nasgor Senior
Posts : 711 Thanked : 3 Engine : RM2k3 Skill : Skilled Type : Writer
| Subyek: [RM2K &RM2K3] Tutorial Jadul membuat ABS 2011-01-06, 12:21 | |
| bongkar2 komputer eh malah ketemu tutorial.. Credits ke (forumnya) - abs sederhana?:
Disarankan untuk kontrol ke dokter spesialis mata tiap 1 tahun sekali. *just kidding GameMaster rpg2knetcom Here you have it... a great ABS system for you. Works great, you can add guns, arrows... just change every word called sword, and replace it with gun/bullet. - Make a event, call it sword attack. Make 4 pages.
- Each page a one of the condition of North, West, East, and South.
- Now, make a new event. Called it Enter, make it a parallel proccess event.
- Put enter password, wait until key pressed.
- In that, put a memorize position. Then a sound you want for the sword.
- Now, put change position of the sword to the memorized X and Y.
- Then, put 4 forks, checking the hero's direction.
- And for his direction change the switch that represents that direction on. <br>Ex. Up, North. After that make the movement of the weapon for that direction, however way you want it starting with it on the hero, and in the movement command at the end turn of the direction switch.
- Now put a procced with movement command. And after that change position of the sword back into a corner.
Now, make the monster. - Make a route that you want, most likely with move towards hero.
- Then, put his trigger colision with hero.
- Now, put a change variable, the variable called Hero Hp make it minus 1.
- Now make it call that event... heh, guess I was thinking right... Make it show a nifty battle animation on the hero, one that matches the monster, (Ex. Don't make a slim or
- something punch, they have no arms.)
- Then, make move event for the hero, make him jump turn around, go forward, then turn back around and end the jump.
- Then put the move event for the monster to pause a few times or so.
- After this put a move all, or procced with movement. Wabam! He's done!
Now, make a new event in the corner. - This one will be another parallel proccess.
- In it put change variable, set to sprite or events, then the monsters X coordinate, do this again only doing the y coordinate.
- Now, memorize hero position (Use different variables than the first one.)
- Now, put forks, checking that if the variable monster x = hero x and that monster y = hero y.
- Now inside those two forks (they should be inside each other.)
put change variable again (make a monster hp variable) minus 1 from it.
- Then make another fork checking if that the monsters hp is less than or equal to 0, have it have an else case.
- Now, in that fork, put a die monster sound, change the monsters graphic to a blank (in the move event) and teleport him to a corner where he can't move.
- In the else case, make a battle animation show on him, and then make him jump back. Do this for every monster.
Now, make a common event, make it check health. - Now, inside it set it to call (this is the one that the monster is calling)
- Here, you need to have a health bar and health for each health you might have (example, 2 health, 3 health.....) You'll most likely have to make them.-
Now, back to the common event. - Make it show picture, the health bar, in coordinates you want it to show (You have to test it how to get it right)
- Now, after that, put a fork that checks your health if it is (we'll use 10 in this case.) greater than or = to 10. Have the else case checked.
- Now, in this fork, put change variable hero's health to 10.
- That way if you have picked up health or something you go back to 10 health, instead of the health increasing pass the max.
- Now, show picture (ID #2) the 10 health, to the specific coordinates so it'll be in the health bar.
- Now, in the else case do another fork that if hero hp = 9 you show the 9 health pic. And so on, and on...
- Now, when you put if it = 0, put gameover or something like that.
There you have it...
lagi dicoba bikin versi youtubenya update 09/01/2011 auch.. gk sempat bikin youtubenya.. baru jadi gamenya.. tp blum bisa lanjut GAN.. silakan ambil ini buat dipelajari hint.. pake 2 common event dan perhatikan yg ada di map 4
Terakhir diubah oleh nasgor tanggal 2011-01-09, 01:51, total 2 kali diubah | |
ganteng00 Novice
Posts : 106 Thanked : 0 Engine : RMVX Skill : Very Beginner Type : Event Designer
| Subyek: Re: [RM2K &RM2K3] Tutorial Jadul membuat ABS 2011-01-06, 13:44 | |
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TheoAllen ♫ RMID Rebel ♫
Posts : 4935 Thanked : 63
| Subyek: Re: [RM2K &RM2K3] Tutorial Jadul membuat ABS 2011-01-06, 15:20 | |
| Ah, harusnya dipost di tutorial neh. kalo AES harus ada project yang bisa di DL
Mungkin bisa dikasih judul yang lebih baik? misal Tutorial rm2k & rm2k3 (kata jadulnya diilangin) | |
KID_VX Senior
Posts : 959 Thanked : 24 Engine : Multi-Engine User Skill : Very Beginner Type : Developer
| Subyek: Re: [RM2K &RM2K3] Tutorial Jadul membuat ABS 2011-01-06, 15:42 | |
| woh nice post nih walaupun daku bukan pengguna rm2k3 lagi kalo bisa translated biar ga ribet , | |
nasgor Senior
Posts : 711 Thanked : 3 Engine : RM2k3 Skill : Skilled Type : Writer
| Subyek: Re: [RM2K &RM2K3] Tutorial Jadul membuat ABS 2011-01-06, 16:11 | |
| menurut judul forum yg ini bilang - Quote :
- Share system-system yang dibuat menggunakan event command di sini
*bukan script RGSS tetapi sebenarnya topik ini jgn di reply dahulu.. karena rencana awal cuma mo berbagi tulisan2 ini.. *masih bingung gimana konsepnya ABS di atas* nb: gw tulis ini karena takut ilank.. FD gw tadi mendadak ilank datanya.. termasuk tulisan ini.. jadi intinya ini numpang dahulu sampe system yg dimaksud pembuat aslinya bener2 jadi en... filmnya bisa dibuat! | |
nasgor Senior
Posts : 711 Thanked : 3 Engine : RM2k3 Skill : Skilled Type : Writer
| Subyek: Re: [RM2K &RM2K3] Tutorial Jadul membuat ABS 2011-01-09, 01:49 | |
| >> kl ada yg kena error.. itu gara2 charsetnya kurang?!? *maknyos perbaikannya
intinya seh pada 2 common event, 3 event yg tersembunyi dan monsternya .untung monsternya gk butuh banyak script
2 common event itu 1. check pos saat monster nyerang si karakter 2. check post saat karakter nebas senjata
3 event tersembunyi yaitu 1. gbr pedangnya 2. event yg ngecheck posisi dari tebasan pedang 3. event yg ngecheck pertemuan tebasan pedang dgn monster => script terpanjang ada disini | |
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| Subyek: Re: [RM2K &RM2K3] Tutorial Jadul membuat ABS | |
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