yerry_great @> Moderator
Posts : 1251 Thanked : 15 Engine : Multi-Engine User Skill : Very Beginner Type : Jack of All Trades
| Subyek: Re: Random NPC 2009-12-28, 17:26 | |
| Bisa... buat NPC, trus movenya terserah (di bikin sendiri aja)
Trus jalanin parallel process, Random Variable [0001] A: 1~5
Trus buat Event NPCnya tadi 5 page, setiap page contreng Variabelnya... setiap page beda"...
kalo Variabel A = 1 gerakannya kemana kalo variabel A = 2 gerakannya kemana
dst | |
reijubv Kai Runes
Posts : 1476 Thanked : 33 Engine : RMVX
| Subyek: Re: Random NPC 2010-01-04, 19:06 | |
| @declar gambar gde di spoiler donk Try this, NPC Generator script, by berka - Spoiler:
- Code:
#-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- # NPC Generator # by berka rgss2 # #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- # Rgss 2 v 2.0 based on mithos & pipo work #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- # -Instructions- # Write in an event, call a script command: # # minumum required: # [event] # compulsory ! # chara : "Actor01" # name of the charset file or: chara : rand # # and optional settings: # x : 5 # x position, random if nothing # y : 10 # y position, random if nothing # nom : "Event01" # event's name or nom: rand # c_index : 0 # charset's index # face : "Actor01" # name of the faceset file or: face : true (=> same as chara) # f_index : 0 # faceset's index # dir : 2 # event direction # type_mov:0 # movement type # vit_mov:0 # movement speed # freq_mov:0 # muvement frequency # texte:"bonjour" # dialog or texte:rand (cf. list above) # trigger:0 # event trigger # prio_type:1 # priority # script: "print @a=1" # script command # combat: 1,true,false # battle: id_monster, esc, follow if defeated # or: 0,0,1000 # gold: 0/1 (add/rem),0/1 (Const/var),amount (nbr/var_id) # objet: 2,0,0,10 # item: id,0/1 (add/rem),0/1 (Const/var),amount (nbr/var_id) # arme: 2,0,0,10 # weapon: id,0/1 (add/rem),0/1 (Const/var),amount (nbr/var_id) # bouclier: 2,0,0,10 # armor: id,0/1 (add/rem),0/1 (Const/var),amount (nbr/var_id) # suppr : true # erase this generated event #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- # Example: # # [event] # chara:rand # texte:rand # type_mov : 1 # #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
$characters="people" # series of charsets used to create random character # people1, people2... $chara_nbre=5 # nombre de fichiers people # Random dialogs (too lazy to translate everything) $dialogues=["Bonjour, il fait beau, nan ?","Comment allez vous ?","Partez d'ici !", "Je n'ai pas de temps Ă vous accorder !","Vous m'ennuyez...","Encore vous ?", "Ah! vous voilĂ , cher ami !","Tiens, vous semblez fatiguĂ©.","Grrrrr...", "Hors de ma vue !","Quelle belle journĂ©e!","Je me promĂšne.","Vous ĂȘtes de retour ?", "Hihihi !","Rien.","Je ne veux plus vous parler.","Que faire ?","Mais c'est „N[1] !", "Le temps change...","Vous ĂȘtes mon idole...","Dieu, que vous ĂȘtes laid !", "Vous me rappelez quelqu'un...","Vous avez l'air sournois","Salut „N[1] !", "Je ne vous fais pas confiance...","Ne m'approchez pas !","Je suis souffrant", "HĂ© ! tu la connais celle lĂ ?","Ahhahaharff...","Bonjour","Portez vous bien !", "Ravi de vous revoir","...Tousse...","Coucou!","Encore un Ă©tranger ?","Bouh !", "Je n'entends rien de ce que vous dites...","Articulez !","Parlez plus bas.", "J'ai fait route toute la journĂ©e.","Je suis d'accord.","DĂ©gage, mendiant !", "Bonjour jeune homme","...snif...","Vous attirez le malheur ici !","Entendu.", "Ne me regardez pas comme ça !","Il faut qu'on se parle...","Venez dĂ©jeuner !", "Je suis content de vous connaitre."] # in-game: $dialogues << "You are now an heroe for me !" $nom=[%w(Gw Ul Et Rh Ed Gr Dr Dw Tr Gh As Ar Ag Xor), # name generator %w(ai ia eo ui yn or ul ur a e i o u y yr ya yl), %w(th rk dd gh z l mn lyr zar gor ryn nia lia )] module Berka module Pnj_Gen Tag = "[event]" # Tag of NPC generator Separateur = ":" # Separator: cmd/value Index_Chara = 8 # Number of patterns Commandes = {:face => "[101,[@_face,@_f_index,0,2]]", # List of commands :or => "[125,[*@_or]]", :objet => "[126,[*@_objet]]", :arme => "[127,[*@_arme]]", :bouclier => "[128,[*@_bouclier]]", :combat => "[301,[0,*@_combat])]", :script => "[355,[@_script]]", :suppr => "[214]", :texte => "[401,[@_texte]]" } ProfCoord = 100 # Deep of x/y scan end end
include Berka::Pnj_Gen class Array def arand self[Kernel.rand(self.size)] end end class Object def rand? self == "?" end end class Game_Map include RPG def check_event(x,y) for event in @events.values return if event.x==x&&event.y==y end return nil end def make_event(com) self.instance_variables.each{|v|eval("#{v}=nil") if v.include?("@_")} rand="?" com.each_with_index{|c,i|eval("@_#{c.first.id2name}=#{c[1]}")} set_rand set_options return if @_x.nil?||@_y.nil? if check_event(@_x,@_y).nil?,@_y) com.each{|c|c=c.first ajout_cmd(*eval("#{Commandes[c]}"))if Commandes.has_key?(c) } @event.pages.first.graphic.character_name=@_chara @event.pages.first.graphic.character_index=@_c_index @event.pages.first.graphic.direction=@_dir @event.pages.first.move_type=@_type_mov @event.pages.first.move_frequency=@_freq_mov @event.pages.first.move_speed=@_vit_mov @event.pages.first.through=@_trav @event.pages.first.trigger=@_trigger @event.pages.first.priority_type=@_prio_type @events[],@event) @need_refresh=true $scene.refresh_spriteset end end def set_rand rand="?" @_chara||=rand @_nom=aleatoire_nom if @_nom.nil? @_texte=$dialogues.arand if @_texte.rand? @_x,@_y=*aleatoire_pos if @_x.nil?||@_y.nil? @_pers=aleatoire_perso if @_chara.rand?||@_c_index.rand? @_face,@_f_index,@_chara,@_c_index=@_pers end end def set_options @_chara=@_pers.first if @chara.nil? @_c_index=@_pers[1] if @_c_index.nil? @_face,@_f_index = "",0 if @_face==false @_dir||=3 @_type_mov||=0 @_freq_mov||=3 @_vit_mov||=3 @_trav||=false @_trigger||=0 @_prio_type||=1 end def aleatoire_pos ProfCoord.times{ x,y=Kernel.rand(width).to_i,Kernel.rand(height).to_i next if x==$game_player.x&&y==$game_player.y (return x,y) if passable?(x,y)&&!check_event(x,y) } return nil,nil end def aleatoire_perso i=Kernel.rand(Index_Chara-1) res=$characters+(Kernel.rand($chara_nbre)+1).to_s return [res,i,res,i] end def aleatoire_nom n="#{$nom.first.arand}#{$nom[1].arand}#{$nom[2].arand}" n<<$nom[1].arand if rand(4)==1 return n end def event_name(id) @events[id].name if !@events[id].nil? end def creerid id=1 id+=1 while @events.keys.include?(id) return id end def ajout_cmd(code,param=[],i=0) cmd.code,cmd.parameters,cmd.indent=code,param,i @event.pages.first.list.insert(-2,cmd) end end class Scene_Map<Scene_Base def refresh_spriteset @spriteset.dispose; end end class Game_Interpreter def eval(script) if script.include?(Tag) com=[];script.gsub!(Tag,'') list=script.split("\n") s=Separateur list.each_with_index{|e,i|e.gsub!(' '+s,s);e.gsub!(s+' ',s);f=e.split(s) com<<[f.first.to_sym,f[1]]if !f[1].nil?} $game_map.make_event(com) return end return Kernel.eval(script) end end
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