Kuro Ethernite The Creator
Posts : 1631 Thanked : 24 Engine : RMVX Ace Skill : Masterful Type : Jack of All Trades
| Subyek: [RGSS3] Kuro Easy Pic 2014-12-16, 20:10 | |
| Kuro Easy Pic V1.1 Tipe: Eventer Tool PengenalanSemenjak AES yang ku buat cenderung banyak show picture dan seneng bikin dialog berbau VN maka terlahirlah script ini. Ku akui untuk yang sekarang masih amburadul. Well, yang penting jalan... Kalo ku apdet sekalian rapihinnya lah. Fitur
- Soft Render, Show Picture dan Erase Picture kini jadi lembut ~
- Grid buatan untuk memudahkan koordinir posisi gambar.
- Mendeklarasikan initial point sebagai awal picture muncul dan posisi picture berakhir ketika show atau erase.
- New Method : drawclone
Picture meninggalkan "shadow image" ketika show picture setelah picture. Intinya jadi lebih lembut lah.
- New Method : shake picture
Picture nya bisa dikocok-kocok.
- New Method : flip picture
horizontal flip, yea!
- New Method : "literally" rotate picture
Perintah "rotate picture" kini nggak lagi nge "spin" picture, tapi nge "rotate" picture nya ke targe derajat.
- Demo nya unyu. Cobain deh~
Screenshots Demohttps://db.tt/BPXPVGAC V1.1 scripts - Code:
=begin ================================================================================ KURO EASY PIC V1.1 ================================================================================ Introduction : Picture management is one of most powerful tool for eventer. Though most are too lazy to use its maximum potential, this script allow to manage and handle event picture for convenient purpose. ================================================================================ Changelog : V.1.1 (19-12-2014) * Fixed Bug : When you try to erase picture that already erased. * Rotate picture now literally rotate the picture. Not spin. * New Method : drawclone which produce after-image when show picture after picture which allow more natural soft render. * New Method : Flip Picture V.1.0 (16-12-2014) * Awal pembuatan, dan selesainya script. * New Method : Shake Picture * Amburadul banget script nya, well yang penting jadi ================================================================================ Feature : - Soft Render : Show Picture dan Erase Picture kini jadi lembut. - Grid : Grid buatan untuk memudahkan koordinir posisi picture. - Initial : Mendeklarasikan initial point sebagai awal dan akhir picture. - New Method : Shake ================================================================================ How to use : Insert this script below ¥ Materials, but above ¥ Main Process. * Untuk kocok-kocok picture. screen.picture[ID].shake(DUR) ID = id picture DUR = durasi kocok-kocoknya * Untuk rubah-rubah konfigurasi di tengah game Kuro::Pic::PROP = VALUE PROP = Bisa BOUND, DUR, atau GRID. VALUE = Nilai property. Sesuaikan dengan format. ================================================================================ =end module Kuro module Pic # ============================================================================== # CONFIGURATION START # ============================================================================== # BOUND = N, maka hanya picture ID 1 sampai N saja yang pake script ini. BOUND = 10
# Durasi Soft Render untuk show picture dan erase picture. DUR = 30
# Grid = [width, height] GRID = [544/3, 416/3]
# Kondisi awal dan akhir picture ID. INIT = { # ID => [origin, x, y, zoom_x, zoom_y, opacity, blend_type, mirror] 1 => [ 0, -1,1, 100, 100, 0, 0, false], 2 => [ 0, 3,1, 100, 100, 0, 0, false] } # Besar kekuatan kocok-kocok nya. SHAKE = 4 # ============================================================================== # CONFIGURATION END # ============================================================================== end end class Game_Picture include Kuro::Pic attr_reader :mirror
def initialize(number) @number = number init_basic init_target init_tone init_rotate @shake_duration = 0 @mirror = false end def kep_init return unless INIT.include?(@number) and @name == "" @origin = INIT[@number][0] @x = (INIT[@number][1]*GRID[0]).to_f @y = (INIT[@number][2]*GRID[1]).to_f @zoom_x = INIT[@number][3].to_f @zoom_y = INIT[@number][4].to_f @opacity = INIT[@number][5].to_f @blend_type = INIT[@number][6] @mirror = INIT[@number][7] end def kep_end move(INIT[@number][0],INIT[@number][1].to_f,INIT[@number][2].to_f, INIT[@number][3].to_f,INIT[@number][4].to_f,INIT[@number][5].to_f, INIT[@number][6],DUR) end def init_rotate @angle = 0 @rotate_speed = 0 @rotate_duration = 0 end alias kep_show show def show(name, origin, x, y, zoom_x, zoom_y, opacity, blend_type) if @number <= BOUND drawclone @origin = origin @x = x*GRID[0] @y = y*GRID[1] @zoom_x = zoom_x @zoom_y = zoom_y @opacity = 0.0 kep_init @name = name @erased = false move(origin, x, y, zoom_x, zoom_y, opacity, blend_type, DUR) else kep_show(name, origin, x, y, zoom_x, zoom_y, opacity, blend_type) end end def drawclone return if @opacity == 0.0 or @name == "" $game_map.screen.pictures[100+@number].show(@name,@origin,@x,@y,@zoom_x,@zoom_y,@opacity,@blend_type) $game_map.screen.pictures[100+@number].move(@origin,@x,@y,@zoom_x,@zoom_y,0.0,@blend_type,DUR) end alias kep_move move def move(origin, x, y, zoom_x, zoom_y, opacity, blend_type, duration) kep_move(origin, x, y, zoom_x, zoom_y, opacity, blend_type, duration) if @number <= BOUND @target_x *= GRID[0] @target_y *= GRID[1] end end alias kep_erase erase def erase if @number <= BOUND @name = "" if @erased return if @name == "" if INIT.include?(@number) kep_end else move(@origin, @x/GRID[0], @y/GRID[1], @zoom_x, @zoom_y, 0.0, @blend_type, DUR) end @erased = true else kep_erase end end def rotate(speed, duration=DUR) @rotate_speed = speed if @number <= BOUND @rotate_duration = duration @rotate_speed *= 2 end end def flip @mirror = !@mirror end def shake(duration=DUR) @shake_duration = duration @last_x = @x @last_y = @y end def update update_move update_tone_change update_rotate update_shake end def update_shake return if @shake_duration == 0 @x = @last_x + rand(SHAKE) - SHAKE/2 @y = @last_y + rand(SHAKE) - SHAKE/2 @shake_duration -= 1 if @shake_duration == 0 @x = @last_x @y = @last_y end end def update_move return if @duration == 0 d = @duration @x = (@x * (d - 1) + @target_x) / d @y = (@y * (d - 1) + @target_y) / d @zoom_x = (@zoom_x * (d - 1) + @target_zoom_x) / d @zoom_y = (@zoom_y * (d - 1) + @target_zoom_y) / d @opacity = (@opacity * (d - 1) + @target_opacity) / d initialize(@number) if @opacity == 0.0 and @erased @duration -= 1 end alias kep_update_rotate update_rotate def update_rotate if @number <= BOUND return if @rotate_duration == 0 d = @rotate_duration @angle = (@angle * (d - 1) + @rotate_speed) / d #~ @angle %= 360 @rotate_duration -= 1 else kep_update_rotate end end end class Sprite_Picture < Sprite alias kep_update_other update_other def update_other kep_update_other self.mirror = @picture.mirror end end How to use?Konfigurasi preset ada di dalam module. Scriptnya bakal nge overwrite method show picture dan erase picture, dan nambahin method baru shake. Tapi ya selama ID picture yang kena dampak udah di set... Untuk lebih jelasnya lihat di demo. CreditsKuro Creator | |
Kuro Ethernite The Creator
Posts : 1631 Thanked : 24 Engine : RMVX Ace Skill : Masterful Type : Jack of All Trades
| Subyek: Re: [RGSS3] Kuro Easy Pic 2014-12-19, 17:53 | |
| Hmm, blom ku rapihin. Tapi ane apdet jadi lebih banyak fitur... Personally ane pikir ni script jauh lebih baik dibanding script type picture management lain nya semenjak ini memenuhi kebutuhan eventer yang gak mau repot. Apdet ke V1.1 ~ - Nambahin flip picture dan nge overwrite rotate picture.
- Nambahin shadow image jadi lebih halus ketika show picture setelah picture.
- Fixed error ketika nyoba ngehapus picture yang udah kehapus.
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