, hanya saja note nya berbeda. # Misalnya buat 2 item potion, potion pertama notenya <tipe gold>, dan 1 # lagi <tipe silver>. # # Untuk mengakses money changer, buatlah suatu event, masukkan script ini: # $scene = Scene_DuitChanger.new #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Konfigurasi :muach: # DefaultKurs : Mata uang default # Symbol : isikan dengan nama2 mata uang yang anda inginkan, dan lambangnya. # bila ingin menambah lagi mata uang, tambahkan aja sesuai dengan # contoh di bawah ini # ratio : Perbandingan nilai mata2 uang # SellRate : Seberapa banyak kerugian pada saat menukar uang. # 1 = Tidak ada kerugian sama sekali. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- DefaultKurs = "gold" Symbol = {"gold" => 'G', "silver" => 'S', "bronze" => 'X'} Ratio = { "gold" => 4, "silver" => 2, "bronze" => 2} SellRate = 2 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Jangan mengubah apa2 di bawah ini! #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- end end
module RPG class BaseItem alias multi_money_initialize initialize def initialize multi_money_initialize @tipe = Hart::Multiple_Money::DefaultKurs end
def create_tipe_cache temp = self.note[/<tipe\s+[a-z]+>/] if temp != nil temp2 = temp[/\s+[a-z]+/] @tipe = temp2[/[a-z]+/] else @tipe = Hart::Multiple_Money::DefaultKurs end end
attr_accessor :tipe end end
class Scene_Title < Scene_Base alias tipe_load_database load_database def load_database tipe_load_database for item in $data_items next if item == nil item.create_tipe_cache end for weapon in $data_weapons next if weapon == nil weapon.create_tipe_cache end for armor in $data_armors next if armor == nil armor.create_tipe_cache end end end
class Game_Party < Game_Unit attr_reader :duit alias multi_money_initialize initialize def initialize multi_money_initialize @duit = {} for i, j in Hart::Multiple_Money::Ratio @duit[i] = 0 end end def gain_gold(n, x = Hart::Multiple_Money::DefaultKurs) @duit[x] = [[@duit[x] + n, 0].max, 9999999].min end def lose_gold(n, x = Hart::Multiple_Money::DefaultKurs) gain_gold(-n, x) end end
class Window_Base def draw_currency_value(value, x, y, width, kurs = Hart::Multiple_Money::DefaultKurs) cx = contents.text_size(Hart::Multiple_Money::Symbol[kurs]).width self.contents.font.color = normal_color self.contents.draw_text(x, y, width-cx-2, WLH, value, 2) self.contents.font.color = system_color self.contents.draw_text(x, y, width, WLH, Hart::Multiple_Money::Symbol[kurs], 2) end def draw_duit_name(item, x, y, enabled = true) if item != nil self.contents.font.color = normal_color self.contents.font.color.alpha = enabled ? 255 : 128 self.contents.draw_text(x + 24, y, 172, WLH, item) end end end
class Window_Gold < Window_Base def initialize(x, y) super(x, (y - (WLH * ($game_party.duit.size - 1))), 160, ((WLH * $game_party.duit.size) + 32)) refresh end def refresh self.contents.clear p = 0 for i, j in $game_party.duit draw_currency_value(j, 4, p, 120, i) p += WLH end end end
class Window_Help < Window_Base def initialize(width = 544) super(0, 0, width, WLH + 32) end end
class Window_ShopBuy < Window_Selectable def draw_item(index) item = @data[index] number = $game_party.item_number(item) enabled = (item.price <= $game_party.duit[item.tipe] and number < 99) rect = item_rect(index) self.contents.clear_rect(rect) draw_item_name(item, rect.x, rect.y, enabled) rect.width -= 4 cx = contents.text_size(Hart::Multiple_Money::Symbol[item.tipe]).width self.contents.draw_text(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width-cx-2, rect.height, item.price, 2) self.contents.font.color = system_color self.contents.draw_text(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height, Hart::Multiple_Money::Symbol[item.tipe], 2) end end
class Window_ShopNumber < Window_Base def refresh y = 96 self.contents.clear draw_item_name(@item, 0, y) self.contents.font.color = normal_color self.contents.draw_text(212, y, 20, WLH, "×") self.contents.draw_text(248, y, 20, WLH, @number, 2) self.cursor_rect.set(244, y, 28, WLH) draw_currency_value(@price * @number, 4, y + WLH * 2, 264, @item.tipe) end end
class Window_ShopStatus < Window_Base def initialize(x, y) super(x, y, 240, 304-(y-112)) @item = nil refresh end end
class Scene_Shop < Scene_Base def start super create_menu_background create_command_window @help_window = Window_Help.new(384) @gold_window = Window_Gold.new(384, ($game_party.duit.size-1)*24) @dummy_window = Window_Base.new(0, 112, 544, 304) @buy_window = Window_ShopBuy.new(0, 112) @buy_window.active = false @buy_window.visible = false @buy_window.help_window = @help_window @sell_window = Window_ShopSell.new(0, 112, 544, 304) @sell_window.active = false @sell_window.visible = false @sell_window.help_window = @help_window @number_window = Window_ShopNumber.new(0, 112) @number_window.active = false @number_window.visible = false @status_window = Window_ShopStatus.new(304, @gold_window.height) @status_window.visible = false end def update_buy_selection @status_window.item = @buy_window.item if Input.trigger?(Input::B) Sound.play_cancel @command_window.active = true @dummy_window.visible = true @buy_window.active = false @buy_window.visible = false @status_window.visible = false @status_window.item = nil @help_window.set_text("") return end if Input.trigger?(Input::C) @item = @buy_window.item number = $game_party.item_number(@item) if @item == nil or @item.price > $game_party.duit[@item.tipe] or number == 99 Sound.play_buzzer else Sound.play_decision max = @item.price == 0 ? 99 : $game_party.duit[@item.tipe] / @item.price max = [max, 99 - number].min @buy_window.active = false @buy_window.visible = false @number_window.set(@item, max, @item.price) @number_window.active = true @number_window.visible = true end end end def decide_number_input Sound.play_shop @number_window.active = false @number_window.visible = false case @command_window.index when 0 # Buy $game_party.lose_gold(@number_window.number * @item.price, @item.tipe) $game_party.gain_item(@item, @number_window.number) @gold_window.refresh @buy_window.refresh @status_window.refresh @buy_window.active = true @buy_window.visible = true when 1 # sell $game_party.gain_gold(@number_window.number * (@item.price / 2), @item.tipe) $game_party.lose_item(@item, @number_window.number) @gold_window.refresh @sell_window.refresh @status_window.refresh @sell_window.active = true @sell_window.visible = true @status_window.visible = false end end end
class Window_DuitChanger < Window_Selectable #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Object Initialization # x : window x-coordinate # y : window y-coordinate # width : window width # height : window height #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize(x, y, width, height) super(x, y, width, height) @column_max = 1 self.index = 0 refresh end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Get Item #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def item return @data[self.index] end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Whether or not to include in item list # item : item #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def include?(item) return false if $game_party.duit[item] == nil return true end def enable?(item) return $game_party.duit[item] != 0 end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Refresh #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def refresh @data = [] for i, j in $game_party.duit next unless include?(i) @data.push(i) end @data.push(nil) if include?(nil) @item_max = @data.size create_contents for i in 0...@item_max draw_item(i) end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Draw Item # index : item number #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_item(index, show = true) rect = item_rect(index) self.contents.clear_rect(rect) item = @data[index] if item != nil enabled = show number = $game_party.duit[item] rect.width -= 4 draw_duit_name(item, rect.x, rect.y, enabled) self.contents.draw_text(rect, sprintf(":%2d", number), 2) end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Update Help Text #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_help @help_window.set_text(item == nil ? "" : $game_party.duit[item]) end end
class Scene_DuitChanger < Scene_Base def start super create_menu_background @duit_window = Window_DuitChanger.new(100, 100, 300, 100) @duit_window2 = Window_DuitChanger.new(100, 220, 300, 100) @duit_window2.active = false @duit_window2.visible = false @number_window = Window_NumberInput.new @number_window.active = false @number_window.visible = false end def terminate super dispose_menu_background @duit_window.dispose @duit_window2.dispose @number_window.dispose end def update super update_menu_background @duit_window.update @duit_window2.update @number_window.update if @duit_window.active update_duit_selection elsif @duit_window2.active update_duit2_selection elsif @number_window.active update_number_selection end end def update_duit_selection if Input.trigger?(Input::B) Sound.play_decision $scene = Scene_Map.new elsif Input.trigger?(Input::C) @duit1 = @duit_window.item if @duit1 == nil or $game_party.duit[@duit1] == 0 Sound.play_buzzer else Sound.play_decision @duit_window.active = false @duit_window2.active = true @duit_window2.visible = true end end end def update_duit2_selection if Input.trigger?(Input::B) Sound.play_cancel @duit_window2.active = false @duit_window2.visible = false @duit_window.active = true elsif Input.trigger?(Input::C) @duit2 = @duit_window2.item if @duit2 == nil Sound.play_buzzer else Sound.play_decision @duit_window2.active = false @number_window.active = true @number_window.visible = true end end end def update_number_selection if Input.trigger?(Input::B) Sound.play_cancel @number_window.active = false @number_window.visible = false @duit_window2.active = true elsif Input.trigger?(Input::C) @number = @number_window.number if @number == 0 or @number > $game_party.duit[@duit1] Sound.play_buzzer else Sound.play_decision @valued = Hart::Multiple_Money::Ratio[@duit1] / Hart::Multiple_Money::Ratio[@duit2] * @number / Hart::Multiple_Money::SellRate $game_party.gain_gold(@valued, @duit2) $game_party.lose_gold(@number, @duit1) @duit_window.refresh @duit_window2.refresh @number_window.active = false @number_window.visible = false @duit_window2.visible = false @duit_window.active = true end end end end
class Scene_Battle < Scene_Base def display_exp_and_gold exp = $game_troop.exp_total gold = $game_troop.gold_total $game_party.gain_gold(gold) text = sprintf(Vocab::Victory, $game_party.name) $game_message.texts.push('\|' + text) if exp > 0 text = sprintf(Vocab::ObtainExp, exp) $game_message.texts.push('\.' + text) end if gold > 0 text = sprintf(Vocab::ObtainGold, gold, Hart::Multiple_Money::DefaultKurs) $game_message.texts.push('\.' + text) end wait_for_message end end
- Semua anggota RMID, terutama CrimsonSeas yang membuat note tag tutorial yang sangat berguna bagiku
- akuya, karena telah merequest script ini
Terakhir diubah oleh hart tanggal 2010-02-12, 16:07, total 1 kali diubah | |