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| 2012-11-13, 14:14 | [ASK] Animated Title |
Utonesia Novice
Posts : 165 Thanked : 1 Engine : RMVX Ace Skill : Beginner Type : Developer
| gimana supaya backgroundnya ga ganti ganti nih scriptnya - Spoiler:
#============================================================================== # +++ MOG - Animated Title A (v2.2) +++ #============================================================================== # By Moghunter # #============================================================================== # Tela de titulo animado, com logo, imagens aleatΓ³rias e outros efeitos visuais. #==============================================================================
#============================================================================== # IMAGENS NECESSΓRIAS #============================================================================== # SerΓ£o necessΓ‘rios as seguintes imagens na pasta Graphics/Titles2/ # # Cursor.png # Commmand_Name.png (image filename = name of command) # Particle.png (Opcional) # Logo.jpg (Opcional) # Animated.png (Opcional) #==============================================================================
#============================================================================== # NOTA 1 - Para definir a imagem de texto basta selecionar no banco de dados # a imagem do titulo numero 2 (Segunda camada) #==============================================================================
#============================================================================== # NOTA 2 - O nome da imagem de comando Γ© iguΓ‘l ao nome do comando definido # no banco de dados do Rpg Maker. #==============================================================================
#============================================================================== # β HistΓ³rico (Version History) #============================================================================== # v 2.2 - Possibilidade de colocar valores de movemento negativo nas partΓculas. # v 2.1 - Correção do Bug quando a quantidade de imagens aleatΓ³rias Γ© definida # com a quantidade menor que 1. # v 2.0 - Adição do Sprite Animado. (Opcional) # - Adição de cores aleatΓ³rias nas partΓculas. # - Adição do multiplas camadas de imagens. (Opcional) # - Adição do efeito Wave no texto do titulo. # - Opção de definir a velocidade de movimento das partΓculas. # - Opção de ativar ou nΓ£o o tremor na seleção de comando. # # v 1.2 - Melhoria no sistema de dispose de imagens. # # v 1.1 - Opção de pular o logo ao apertar alguma tecla. # - Adição de comandos em pictures. # - Adição de cursor de comando. #==============================================================================
#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # βΌ LOGO βΌ #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Apresenta um Logo ao comeΓ§ar a tela de titulo. # SerΓ‘ necessΓ‘rio ter a imagem LOGO.jpg (png) na pasta Graphics/Title2 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Ativar Logo LOGO = false # Duração do logo. LOGO_DURATION = 2 #(Sec) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # βΌ RANDOM BACKGROUND βΌ #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Definição das pictures. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- RANDOM_PICTURES = [ "Title0", "Title1", "Title2", "Title3" #"Title4","Title5","Title6","Title7" ] #Tempo de duração para ativar a troca de imagens. RANDOM_PICTURES_DURATION = 10#(sec) #Seleção aleatΓ³ria. RAMDOM_SELECTION = false #Velocidade de Scrolling. (Speed X , Speed Y) RANDOM_PICTURES_SCROLL_SPEED = [0,0] #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # βΌ MULTIPLE LAYERS βΌ #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Definição de multiplas camadas. * (nΓ£o hΓ‘ limΓte na quantidade de camadas # usadas) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # MULTIPLE_LAYERS = [ ["A",B,C,D], ["A",B,C,D], ["A",B,C D], ["A",B,C,D ], ....] # # A - Nome da imagem. # B - Velocidade de scroll na horizontal. # C - Velocidade de scroll na vertical. # D - Tipo de Blend. (0 - Normal / 2 - Add / 3 - Substract) # MULTIPLE_LAYERS = [ ["Layer1",1,0,1], ["Layer2",3,0,1], ["Layer3",0,0,0] # ["Layer4",0,0,0], # ["Layer5",0,0,0], # ["Layer6",0,0,0] ] #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # βΌ PARTICLES βΌ #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Adiciona partΓculas animadas na tela do titulo. # SerΓ‘ necessΓ‘rio ter a imagem PARTICLE.png na pasta Graphics/Title2 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Ativar PartΓculas. PARTICLE = true # Ativar Cores AleatΓ³rias. PARTICLE_RANDOM_COLOR = true # Definição do tipo de blend. (0,1,2) PARTICLE_BLEND_TYPE = 1 #Definição do limite de velocidade das partΓculas. PARTICLE_MOVEMENT_RANGE_X = 3 PARTICLE_MOVEMENT_RANGE_Y = 3 PARTICLE_ANGLE_RANGE = 3 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # βΌ WAVE TITLE βΌ #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Ativa o efeito WAVE no texto do titulo, o Texto do titulo Γ© definido # na camada do titulo 2, que pode ser definido atravΓ©s do banco de dados #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Ativar o efeito do titulo com efeito WAVE. TITLE_WAVE = false #Configuração do efeito WAVE # # TITLE_WAVE_CONFIG = [ AMP, LENGTH , SPEED] # TITLE_WAVE_CONFIG = [6 , 232 , 360] #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # βΌ ANIMATED_SPRITE βΌ (Opcional) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Adiciona um sprite animado no titulo. # A quantidade de frames Γ© proporcional a largura dividido pela altura # da imagem, ou seja, nΓ£o hΓ‘ limite de quantidade de frames e nem de # tamanho da imagem. # SerΓ‘ necessΓ‘rio ter a imagem ANIMATED.png (Jpg) na pasta Graphics/Title2 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Ativar Sprite animado. ANIMATED_SPRITE = false # Posição do Sprite animado. ANIMATED_SPRITE_POSITION = [130,150] # Velocidade da animação ANIMATED_SPRITE_SPEED = 10 # Tipo de Blend. (0 - Normal / 2 - Add / 3 - Substract) ANIMATED_SPRITE_BLEND_TYPE = 1 # Definição do zoom, ANIMATED_SPRITE_ZOOM = 1.5 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # βΌ COMMANDS / SELECTION βΌ #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Configuração extras da tela de titulo. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Posição do comando. COMMANDS_POS = [220 , 280] # Ativar o efeito de tremor ao selecionar o comando. COMMAND_SHAKE = true # Definição da posição do cursor.(Para ajustes) CURSOR_POS = [-42,-0] # Ativar flash ao mover o comando. CURSOR_FLASH_SELECTION = true # Definição da posição do flash. CURSOR_FLASH_SLECTION_POS = [-180,-5] # Tipo de Blend. (0 - Normal / 2 - Add / 3 - Substract) CURSOR_FLASH_SLECTION_BLEND_TYPE = 1 end
#============================================================================== # β Window TitleCommand #============================================================================== class Window_TitleCommand < Window_Command attr_reader :list end
#============================================================================== # β Particle Title #============================================================================== class Particle_Title < Sprite include MOG_SCENE_TITLE_A #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # β Initialize #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize(viewport = nil) super(viewport) self.bitmap = Cache.title2("Particle") self.tone.set(rand(255),rand(255), rand(255), 255) if PARTICLE_RANDOM_COLOR self.blend_type = PARTICLE_BLEND_TYPE @cw = self.bitmap.width @ch = self.bitmap.height @nx = PARTICLE_MOVEMENT_RANGE_X @ny = PARTICLE_MOVEMENT_RANGE_Y reset_setting end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # β Reset Setting #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def reset_setting zoom = (50 + rand(100)) / 100.1 self.zoom_x = zoom self.zoom_y = zoom self.x = (rand(576) -32) self.y = rand(448 + @ch) self.opacity = 0 self.angle = rand(360) nx2 = rand(@nx).abs nx2 = 1 if (@nx != 0 and nx2 < 1) @speed_x = @nx > 0 ? nx2 : @nx < 0 ? -nx2 : 0 ny2 = rand(@ny).abs ny2 = 1 if (@ny != 0 and ny2 < 1) @speed_y = @ny > 0 ? ny2 : @ny < 0 ? -ny2 : 0 @speed_a = [[rand(PARTICLE_ANGLE_RANGE), PARTICLE_ANGLE_RANGE].min, 0].max end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # β Dispose #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def dispose super self.bitmap.dispose end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # β Update #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update super self.x += @speed_x self.y -= @speed_y self.angle += @speed_a self.opacity += 5 reset_setting if can_reset_setting? end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # β Can Reset Setting #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def can_reset_setting? return true if (self.x < -48 or self.x > 592) return true if (self.y < -48 or self.y > 464) return false end end
#============================================================================== # β Multiple Layers Title #============================================================================== class Multiple_Layers_Title #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # β Initialize #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize(name = "", scroll_x = 0, scroll_y = 0, blend = 0, index = 0) @layer = @layer.bitmap = Cache.title1(name.to_s) rescue nil @layer.bitmap =,32) if @layer.bitmap == nil @layer.z = 10 + index @layer.opacity = 0 @layer.blend_type = blend @scroll_speed = [scroll_x, scroll_y] end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # β Dispose #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def dispose @layer.bitmap.dispose @layer.bitmap = nil @layer.dispose end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # β Update #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update @layer.opacity += 2 @layer.ox += @scroll_speed[0] @layer.oy += @scroll_speed[1] end end
#============================================================================== # β Scene Title #============================================================================== class Scene_Title < Scene_Base include MOG_SCENE_TITLE_A #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # β Start #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def start super RPG::BGM.fade(2000) @logo_active = LOGO SceneManager.clear @phase = 1 @phase_time = -1 dispose_title_sprites create_logo if @logo_active create_command_window create_commands create_background create_light create_cursor create_animated_object create_flash_select create_multiple_layers play_title_music unless @logo_active end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # β Create Multiple Layers #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def create_flash_select return if !CURSOR_FLASH_SELECTION @flash_select = @flash_select.bitmap = Cache.title2("Cursor2") @flash_select.z = 99 @flash_select.opacity = 0 @flash_select.blend_type = CURSOR_FLASH_SLECTION_BLEND_TYPE end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # β Create Multiple Layers #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def create_multiple_layers @m_layers = [] index = 0 for i in MULTIPLE_LAYERS @m_layers.push([0],i[1],i[2],i[3],index)) index += 1 end end
#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # β Create_Logo #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def create_animated_object return if !ANIMATED_SPRITE @object_index = 0 @object_animation_speed = 0 @object = @object.z = 98 @object.opacity = 0 @object.blend_type = ANIMATED_SPRITE_BLEND_TYPE @object.zoom_x = ANIMATED_SPRITE_ZOOM @object.zoom_y = ANIMATED_SPRITE_ZOOM @object_image = Cache.title2("Animated") @object_frame_max = @object_image.width / @object_image.height @object_width = @object_image.width / @object_frame_max @object.bitmap =,@object_image.height) @object.x = ANIMATED_SPRITE_POSITION[0] @object.y = ANIMATED_SPRITE_POSITION[1] make_object_bitmap end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # β Create_Logo #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def create_cursor @cursor = @cursor.bitmap = Cache.title2("Cursor") @cursor.opacity = 0 @cursor.z = 130 @cursor_position = [0,0] @mx = [0,0,0] end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # β Create_Logo #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def create_logo @phase = 0 @logo = @logo.bitmap = Cache.title2("Logo") @logo.opacity = 0 @logo_duration = 180 + (LOGO_DURATION * 60) @logo.z = 200 end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # β Create Commands #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def create_commands @command_window.visible = false @commands_index_old = -1 @commands = [] @commands_shake_duration = 0 index = 0 for com in @command_window.list sprite = sprite.bitmap = Cache.title2(com[:name].to_s) rescue nil if sprite.bitmap == nil sprite.bitmap =,32) sprite.bitmap.font.size = 24 sprite.bitmap.font.bold = true sprite.bitmap.font.italic = true sprite.bitmap.draw_text(0, 0, 200, 32, com[:name].to_s,1) end sprite.x = COMMANDS_POS[0] - 100 - (index * 20) sprite.y = index * sprite.bitmap.height + COMMANDS_POS[1] sprite.z = 100 + index sprite.opacity = 0 index += 1 @commands.push(sprite) end @command_max = index end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # β create_background #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def create_background @rand_title_duration = 120 @old_back_index = 0 @sprite1 = @sprite1.opacity = 0 @sprite1.z = 1 if RAMDOM_SELECTION execute_random_picture(false) else execute_random_picture(true) end @sprite2 = @sprite2.bitmap = Cache.title2($data_system.title2_name) @sprite2.z = 140 @sprite2.opacity = 0 if TITLE_WAVE @sprite2.wave_amp = TITLE_WAVE_CONFIG[0] @sprite2.wave_length = TITLE_WAVE_CONFIG[1] @sprite2.wave_speed = TITLE_WAVE_CONFIG[2] end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # β Create Light #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def create_light return unless PARTICLE @viewport_light =, -32, 600, 480) @viewport_light.z = 50 @light_bitmap =[] for i in 0...20 @light_bitmap.push( end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # β dispose Background1 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def dispose_background1 @sprite1.bitmap.dispose @sprite1.bitmap = nil @sprite1.dispose @sprite1 = nil end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # β Dispose Background2 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def dispose_background2 if @sprite2.bitmap != nil @sprite2.bitmap.dispose @sprite2.bitmap = nil @sprite2.dispose @sprite2 = nil end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # β Dispose Light #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def dispose_light return unless PARTICLE if @light_bitmap != nil for i in @light_bitmap i.dispose end @light_bitmap = nil end @viewport_light.dispose end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # β Dispose Logo #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def dispose_logo return unless @logo_active @logo.bitmap.dispose @logo.dispose end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # β Dispose Multiple Layers #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def dispose_multiple_layers return if @m_layers == nil @m_layers.each {|layer| layer.dispose } end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # β Terminate #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def terminate super dispose_title_sprites end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # β Dispose Title Sprites #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def dispose_title_sprites return if @cursor == nil dispose_background1 dispose_background2 dispose_light dispose_logo dispose_multiple_layers @cursor.bitmap.dispose @cursor.dispose @cursor = nil if @flash_select != nil @flash_select.bitmap.dispose @flash_select.dispose end for com in @commands com.bitmap.dispose com.dispose end if ANIMATED_SPRITE @object.bitmap.dispose @object.dispose @object_image.dispose end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # β Update #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update super update_logo update_initial_animation update_command update_background update_light update_object_animation update_multiple_layers end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # β Update Multiple Layers #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_multiple_layers return if @m_layers == nil @m_layers.each {|layer| layer.update } end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # β Make Object bitmap #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def make_object_bitmap @object.bitmap.clear src_rect_back = * @object_index, 0,@object_width,@object_image.height) @object.bitmap.blt(0,0, @object_image, src_rect_back) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # β Update Object Animation #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_object_animation return if !ANIMATED_SPRITE @object.opacity += 2 @object_animation_speed += 1 if @object_animation_speed > ANIMATED_SPRITE_SPEED @object_animation_speed = 0 @object_index += 1 @object_index = 0 if @object_index >= @object_frame_max make_object_bitmap end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # β Update Cursor Position #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_cursor_position @cursor.opacity += 5 execute_animation_s execute_cursor_move(0,@cursor.x,@cursor_position[0] + @mx[1]) execute_cursor_move(1,@cursor.y,@cursor_position[1]) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # β Execute Animation S #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def execute_animation_s @mx[2] += 1 return if @mx[2] < 4 @mx[2] = 0 @mx[0] += 1 case @mx[0] when 1..7; @mx[1] += 1 when 8..14; @mx[1] -= 1 else @mx[0] = 0 @mx[1] = 0 end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # β Execute Cursor Move #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def execute_cursor_move(type,cp,np) sp = 5 + ((cp - np).abs / 5) if cp > np cp -= sp cp = np if cp < np elsif cp < np cp += sp cp = np if cp > np end @cursor.x = cp if type == 0 @cursor.y = cp if type == 1 end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # β Update Logo #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_logo return if @phase != 0 loop do break if @logo_duration == 0 execute_logo Graphics.update Input.update end play_title_music end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # β Execute Logo #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def execute_logo if @logo_duration > 120 and (Input.trigger?(:C) or Input.trigger?(:B)) @logo_duration = 120 end @logo_duration -= 1 if @logo_duration > 120 @logo.opacity += 5 else @logo.opacity -= 5 end if @logo.opacity <= 0 @logo_duration = 0 @phase = 1 end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # β Update Background #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_background @sprite1.ox += RANDOM_PICTURES_SCROLL_SPEED[0] @sprite1.oy += RANDOM_PICTURES_SCROLL_SPEED[1] @sprite2.opacity += 2 @sprite2.update return if RANDOM_PICTURES.size < 1 @rand_title_duration -= 1 if @rand_title_duration <= 0 @sprite1.opacity -= 5 unless RANDOM_PICTURES.size < 2 else @sprite1.opacity += 5 end return if @sprite1.opacity != 0 execute_random_picture end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # β Execute Random Picture #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def execute_random_picture(initial = false) @rand_title_duration = [[60 * RANDOM_PICTURES_DURATION, 9999].min, 60].max if @sprite1.bitmap != nil @sprite1.bitmap.dispose @sprite1.bitmap = nil end if RAMDOM_SELECTION rand_pic = rand(RANDOM_PICTURES.size) if rand_pic == @old_back_index rand_pic += 1 rand_pic = 0 if rand_pic >= RANDOM_PICTURES.size end @old_back_index = rand_pic else @old_back_index += 1 unless initial @old_back_index = 0 if @old_back_index >= RANDOM_PICTURES.size end pic = RANDOM_PICTURES[@old_back_index] @sprite1.bitmap = Cache.title1(pic) rescue nil @sprite1.bitmap = Cache.title1("") if @sprite1.bitmap == nil end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # β Update Light #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_light return unless PARTICLE if @light_bitmap != nil for i in @light_bitmap i.update end end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # β Update Initial Animation #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_initial_animation return if @phase != 1 @phase_time -= 1 if @phase_time > 0 if @phase_time == 0 @phase = 2 @phase_time = 30 end for i in @commands index = 0 if i.x < COMMANDS_POS[0] i.x += 5 + (2 * index) i.opacity += 10 if i.x >= COMMANDS_POS[0] i.x = COMMANDS_POS[0] i.opacity = 255 if @phase_time < 15 / 2 @phase_time = 15 end end end index += 1 end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # β Update Command #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_command return if @phase != 2 update_command_slide update_cursor_position update_flash_select end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # β Update Command Slide #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_command_slide if @commands_index_old != @command_window.index @commands_index_old = @command_window.index @commands_shake_duration = 30 if @flash_select != nil @flash_select.opacity = 255 end end return if @commands_shake_duration == 0 @commands_shake_duration -= 1 if @commands_shake_duration > 0 @commands_shake_duration = 0 if !COMMAND_SHAKE for i in @commands if (i.z - 100) == @command_window.index i.opacity += 10 @cursor_position = [COMMANDS_POS[0] + CURSOR_POS[0],i.y + CURSOR_POS[1]] i.x = COMMANDS_POS[0] + rand(@commands_shake_duration) else i.opacity -= 7 if i.opacity > 100 i.x = COMMANDS_POS[0] end end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # β Update Flash Select #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_flash_select return if !CURSOR_FLASH_SELECTION @flash_select.opacity -= 8 @flash_select.x = @cursor_position[0] + CURSOR_FLASH_SLECTION_POS[0] @flash_select.y = @cursor_position[1] + CURSOR_FLASH_SLECTION_POS[1] end end
$mog_rgss3_animated_title_a = true
| | | 2012-11-13, 14:42 | Re: [ASK] Animated Title |
GagakItem Novice
Posts : 235 Thanked : 3 Engine : RMVX Ace Skill : Beginner Type : Jack of All Trades
| bagian RANDOM_SELECTION nya di buat false... |
| | | 2012-11-13, 16:48 | Re: [ASK] Animated Title |
Deenos Advance
Posts : 487 Thanked : 7 Engine : RMVX Ace Skill : Skilled Type : Databaser
| bagian ini - Spoiler:
RANDOM_PICTURES = [ "Title0", "Title1", "Title2", "Title3" #"Title4","Title5","Title6","Title7"
ganti jadi - Spoiler:
| | | 2012-11-13, 21:08 | Re: [ASK] Animated Title |
GagakItem Novice
Posts : 235 Thanked : 3 Engine : RMVX Ace Skill : Beginner Type : Jack of All Trades
| @Deenos: bukannya nanti jadi hitam titlescreennya? ane pernah pke metode gituan. |
| | | 2012-11-14, 12:23 | Re: [ASK] Animated Title |
Utonesia Novice
Posts : 165 Thanked : 1 Engine : RMVX Ace Skill : Beginner Type : Developer
| yes bisa makasih kak Deenos |
| | | 2012-11-14, 13:34 | Re: [ASK] Animated Title |
Deenos Advance
Posts : 487 Thanked : 7 Engine : RMVX Ace Skill : Skilled Type : Databaser
| @BC aku gx pernah makai gituan dan aku yakin itu penyebabnya @Uto no problemo @momod LOCK THIS THREAD PLEASE |
| | | | Re: [ASK] Animated Title |
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