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 [AES] Kuro Simple Char Selection

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[AES] Kuro Simple Char Selection - Page 1 Empty2011-03-22, 10:48
Post[AES] Kuro Simple Char Selection
Kuro Ethernite 
The Creator
Kuro Ethernite

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[AES] Kuro Simple Char Selection - Page 1 Vide
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Kuro Simple Char Selection
Versi: 1.0
Tipe: Misc

Karena pengen buat sistem pilih2 char sebelum bermain, maka terciptalah event ini!!! Untuk sekarang ini, q buat versi event yg SANGAT simple, dan bener2 mudah untuk d modif ssuai kebutuhan. Cocok untuk tipe game yg ber genre battle, dll sbg. Mungkin cocok jga untuk RPG yg bisa milih2 rute char ny~

  • Demo nya KEREN ~ (maksa abis :swt:)
  • Total char yg bisa d pilih2 INFINITE !!!! Ga terbatas!!
  • Ga terbatasny selama total char ny = kolom x baris
  • Sangat MUDAH untuk di modif, tambahin animasimu ndiri, dll~

Bisa bikin model kyak gini dari sistem event yg simple bgini ~:
Di demo nya ga kyak gitu sih :swt:

KSCS V.1.0 >>>*

  • :sembah: Kuro Creator :kuro:

[AES] Kuro Simple Char Selection - Page 1 Empty2011-03-23, 23:03
PostRe: [AES] Kuro Simple Char Selection
Living Skeleton

Posts : 1668

[AES] Kuro Simple Char Selection - Page 1 Vide
Hohoho~ Yang gwa beri terimakasih tuh adalah "cara penggunaan script" nya lol :D
Great dah, moga2 scriptnya sama dengan di XP :D (Soalnya ada perintah script XP yang jalan di VX, tapi ada juga yang ngga)

Nah, the question: :D
Bisa bikin yang pas battle ga? :D

Ga perlu dicoba sih, toh ga butuh sekarang, lagian ntar juga nyoba bikin sendiri, kalo ga bisa baru nanya :D
[AES] Kuro Simple Char Selection - Page 1 Empty2011-03-24, 05:34
PostRe: [AES] Kuro Simple Char Selection

Level 5
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[AES] Kuro Simple Char Selection - Page 1 Vide
@fachiru engine saya XP kok.. tapi saya mau odal adul ini dan saya rebuid d XP.. (dengan manual tentunya :hammer: )

@nisa: ini kan event, bukan script =))
[AES] Kuro Simple Char Selection - Page 1 Empty2011-03-24, 12:29
PostRe: [AES] Kuro Simple Char Selection

Level 5
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Engine : Multi-Engine User
Skill : Very Beginner
Type : Developer

[AES] Kuro Simple Char Selection - Page 1 Vide
Oh ini system char select yang ada di project fangame ya :)
Quote :
Di demo nya ga kyak gitu sih :swt:
maksudnya apa nih :swt:

Enjoy 8)
[AES] Kuro Simple Char Selection - Page 1 Empty2011-03-24, 14:24
PostRe: [AES] Kuro Simple Char Selection
Living Skeleton

Posts : 1668
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Engine : RMVX
Skill : Very Beginner
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[AES] Kuro Simple Char Selection - Page 1 Vide
Hohoho~ situ blum liat isinya ya, Kuro kan bisa nyekrip. Ada bbrapa perintah script yang bisa diapnggil pake event :hihi:
[AES] Kuro Simple Char Selection - Page 1 Empty2011-03-24, 18:41
PostRe: [AES] Kuro Simple Char Selection

Level 5
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Skill : Very Beginner
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[AES] Kuro Simple Char Selection - Page 1 Vide
waw.. dishare juga ternyata.. :D tapi.. apa!? kenapa bawa2 maskotku?? =))

BTW nice AES.. keren, keren, keren, keren !!
pokoknya aku ngefans ama AES2 nya Kuro~!! :D
sampe2 mau bikin userbarsnya.. (untung ente FUNGI.. XD XD ) :hammer:

hahaha.. lanjutkan
[AES] Kuro Simple Char Selection - Page 1 Empty2011-03-24, 19:02
PostRe: [AES] Kuro Simple Char Selection
Kuro Ethernite 
The Creator
Kuro Ethernite

Level 5
Posts : 1631
Thanked : 24
Engine : RMVX Ace
Skill : Masterful
Type : Jack of All Trades

[AES] Kuro Simple Char Selection - Page 1 Vide
Perintah skrip yg ada d event ini cuma 1 kok, untuk show picture....
itupun cuma untuk mempersingkat event.....
krena q pikir klo pake scrip gtu jdi lbih gampang lgi untuk d modif n d kembangin :hmm:
(kan masih tetep "pure event", slama ga ngotak-atik script editor :swt:)

owh, tpi klo mau ganti k "true pure event" smua con branch ny d isi show picture yg opacity 0, trus move pictureny d luar smua con branch itu stelah d show :hmm: yah.... klo script ny ga jalan d XP....

Quote :
Di demo nya ga kyak gitu sih :swt:
kamsud q, d demony tampilanny ga kayak d screenshot ny :swt:
[AES] Kuro Simple Char Selection - Page 1 Empty
PostRe: [AES] Kuro Simple Char Selection
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[AES] Kuro Simple Char Selection - Page 1 Vide

[AES] Kuro Simple Char Selection

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